“Swoosh!” One month step appeared in front of Bigumum, stretched out his beard claws, and pinched Bigumum’s body deadly.

“Zizzy!” The lightning charged on the orc’s body was all transmitted to Bigumum.

Lightning traveled freely through Bigumuam’s body.

“Do you think the old lady is afraid of lightning? These are my controls! ”

A heavy punch hit the orc’s face directly, and the orc’s face was instantly distorted.

The orc’s head quickly rotated in the air for more than twenty times, and even its neck formed a twisted shape.

“Finger gun!” The orc’s finger was on Bigumam’s heart.

The distortion of his head did not affect his thinking, but his hands were still making gestures to attack the enemy.

It feels like their heads and hands have their own minds and are able to make decisions on their own.

A weight shock wave penetrated directly through Bigumam’s heart.

“Aaaah!” The pain caused Bigumum a bursting pain, and Bigumuam screamed.

The orc desperately choked Bigum and floated in the air.

“Six Kings Spear!”

With a password, the other orcs appeared in front of them, and all gathered around Bigumumu.

Like using the Six Kings Spear on Kaido, Tiger’s posture was aimed at Bigumum’s body.

“Soul spell!” All the souls gathered on Bigumumu’s body, and suddenly Bigumum’s body became extremely huge.

With the infusion of soul, Bigumumu’s body also continued to grow.

“Boom!” The huge shockwave of the Six Kings Spear all hit Bigumum’s body.

There was a huge explosion, and Bigumuam’s body was wrapped in thick smoke.

From a distance, you can see the blue light in the thick smoke, like a death-like evil eye.

There are already thousands of souls in Bigumumu’s body, and at this time, his consciousness becomes very chaotic, so it is a terrible killing weapon.

“Yay! Soul Claw! At that moment, Bigumum directly grabbed an orc and pinched it in his hand.

The orc’s eyes revealed fear, like a ghost staring at him, trying to extract all the breath from him.

“Phew!” Bigumum blew a blow, and the flexibility on the orc was blown out instantly.

“Haha, I’m going to eat you!” The soul of an orc floated in the air, overwhelmed.

Bigumum showed an evil expression, grabbed the soul in front of him, and stuffed it directly into his mouth, as if tasting a delicious cake.

“Haha, it’s delicious!” Bigumum showed a happy expression.

“And a lot to eat!” Bi Gu squinted and looked at all the orcs around him.

This is where Red Hat has sensed the crisis, “Boss, what should you do!” ”

“Don’t be afraid, your ability can be unbroken, and it is completely impossible for Bigumum to fight against you!”

“As long as your body doesn’t get caught by Bigumam, she will definitely not take you!”

“Okay, I see”

Red Hat said to himself, Ye Tian had already noticed that he was another figure, definitely Da Yan.

Oiwa’s Devil Fruit ability should be a hybrid fruit, which can integrate into the bodies of other humans and use his own power at the same time as him.

It is possible to combine the body of an animal with the structure of the human body.

The advantage of this devil fruit is that the person who claims that the host is on his own side will obey his own orders, which is conducive to the play of the devil fruit, and if it is the side that confronts himself, it is easy to form two forces in the body of the host.

The terrifying part of this devil fruit is the body of the eternal host you hurt, and if you want to find his own body, you have to find him in the process of integrating into the bodies of other humans.

Ye Tian did not expect that there was such a disgusting devil fruit, which kept walking into the human body like this.

“Shaving!” All the orcs appeared in front of Bigumum, and a flick kicked directly at his various parts.

“Boom!” Bigumam’s whole body was spread with armed color domineering, and what was even more terrifying was the aura on her body.

The huge damage was already numb for him, and a flick of his hand directly grabbed their legs, and then flicked in the air, throwing them vigorously into the distance.

“Hurrah!” All the orcs crashed directly towards the distant peaks.

The mountain peak suffered a huge impact and collapsed in an instant.

All the orcs were crushed under the peaks.

“Boom!” The huge wave of light directly shattered the stones that were pressing on them.

All the orcs merged into one, and their powerful bodies radiated purple light.

It quickly rushed towards the surface of the Bigumum Sea, splashing high waves of water.

“Tempest!” Zeus heard the command, and quickly turned the waves in the air, and a huge storm fell.

“Whew!” The waves rolled up twenty meters high and rushed towards the Red Hat that was flying over.

“Arashi foot!” Red Hat kicked a side kick and flew the middle of the wave in half.

A raindrop fell directly from a height of tens of thousands of miles like a sharp blade.

“Boom!” Red Hat’s whole body is as hard as iron.

All the raindrops hit him, making a loud sound.

“Oh, Super Arashi.” Red Hat shouted, and the momentum of his whole body was like a tiger at that moment.

The footsteps formed a huge scythe with the wind wave and rushed towards Bigumum, and a huge impact kicked directly into Bigumum’s head.

“Tear!” Bigumuam’s upper jaw teeth cracked in an instant, and the entire skull made a buzzing sound.

“The old lady fought with you…” With the last of his strength, Bigumam grabbed the red hat’s footsteps, and rushed to the surface of the sea with a straight speed.

Bigumum grabbed Red Hat with the mentality of dying with the same (Zhao’s).

“This Bigumuam is really crazy, and he actually thinks of dying with Red Hat!” Renly looked at them in surprise.

“Wait a minute, you’ll go and get Bigumum.”

“Okay, no problem.”

“Whew~” Bigumum’s huge body made it descend very fast.

“Yay!” Red Hat struggled to get out of Bigumam.

If both people hit the sea, they will lose their strength in an instant and drown in the sea.

Red Hat had no idea that Bigumum would make such a decision.

“So what to do? Bigumum’s strength is too great, and he can’t break free! ”

“Use skill moves to keep attacking her…”

“What are you kid muttering? Die with the old lady. Bigumuam heard Red Hat talking to himself. _

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