“Double up. Six Kings Gun! Red Hat’s hands suddenly became thick, and a tiger gesture was aimed directly at Bigumum’s heart.

The whole gesture is clinging to the numb skin, and this kind of injury is 100% for the mother.

“Boom! Boom…” The double shell pierced directly through Bigumuam’s heart.

“Poof!” Bigumum vomited a lot of blood, but she still didn’t let go of her hands~.

“Don’t struggle with what the old lady grabs, but it’s not so easy to be able to let go!”

Bigumuam said in his own weak voice.

The strength of the whole body was used on the hands, and the whole hands were like an armed lock, tightly locking the red hat.

“Six Kings Gun. Unlimited chasing! ”

Red Hat kept attacking Bigumam.

“Bang bang…” Bigumam’s body kept exploding, and his eyes had slowly become empty.

“Yay!” Bigumuam yelled, using the last of his strength.


“Forehead…” Bigumum and Red Hat touched the water, and instantly turned into dry ducks, their whole bodies were soft, and they kept sinking.

At that time, Bigumum still did not give up, still holding the red hat tightly.

It didn’t take long for both of them to faint because they didn’t breathe air.

“Poof!” Seeing this, Renly jumped into the sea, swam quickly, and quickly found Bigumam.

Reilly pulled Bigumam’s hand off the red hat’s body, and the red hat was no longer conscious, and its body continued to sink, and soon sank to the dark bottom of the sea and disappeared in front of him.

“Old woman, wake up quickly, I’m here to save you!” Renly grabbed Bigumuam’s arm and dragged her back to the surface.

Bigumam was already deeply dizzy at this time because he had suffered too much damage on his body.

Back on the surface of the sea, breathing the air with his weak strength.

Soon Lei Li took Bigumam to the ship of the Ark Proverbs.

“Luo, hurry up and get rid of all the sea water from Bigumum’s lungs!”

Reilly looked at the ship’s doctor Luo and said.

“ROOM, scalpel!” Robbie gestured, and a space suddenly appeared in front of him.

Luo gestured twice at Bigumam’s body, and the sea water inside was switched out.

“Poof…” The sea water fell on the bed board and penetrated instantly.

“Ahem!” Bigumuam’s lungs began to ventilate, and at this time he slowly came to his senses.

“Why am I here!”

“It’s okay, you just have a good rest, and we’ll leave it to us next.”

Ye Tian looked at Bigumam and said.

Kaido was also put in bed well

Ye Tian’s attention was looking for Da Yan, and when the red hat was about to fall, Da Yan had disappeared from his body.

On a certain ship

“Abominable fellow, you actually think of dying together so viciously, Red Hat your hat I will definitely avenge you…”

On a certain child’s bed, the uncle has already floated on the body of a little pirate.

“Where is the voice!” The little pirate suddenly realized that a voice was coming from inside his head.

This voice made him feel very strange and patted his head.

Oiwa manipulated his body, and then raised a gun in his hand and aimed it at Lox, who was in the Ark Proverbs.

“Huh? What’s going on? The little pirate looked at his hand in surprise, slowly raised it, and aimed it at Lox!

Cold sweat broke out all over his body, and he didn’t expect him to make such a crazy move.

“Boom!” Da Yan pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew directly towards Ye Tian.

“Shhh!” Seeing and hearing this, Ye Tian’s mind sensed what was about to happen in the future, and a bullet flew from his back.

“Whew~” Ye Tian gently tilted his head, and the bullet flew out from his ear.

“Shhh!” A tyrant-colored domineering that sprays out in the direction of the little pirate like a tiger.

“Aaaaah!” The little pirate looked at the phenomenon of fear in front of him, his feet kept shaking, and even his crotch was wet.

“Poof!” The overlord-colored domineering spirit penetrated through his body, and the little pirate fainted in an instant.

Ye Tian had already noticed this strange phenomenon, it was absolutely impossible for a simple child to shoot at him.

“What’s the matter, such a pirate comes to sneak attack, is it all an undercover agent of the Navy.”

Renly looked at the pirate ship behind him in surprise.

“Oh, it’s none of our business, this guy doesn’t know why he shot you all of a sudden!”

·· 0 Ask for flowers…

“Yes, it’s really none of our business, we follow you faithfully.”

“Don’t kill us, we really didn’t do it! …”

The little pirates behind them knelt on the ground one after another, pleading bitterly.

“Everyone pay attention to the people around you, there is also a CPO general, he has a strange Devil Fruit ability, he can easily walk into the human body!”

“Just now, his body should have been occupied by Dayan, and looking at his terrified look, I knew that he was forced to make such a move.”

Ye Tian said to everyone explainingly.

“Since the hateful CPO sneak attack, there are so many pirates behind us, how to prevent it!”

…….. 0

“There are loopholes, as long as the host does not obey the orders of the intruder, we will be able to see who is Oiwa!”

When the golden lion heard this, he quickly turned around and looked at the pirate behind him.

“Everyone has paid attention to me, if you feel that your body is unwell and there is a behavior of resistance, tell us quickly!”


Ye Tian concentrated his energy and sensed the breath of Dayan with his own sight.

“Hehe…” Ye Tian noticed that a black shadow appeared behind him.

Dayan’s whole body has turned into air, existing in the four-dimensional space, walking around freely.

Standing behind Ye Tian, there was no four-dimensional space in the three-dimensional world.

This extraordinary ability made Ye Tian feel a sudden chill in his spine.

“How the hell did this guy do it!” Ye Tian thought about this question carefully.

“Hybrid!” He also then triggered the ability and burrowed into a pirate.

“Aaaah!” The pirate shouted, and his body began to mutate greatly, producing a large amount of hair.

A huge beast appeared in front of him, smashing the ship with great momentum.

“Hurry up and escape, there’s a monster here!” The companions on board jumped into the sea.

“You don’t have to interfere with this, I’ll solve it!”

Ye Tian turned to look at his crew and said.

The fat prey is solved by itself, so that you can gain a lot of prestige points. _

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