The boy was lying under the tree, smiling, and his nose was filled with bubbles bigger than his head.

On the top of the mountain, under a towering tree, there was a little boy with brown skin and white hair. The boy had a pair of wide black wings behind him, and every feather on the wings was like steel.

The boy was sleeping under the tree, with a smile on his young face and bubbles bigger than his head coming out of his nose. I don’t know what he dreamed about, and he laughed from time to time.

"Oh my god! I see this girl has great ambitions, so I'll make her my bear concubine."

"The emperor takes turns, and this year it's my turn. Yimu, you're a remnant of the old era! There's no ship in the new era that can carry you! Hehehe."

In the distance, a little girl with brown skin and white hair and a pair of black wings on her back came over. Seeing the little boy sleeping under the tree, she was immediately unhappy. She pouted her little mouth and ran over quickly and shouted

"Onii-chan! Are you being lazy again! I'm going to tell Ohto-san."

She quickly ran to the boy's side, shaking his arm with her two little hands. The boy's nose first had a bubble that popped, and then he opened his eyes slightly and found that he was awakened. He was his own sister, and his morning grumpiness disappeared instantly. He said lovingly

"Jenny, Onii-chan is not lazy. I have completed the morning training plan. Father also said that as long as I complete the training plan he stipulated, it will be fine."

"Really? Onii-chan is amazing! Jiji asked you to swing a one-ton barbell a thousand times and lift the barbell ten thousand times, and you did it!"

The boy saw his little sister looking at him with admiration, and a hair on his head turned quickly, but his face was still serious and said

"It's just a little bit of frost."

"Onii-chan is the best! Onii-chan will definitely be able to defeat the Celestial Dragons that Jiji mentioned in the future ! Then I can eat meat every day and go to the city to play with other tribesmen. "

The boy's face changed when he heard this, and even the hair on his head stopped moving, but he soon returned to normal, touched Jenny's head lovingly and said

"Yes, brother will definitely defeat the Celestial Dragons, let our Lunaria tribe return to the tribe, and let Jenny and sister Hannah buy the clothes they want and eat the food they want in the big cities of humans. By the way, Jenny, why are you not at home at this time?"

Ou Ni, who was originally touched on the head by her closest person, looked relaxed like a kitten. When she heard this, she replied

"My mother asked me to come here and asked my brother to go home for dinner. Dad Dad came back from hunting and brought back a big sea king. This sea king has a wolf head, which is enough for our Lunaria tribe to not go out hunting for a week. "

"Dad, are his other uncles not injured?"

"No, Dad is a great swordsman, a man who can cut off the top of a mountain. How could anyone in the world hurt Dad?"

"That's right, then Jenny, you go back first, I'll pack up and come back soon."

"See you later, Onii-chan."

The boy looked at his sister running home with a doting look on his face

"I must protect all of this."

The boy's name is Garfield Locke, a survivor of the Lunaria tribe, six years old this year. But this is his name in this life. In his previous life, Locke was a new-age crispy shark from Blue Star, Rabbit Country, who could sing, dance and play basketball, and loved watching anime in his spare time.

Until that day when Locke received his admission letter to land, he was taken away directly by a truck.

"I remember I was at home, how come I suddenly appeared on the road and was hit by a truck?"

To this, Locke just wanted to say I don't know!

When Locke opened his eyes again, he found himself as a baby. When he looked at the man and woman in front of him and the wings behind them, he was so happy

"It's all stable. I must have traveled to a world with a Western fantasy background. I have wings. I must be an angel. I won't eat beef in the future."

Until he came back, Locke often heard the words "pirates", "navy", and "world government" and felt something was wrong. He ran to ask his old Deng

"Dad, what is the world government (๑•̌.•̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣"

When Locke's father heard this question, his face sank, and then he picked up Locke and put him on his lap and answered

"World government, this is a country composed of a group of very bad people. They arrest our Lunaria people everywhere. Everyone they capture has never come back, so if little Locke encounters people from the world government or the Celestial Dragons in the future, he must run away.

They are just a bunch of demons!"

After listening to his father's explanation, Locke's last fantasy was shattered and he cried in his heart

"Sent it, God, don't do it, don't do the new account."

Seeing that his son was a little silent, Locke's father comforted little Locke in a relaxed tone

"My son Locke, don't be afraid, our branch of the Lunaria tribe is hiding on a deserted island in the doldrums, and the group of running dogs of the Celestial Dragons can't find us."

"Dad, let me start training tomorrow!"


Locke's father said seriously to Locke who was sitting on his lap.

"Why Dad? It's so dangerous outside, why don't you let me exercise?"

"Good boy, it's too early for you to exercise, you are only two years old now, wait until you are four years old to start!"

"Okay (•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ"

"But you can exercise your appetite now, hahaha! "

Locke listened to his father's explanation and thought to himself

"Why eat? I was a man who was banned from buffets in my previous life!"

Locke excitedly answered his father

"To exercise your appetite? No problem, dad, you just watch carefully from now on!"

In the next two years, Locke's father watched his eldest son's appetite grow day by day, and he was simply a glutton.

Every time his father saw Locke who had just finished a meal and woke up to eat again, he would say

"Locke, why are you hungry again after just eating?"

"Ah la la la, my wife, we don't have enough food again. We'll go and hunt a sea king in a few days. "


Locke patted the weeds on his body, and the wings on his back flapped twice. The flames behind him, the symbol of the Lunaria tribe, suddenly rose. The temperature of the flames even distorted the surrounding air, but the clothes on his body did not burn out. It can only be said that he was very pirate-like.

Locke flew in the sky, flying from the hill where he exercised every day to the hill where his home was.

Locke's home is located on the top of the mountain. The surrounding land is very flat. If it is placed on Blue Star, it is definitely a great craftsman spirit. At first, Locke saw the surroundings of his home and sighed and said

"How did you do this? It's really the work of nature. It can't be that someone can see it so flat with just one cut."

Locke's father Jack walked out of the house, listened to his son's sigh and said with a smile

"This hill was really carved out by your father."

"Huh? . ? Really?"

"Watch your dad show you that hill! "

Jack took out a big sword from his back and stood in front of him. His face was no longer casual as usual, but serious. A black substance slowly covered the entire sword from his arm.


As Jack shouted, the sky and the earth seemed to lose their color at this moment. A black chopping wave flew towards the mountain. When it flew over the mountain, the power of the chopping wave did not decrease much. It chopped through several mountains in a row before disappearing.

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