The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Locke was stunned to see what was happening. Jack was used to it. After all, as the strongest of the Lunaria tribe and a great swordsman, he only cut off a few mountains and sprinkled water.

"I'm still old. If I were ten years younger, maybe this flying slash could reach the sea."

"Dad, can I become a strong man like you in the future?"

Jack glanced at his son beside him and then hugged him and said

"Little Locke should never become a certain person. A true strong man is not only strong in his strength, but more importantly, he has a strong heart!"

"And Dad, you are not old yet. The book says that parents will only grow old when their children grow up. I haven't grown up yet, so you are not old yet."

Jack saw his son in his hand saying words of comfort seriously, and said happily

"Hahaha! Little Locke is right. Little Locke is only 3 years old this year, and little Jenny is only one year old. How can I be old? I haven't seen how little Locke grows up to be a handsome boy. Will little Jenny be as beautiful as his mother when he grows up?"

. . . . . . . .

In his memory, Locke had walked to the door of his house, pushed open the door, and saw his father lying on the rocking chair in the posture of Ge You, and his father's sword was also hung on the wall.

"How was your exercise while I was away, little Locke?"

"You completed all the exercise plans you arranged, and you consumed food faster."

"It's normal, because you are born with an extraordinary physique, and your future achievements will be no less than some heroes on the sea. And don't worry about food. After eating, I will go to the doldrums to hunt a few sea kings."

"But father, I am worried that if we go out hunting so frequently, the people of the World Government will find any clues."

Jack saw his son's worried face and comforted him.

"Don't worry, little Locke, your father will support you if the sky falls, and we can't beat you. I can hide on a deserted island. After all, there are so many deserted islands in the Calm Belt. Let's not talk about these for now. These are the latest issues of newspapers I borrowed from a merchant ship. "

"Excuse me, Dad. I'll go back to my room to read these newspapers first."

"Don't read too late. We have to hold a party later."

"Okay, Dad."

The deserted island where the Lunaria tribe lives has the same disadvantages as the Women's Country in the Pirate World. There are no newspaper birds flying over. The islands on the representative Calm Belt are like stand-alone games. Unless a ship encounters these islands when crossing the Calm Belt, the natives on the island will play by themselves.

At least the situation of the Women's Country is better than that of the Lunaria tribe in a sense. They have giant sea snakes to pull their boats across the Calm Belt and fight guerrilla warfare on the Grand Line. As long as they encounter an enemy that they cannot defeat, they will go to the Calm Belt.

Every warrior in the Women's Country has the domineering power of armed color, and their king is a strong man picked out of a million. Unless they encounter a fleet led by the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, few people can defeat them.

The main thing is that the World Government doesn't care about the Nine Snakes Pirates' plundering, but if the people of the Lunaria tribe go out to plunder as pirates, the World Government may have to send out the CP organization to capture them. After all, the Lunaria tribe is a research sample that they urgently need.

Locke came to his room and pushed the bed aside, revealing the empty floor, and then arranged the newspapers one by one in the order of publication.

"The date on the latest issue of the newspaper is 1478 in the Haiyuan calendar. It's really annoying that the World Economic News newspaper of Morgans, the old bird in the current timeline, has not yet made a fortune. Although Morgans' newspaper is very much in the style of the Lighthouse Country in the previous life, at least there are some real things, but compared to the newspapers issued by the World Government, it's nothing."

"Vice Admiral Zefa of the Navy Headquarters defeated the Rocks Pirates in the New World G5?"

"If the Rocks Pirates can be defeated by a vice admiral of the headquarters, then how can they dominate the New World? It's better to go to bed early. "This news is quite interesting. The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters defeated the Supernova Roger Pirates, and Captain Roger led his pirates to flee in panic." "My God, the news released by the government of this world is true except for the time. Everything else is nonsense. Forget it, at least we know what happened outside." Locke picked up a notebook and opened it. It recorded all the information he got from the newspaper. Locke picked up the notebook on the table and wrote down the content of the newspaper and wrote a note in Chinese characters next to it. Time is not

Unconsciously, it was seven o'clock in the evening. Jack saw that his son still hadn't come down, so Jack went upstairs and knocked on Locke's door.

"Locke, it's time to eat. Can I come in?"

Locke's voice came from inside.

"Sorry, Dad, I read the newspaper and checked the time. Just come in."

Jack opened the door and saw Locke tidying up the room. Locke grabbed today's newspaper and put his hand outside the window. Suddenly, a flame rose on his palm. The flame burned very quickly. The handful of newspapers just turned into ashes in less than half a minute. A breeze blew by, bringing a piece of ashes flying in the air.

"Locke, your fire control ability has improved again. I still remember how you used your ability when you were a kid. It's funny to think about it, hahaha!"

Locke blushed and shouted in shame when he heard this

"Dad, stop talking!"

"Hahaha! Little Locke, I still have photos of you from that time. Dad, I carry them with me."

Jack said as he took out a photo album from the inside pocket of his coat (Jack is 6.6 meters tall, and our protagonist is 1.8 meters tall)

Jack searched the album, and most of the photos in it were Locke's from different periods. As Jack searched

"I found this one."

Jack held the photo high, and Locke grabbed Jack's belt with both hands. When he saw the photo taken out by his family, he took a look and steam came out of his head. At the same time, he kept shaking Jack vigorously

"Dear Dad, let me burn it!"

The content of the photo in Jack's hand was a baby about two years old sitting on a messy floor. The floor was full of burn marks, and the baby's clothes in the photo were burned to tatters by the flames, and he sat on the ground crying.

At that time, Locke was just two years old. It was the first time in his two lives that he saw fire on his palm. The sudden high temperature frightened Locke for a moment. The flames on his palm quickly covered his whole body and spread around. His clothes and hair turned to ashes in an instant.

If Jack's observation Haki hadn't sensed it in time, Locke's family would have become cavemen.

. . .

In Locke's shouts, Jack did not find his father's love, but put the album back into the inner pocket of his coat, then picked up little Locke and put it on his neck

"It's impossible to burn little Locke. He has been a little kid since he was a child. It's so interesting to collect his embarrassing expressions."

"What a bad dad. I won't pay attention to Dad until the sun rises tomorrow!"

"Okay! This is what you said, little Locke. Eat less of the father's barbecue later! Hehehe!"

"No! Dad, I'm kidding!"

"Sorry, little Locke, Dad, I'm not kidding, um!"

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