The doctor said that the patient was not well treated.

The researcher operating the instrument saw that the nutrient solution in the medical chamber was full and reported:

"The nutrient solution is full, shall we start injecting the ghost factor?"

Ruth said without hesitation:

"Inject, and check the physical condition of the experimental subject 10087 at the same time. If the situation is not right, inject the special treatment needle as soon as possible. Anyway, there is only one requirement that it cannot fail, at least the experimental subject must be guaranteed to survive."


The researcher operated the instrument with ease. He had conducted this bloodline factor fusion experiment many times and was very skilled in all operations.

Inside the medical chamber

Locke's body was full of transparent needles, and soon a red liquid flowed to Locke through some pipes.

The blood of the ghost tribe flowed in Locke's body like magma. Every time Locke's heart beat, a large amount of ghost blood would enter it, and then Locke's own blood would seep out through the skin.

At this time, from the outside of the medical warehouse, the originally green nutrient solution turned red because of Locke's blood. Even if new nutrient solution was constantly injected into the medical warehouse to discharge the old one, the medical warehouse was still blood red.

Locke felt that there were two armies fighting in his body, and every cell was very painful as if it was constantly pierced by a needle.

At the same time, Locke felt a severe headache, as if he was growing a head. Locke's hands were held by iron rings and could not move. He could only relieve the pain by twisting his body constantly. His naked body kept rubbing against the iron ring.

While Ruth, who was observing the situation outside, ordered his men to say

"Inject the treatment solution quickly, don't stop and keep injecting."

The remaining needles inserted into Locke's body in the medical warehouse began to inject the treatment solution.

It may be the effect of the treatment solution that made Locke feel like he was in the fire. He was obviously a member of the Lunaria tribe and was not afraid of high temperatures. Locke himself had never felt the taste of burns since he traveled through time.

Soon, two large lumps appeared on Locke's head from the inside, and it felt like an electric drill was about to go out. Two large lumps appeared on his head, and some flesh and blood fell off.

Locke could only open his mouth and endure it all. The domineering aura was released unconsciously, and a destructive aura oppressed the entire island. Some blood-red lightning appeared around Locke because of the domineering aura.

The weather on Island No. 7 changed from sunny to cloudy in an instant. The beach was constantly washed by waves, and some unconscious sea fish were occasionally carried in the waves.

Everyone on Island No. 7 felt the powerful aura, and some weak people were instantly stunned by Locke's domineering aura.

Training layer

Jenny felt the sudden domineering aura. Because she often stayed with Locke, Jenny was immune to it, and she also felt that it was Locke's domineering aura. Thinking of Locke being taken for an experiment just now, she said worriedly:

"This is my brother's Conqueror Haki. My brother was just taken for an experiment. Now he suddenly uses Conqueror Haki. Is my brother in danger?"

Hannah next to her comforted Jenny and said:

"Jenny, you have to have confidence in Locke. He is a natural king. He will definitely get through the difficulties. We just need to wait for his return at home."

"But my brother was just taken for an experiment. Sister Hannah, we have been here for so long and know some experiments. What if~"

Hannah gently covered Jenny's mouth with her hand and said confidently:

"Jenny can't do anything now. We can only trust Locke. At the same time, be careful to guard them these days. After all, the conflict between us and them was nothing when Locke was here. Now you know."

Jenny could only "hmm" when she saw this.

In the laboratory

The two big bags on Locke's head finally broke open, and two hideous giant horns appeared on Locke's head. The self-healing cells in his body were like gluttons, greedily absorbing nutrients from the surroundings to repair the body.

The silver-white hair on his head was falling off, replaced by black hair.

The brown skin was also falling off piece by piece, revealing the flesh under the skin.

Locke was about to fall into a coma at this time, but Dean Rutte, the old man, added adrenaline to the treatment fluid, so Locke could not fall into a coma at all.

As time went by, Locke's body seemed to have successfully accepted the ghost factor, and the factor rejection reaction began to weaken. His heartbeat accelerated, and every time a large amount of blood was pumped, a new blood flowed in the body.

In the operating room

Dean Rutte looked at everything happening in Locke's body through the glass, and his intuition told him that all the experimental islands had no ghost factor.

The successful bloodline factor fusion experiment will be completed in his hands, so he shouted excitedly:

"Don't stop the nutrient solution and treatment solution, increase the dosage, don't we also need to treat the tears of the fruit ability user? Add it directly! Don't leave a drop!"

Dean Rut watched Locke's new skin gradually grow from the original brown to white like milk.

"I will become the greatest scientist in the world, everyone, we have set a precedent!"

As time passed, after a long day of waiting.

A brand new Locke appeared.

As the glass cover in the medical warehouse opened, a huge figure woke up from it, and the originally spacious medical warehouse now became extremely crowded.

Locke slowly opened his eyes, feeling as if ants were crawling all over his body. The iron ring that bound him had been untied, and Locke reached out to touch his head.

Slowly touching two thick, long things, he thought

"It's broken, I won't travel through time again, and the world I travel through is still an improper one."

Just when Locke was still imagining, a pleasant voice came from outside

"Experimental subject 10087, your experiment has been completed, please put on your clothes and leave."

Locke's thoughts gradually came back when he heard the familiar number. "It turns out that I didn't travel through time."

Locke just wanted to get up, and found that the two things on his head hit the exit and prevented him from getting out. Locke was also a stubborn guy. After some effort, he artificially expanded the exit of the medical warehouse.

As the iron sheet of the medical warehouse fell off, Locke realized that he had grown two horns on his head without knowing it, and his skin became snow-white. To use the words of the previous life of Blue Star, it is described as "skin like snow, what a beautiful lady"

Locke stood up at this time. The researcher of ordinary size looked at the nightmare-like existence in front of him, and the researcher instantly fell into fear.

At this time, the female researcher next to him was covered by a huge shadow and was frightened and speechless for a moment.

Locke ignored all this and put on the clothes he had worn. The loose-fitting clothes were stretched out like tights by Locke's enlarged body, and the slim pants looked like a pair of cropped pants.

Locke said to the two researchers next to him:

"Change my clothes to a new size later, my previous clothes seem too small."

The researcher who reacted quickly agreed

"Okay, okay, no problem."

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