The two sides of the tunnel were in chaos.

Locke left the experimental floor under the guidance of the laboratory guard.

In the observation room

Dean Rutt took Locke's bloodline factor fusion experiment data and brought it to his dean's office.

Rutt came to the dark room, opened the safe, took out the Den Den Mushi inside and called the Five Elders.

"Beep beep~" During the long wait, the Den Den Mushi made a sound

"Did the experiment succeed?"

Ruth half-knelt on the ground and said excitedly:

"Report to the master, the experiment was very successful. The bloodline factors of the Lunaria tribe and the bloodline factors of the ghost tribe were well integrated. The experimental subject has the characteristics of both tribes."

Ruth was so excited that he almost couldn't breathe. After a pause, he continued:

"Master, this is a detailed data report of the experimental subject before and after the experiment. I will send it to you through the Den Den Mushi."

A majestic old man's voice came from the other end of the phone

"Ruth, you did a good job. Send the information first and we will decide after reading it."


Ruth walked to the Den Den Mushi, picked up the Den Den Mushi and pointed it at the information.

In the holy land of Marijoa, Pangu City.

Five old men were sitting on the sofa, and a Den Den Mushi next to them was projecting on the screen.

The first to voice his opinion was Saint Satan.

"It seems that we can restart the bloodline factor fusion experiment and let the CP organization capture more Lunaria and ghost people."

"Agree" +3

Saint Maz raised an objection:

"I object. According to Locke's treatment, the experimental subjects have the innate talent of returning life, so they can pass the experiment."

Saint Vochuli shouted loudly

"Even if it fails, the dead are just some untouchables! If this experiment is replicable, then our world government will have more powerful combat power!

Saint Pitt said:

"Since there are the same number of people, let the CP organization take action to capture these experimental subjects in the sea."

Saint Satan said:

"Let other experimental islands with Lunaria and ghosts experiment first and send the data over."

Back to Island No. 7

"You should suspend this experiment first, and we will notify you later whether to restart this experiment. "

Dean Rutt hurriedly explained after hearing this:

"It's not this experiment, sir~"

Before Rutt finished speaking, the Five Elders on the other end of the Den Den Mushi had hung up the phone.

"Ahhh! My title of the world's strongest scientist! It's not how I'm going to make money next, I've reserved materials for a hundred experiments!"

Dean Rutt was lying on the ground in despair as if he had received a major blow and said:

"Forget it, I'll refund it first and stop the loss in time."

Rutt stood up and made another call

"Hello! Is this Director John from the Purchasing Department?"

"What do you want to ask me?"

"Refund all the follow-up materials in our previous plan."

"I know, I know! I don't want to either! But what can I do if the big shots above don't approve it?"

"It doesn't matter! I'll apply for another experiment in a while, and this experiment will also make money. "

Dean Root hung up the phone after he finished speaking, walked out of the dark room, sat on the office chair, and called the researcher who had given him advice before.

The researcher came in and asked

"How is it, Dean Root, has the world government agreed to our next experiment?"

Dean Root said solemnly

"The higher-ups need to observe the follow-up of the experimental subjects, and then arrange a normal blood test for the experimental subject 10087."

"Okay, I'll arrange it later."

Dean Root crossed his hands under his nose and asked

"I remember that another plan for our super soldiers is the organ transplant experiment."

"Yes, Dean, but wasn't it cancelled because of the huge differences between races and the high mortality rate?"

"Isn't it because the experimental subjects couldn't bear it? What do you think of the experimental subject 10087?"

The researcher thought for a while and said:

"It's hard to say, it depends on which race the transplant is for. In theory, the best is the one from his own race."

"Forget it, let's observe the follow-up of the experimental subject 10087 before deciding. "

In the training area

Jenny was almost injured by the training equipment because she was worried about Locke's condition. Hannah comforted her for fear that something might go wrong.

"Jenny, Locke will be fine. We will escape from here together."

"But sister Hannah, my heart has been beating so fast since yesterday, especially yesterday, I felt like my heart was about to jump out."

"It's okay! Locke will be fine!"

At this time, a strong voice appeared

"Of course I will be fine,

I am a natural king. "

The person who came was Locke. He returned to the dormitory from Locke's laboratory and found that Jenny and Hannah were not here, so he came to the training floor to take a look.

Jenny looked back and found Locke who had changed a lot.

Locke's current appearance has changed a lot from before, except for his appearance.

Jenny looked at the person in front of her in shock. If it weren't for the similar appearance and aura, Jenny would have thought that it was another person in front of her.

"Brother, is it you? What's wrong with you~"

Locke scratched his hair. The originally flowing silver-white long hair had turned into black short hair. There were two horns on his head. His body was bigger than before, and his skin became particularly white, just like the mermaid Nina.

"Haha! It's just a beauty experiment. Isn't this brother more handsome like this?"

After saying this, Locke also posed a few bodybuilding poses.

"Hey! Ha! "

Hannah came over at this time. Hannah was 17 years old and 6 meters tall while Locke was only 11 years old and 4 meters tall. Locke, who was not as tall as her shoulders, was now a little shorter than her (Locke was 5 meters tall now).

Hannah reached out to touch the horns on Locke's head. The real touch told her that the truth was far from as simple as Locke said. Hannah suddenly held Locke in her arms, just like when they were children.

It was just a prank at that time. At this time, Hannah radiated the maternal radiance and comforted Locke's heart that was hurt by the experiment.

Locke was still stunned at first, but soon understood what was going on and hugged Hannah. The sun shone through the glass on the boys and girls of the Lunaria tribe, and even time seemed to be suspended at this moment.

"Hannah is fine. Can't you see that I am fine now?"

Locke woke up because of Hannah's tears.

"Well, it's very good! My body has become stronger, and even my skin has become whiter. "

Hannah wiped away her tears without giving Locke a chance, and her image returned to her usual bad sister look.

"That's not good, I've always wanted to be a handsome guy, and when we go down to eat, Nasir will be surprised to see my new look."

Jenny said at this time

"Yes, yes!"

"Okay, I'm starving, let's go eat first!"

"Let's go later, the training this morning hasn't ended yet."

"Ah! No internal competition is allowed now."

Locke just grabbed Jenny and Hannah and went to the cafeteria, not giving them a chance to compete.

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