The old man was eating a lot of food.

In the cafeteria, in the private room

"Boss Locke, you have changed so much!"

Nasir touched Locke's corner with his finger, and Locke was a little annoyed by the touch and directly knocked Nasir's hand away.

"Don't make trouble while eating!"

As a girl, Nina's focus is different

"Boss, your skin is so white, how did you do it?"

Locke answered while eating:

"Well, Nina, you'd better not know the details."

Nina also understood and said

"Then Locke, I have come up with a new song, I will sing it to you tonight."


. . . The dividing line drawn by the black knife. . .

Locke came to the training floor after eating.

Locke picked up the barbell he used to train his strength, which was much lighter now.

"Is this the power of the demons? I was already very powerful, but I didn't expect that injecting demon blood would make me stronger. I don't know if I can have an indestructible body like Kaido in the future."

Two weeks have passed

Holy Land Marijoa, Pangu City

"I have long said that the Lunaria tribe on Island No. 7 is a special case. Look at the experiments on other experimental islands, none of them have been successful. Now there are no Lunaria tribe or demon tribe experimental subjects."

Saint Pitt said loudly

Saint Satan could only say

"CP organization has not found any news of Lunaria tribe survivors in the sea, but Rocks Pirates has one demon tribe."

Saint Maz proposed

"Why don't we issue a bounty order, how about a bounty of 100 million Baileys for the Lunaria tribe survivors?"

"It can only be done this way."

"Let someone notify Island No. 7 that the bloodline factor fusion experiment will be cancelled later."

Island No. 7

Dean's Office

Dean Rut took the order just sent by the World Government, which contained a comprehensive ban on bloodline factor fusion related experiments.

"If it's forbidden, then ban it! I have discovered a new experiment. No one can stop me from becoming the strongest scientist in the world."

"Observe the condition of subject 10087 for two months before starting the experiment!"

Two months later

Locke was still training on the training floor. He had mastered the power brought by the experiment.

Suddenly, the watch on his hand lit up red.

"You need to draw blood again? I just went there the day before yesterday."

Locke saw two researchers coming over

"Subject 10087 has an experiment that requires your participation today."

"Lead the way."

Locke followed the experimenter into a laboratory. This time it was a new laboratory with a huge operating table.

Locke was lying naked on the operating table again. As soon as he lay on it, the iron ring bound Locke's hands and feet.

Dean Rutte put on his surgical gown and came to the operating chair and said coldly

"Subject 10087, I am the dean of this experimental island. Today I will show you what it would be like to have two hearts."

Locke was so scared when he heard that he was going to install another heart for himself that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Dean, my organs are all full of space. How can you install them?"

"It's a small problem. If there is no space, you can squeeze it in."

Locke asked calmly:

"Dean, which race's heart did you install for me? Is it from the Lunaria tribe?"

Dean Ruth wiped the chainsaw, and each sawtooth was wiped shiny.

"Originally, I was going to install a Lunaria heart, but I chose to install a giant heart for you against all odds."


"In order to require equal size, we went to Elbaf to catch a little giant, dug out his heart and preserved it for you. Look, it's that one."

Locke looked where Dean Ruth pointed and saw a half-meter-high heart soaked in some kind of liquid, with many needles inserted in it to deliver nutrients. Strangely, the heart was still beating.

Dean Rutte seemed to have thought of something and said to Locke coldly

"Oh, by the way, this operation is done without anesthesia, in order to prevent the rejection of the foreign body later."

Just after Dean Rutte finished speaking, the electric saw in his hand started to rotate at high speed, making a "sizzling" sound.

The high-speed rotating saw cut the right part of Locke's chest, and sparks flew.

Locke has an indestructible body, and the electric saw does not feel pain when it cuts his body.

After sawing for about ten minutes, a wound finally appeared on one side of Locke's chest.

"Hurry up and push the giant heart in."

The researchers behind began to install the heart and connect the new heart at the same time.

(The author does not have enough knowledge, anyway, everything is installed like this)

"Subject 10087's vital signs are beginning to decline."

"Begin to inject healing fluid"

"Begin to inject the tears of the healing fruit ability user."

. . .

"Subject 10087's heart has stopped beating."

"Hurry up and rescue him, everyone."

. . .

"Subject 10087's vital signs are beginning to recover. This is a miracle. How did you do it?"

"This is unscientific!"

All the researchers involved in the experiment were confused by the sudden situation.

One researcher guessed

"Is it because Subject 10087 is born with life returning."

Researcher B counterattacked

"We have experimented with life returning, and we still died in the end."

Dean Ruth stood up at this time

"No matter what the reason is, the experiment was successful in the end. Remember to give me a detailed report later."

After saying this, Ruth left and returned to the office.

One week after the experiment ended

Locke woke up in the medical cabin in his dormitory, looking at the green liquid in front of him and the different needles inserted into his body.

"It was found that the experimental subject 10087 has woken up. The physical condition of the experimental subject is good."

The glass cover of the medical cabin opened upwards and Locke walked out from it and came to the mirror to check his condition.

Locke looked at the long and thin scar on his chest in the mirror.

"Fortunately, I'm alive again!"

Locke sighed as he looked out the window

Dinner time

Jenny asked Locke about the situation with concern

"Brother, what experiment are you doing this time?"

Locke said indifferently

"These bastards are afraid that your brother's heart will have problems, so they installed a giant heart for your brother."

Jenny said in shock

"Ah! Then, brother, aren't you now?!"

Locke replied calmly

"Yes, I now have two hearts, one original and the other is from the giant."

But Nasir on the side should not be unhappy, because one heart means that one of their giant brothers has died.

Locke saw that Nasir was in a low mood and comforted him

"All this is because of this damn world."

Nasir still felt bad after hearing this and drank a glass of wine by himself.

"Nasir, only if we become stronger can we protect the people we want to protect. Nasir, look at me, become stronger and stronger, so that we are no longer prey."

"Boss, I know, I will become stronger."

Nasir habitually bumped his fists together.

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