The party was a good time, but the atmosphere was very interesting.

At the banquet, Locke performed one funny role after another, making Leon, who was meeting him for the first time, laugh all the time.

During the music performance, Leon took off his heavy armor, revealing his foul figure.

Locke looked at Leon's headlights in surprise and said unconsciously

"How did such a foul figure fit into the armor? Isn't it crowded?"

Leon played the violin and matched Nina's pleasant voice. The two performed a wonderful music show for everyone on the boat.

When Leon was about to get off the ship, Locke stopped Leon and asked

"Leon, there is an auction the day after tomorrow. Do you want to attend? If you come, gather here that morning."

Leon thought for a while and said

"Locke, I will come. I had a lot of fun at the banquet tonight. Thank you, Locke!"

"It's okay. When you get on the ship, you will find more interesting things. Hehehe!"

Nina came to Locke when Leon was Locke

"Our boss Locke is really amazing. He went out to buy a musical instrument and tricked a female knight onto the ship."

"Stop, stop, stop, don't slander my reputation, okay, Nina, what is abduction? I'm clearly doing it for everyone. Look at how well Leon plays the violin tonight."

Nina covered her mouth and laughed and said

"Can boss Locke also tell whether the violin sounds good or bad? I remember that our little Locke is not tone-deaf? How strange!"

Locke's face turned red and he went back to the captain's room to sleep.

====Happy Three Days====

Time came to the fourth day

Locke saw Leon coming over in gorgeous palace clothes, but his originally gorgeous face was reduced a lot because of his sad expression.

Leon came to Locke and said melancholy

"Locke, can you lend me some money? I will definitely pay it back!"

Locke said with a smile

"It doesn't matter, I don't need money at all."

"But, but I want to borrow 100 million Baileys."

"Only 100 million Baileys, there are 100 million in this box."

Locke reached out and took the money box over.

"Locke, I will definitely pay it back, and I will pay it back soon, believe me."

"Ah la la! I don't need money at all, you will know when you get on the boat."

"Thank you, Locke."

Locke was also very happy to see Leon, who had regained his smile.

There were not many people going to the auction this time, just Locke, Jenny, Hannah, Joel, and Leon who had just arrived.

Locke and the other two were still dressed in cloaks, but Joel and Leon were dressed very gorgeously, especially Joel's backless dress, which suited Locke's taste.

The five people sat in the VIP room on the second floor. Through the glass in front of them, they could see the entire auction table. There was still half an hour before the auction started, and the auction arranged a sexy performance for all the customers.

There is a saying that expensive things have their advantages. Locke looked down at the white flowers, and he felt a little dizzy. The dancers arranged by the auction were all outstanding in both appearance and figure.

As the dance ended, a woman in a purple stepmother skirt and flesh-colored silk came out and said charmingly

"Welcome to the guests who came this time. From now on, this auction officially begins!"

After the female auctioneer said this, she blew a kiss over, and everyone present felt that they had a chance.

"Please welcome our first auction item! A gold bracelet over 200 years old, said to have been worn by a princess."

Locke was not happy with these gold jewels. The jewels collected by the Celestial Dragons were much more precious than these. There were jewels worn by Princess Cricket and by the Celestial Dragons. There was even a Celestial Dragon maid on my ship.

As the auction items were auctioned off one by one,

"The following is the 31st auction item, which is the family land of Count Isabella of the Kingdom of Ludwig. As long as you buy it, you can legally own this land. You should know that the Isabella family is rich in powerful knights. The starting price is 10 million Baileys!"

The nobles in the audience immediately started to bite like sharks that smelled blood.

Inside the VIP room

Locke looked at the crying Leon and comforted him

"No matter what happened before, you are my crew member now."

Just now Leon told her life story. She had no worries about food and clothing and could have been a happy daughter of a count for her whole life. Until one day, the count was found to have rebelled and the whole family was executed. As long as Leon was not in the family, he escaped.

Leon had to make money to bribe the jailer to replace the prince with a cat, but yesterday Leon's family was suddenly arranged to be executed. Leon had no choice but to

He could secretly pack up the remains of his parents and siblings and prepare to buy back the clan land to bury his family.

When the price outside had reached 90 million Baileys, Locke made a move, and said with a faint domineering aura in his voice

"One hundred million Baileys."

The whole audience was silent, mainly because it would not be worth it if it was higher, and Locke's domineering aura made them instantly tremble.

"One hundred million once! One hundred million twice! One hundred million three times! Congratulations to Count Isabella for the clan land being bought by VIP No. 3."

Then Locke occasionally made a move, and there were all kinds of goods. Most of the slaves sold here had skills. If Locke was a lord, he would definitely make a move. Locke bought three doctors to assist Michelle, 25 boatmen to maintain the boat, 15 chefs, and 50 combat slaves who could swim.

Finally, the auction brought the last item.

"Next, let's take a look at the last item of this auction. I believe everyone knows what it is. According to our devil fruit illustrations, this is the animal-type devil fruit, the fox form of the dog-dog fruit, and the starting price is 100 million Baileys."

Locke said with some disappointment

"If it is a powerful devil fruit, how can I sell it? This is not a cool story. Animal-type is also fine. It is just right to use it to train subordinates."

As the devil fruit appeared, the scene instantly fell into carnival, and the security personnel of the auction also came out from all corners. There were ten armored warriors guarding the devil fruit. No idiot would rob it in a fit of rage.

The people who bid were of all kinds, and there were also people who were simply trembling.

"One hundred and ten million Baileys."

"One hundred and twenty million."

"One hundred and fifty million."

"Two hundred million Baileys"

Locke saw that fewer and fewer people were bidding and he quoted his own price: "Two hundred and twenty million Baileys."

The auctioneer picked up the hammer and hit the table and shouted

"Two hundred and twenty million once! Two hundred and twenty million twice! Two hundred and twenty million Baileys three times! Deal!"

"Thank you all for coming. This auction is officially over."

Locke came to the transaction office and paid three hundred and fifty million Baileys to take away the items he bought.

Locke walked on the street waiting for someone to rob him, but unfortunately, when Locke returned to the ship, no one came to intercept him

"It's strange that no one has been robbed by me. Have you ever quit drugs?"

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