The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Locke took the slaves he bought from the auction onto the ship. Looking at their numb slaves, the combatants were fine, but the faces of the boatmen, doctors, and cooks were all numb. How could this be?

"Look here, what were your identities before? Now that you are on my ship and become my brothers, you are no longer slaves. Come and use the key to unlock your collars. Smile. We are going to have a banquet tonight to celebrate the addition of 93 brothers to our Locke Adventure Group. Let's have a banquet. Let's prepare for the banquet!"

Locke threw the key into the crowd of new crew members, and the new crew members were driven by the joyful atmosphere of Locke and others.

At the banquet, Locke's new crew members, who were originally slaves, quickly integrated into the party, and felt even more cordial when they learned that the previous crew members were also slaves.

The next day

Locke got up from the bow and carried Adra and Joel, who were lying on him, back to the bed.

Locke stood by the side of the ship and felt the sea breeze. At this time, several people came to the side of the ship and shouted

"Captain Locke! We are employees of the Vesey Shipyard. Today we are here to give you the design drawings of your new ship."

"Come up!"

Several designers climbed up the stairs and unfolded a huge design drawing in front of Locke.

"According to your request, Captain Locke, we have cancelled the bombardment floor and added more living functional areas. The new hull is 160 meters long and 50 meters wide. The underground floor is the original bombardment floor and the cafeteria floor. The back half is the cafeteria you want, and the front half is the fitness room, navigation room, medical room, library, and music room.

According to your request, there is a small aquarium around the cafeteria, which is 20 meters wide at the widest point. We put some reefs and corals in it. There is a reinforced drain for changing water. At the same time, there is an opening on both sides of the ship to put fresh fish. (Brother William can also come out of it.)

The lower two floors are the rooms for ordinary crew members, and each room has two people living in it. The crew has a table and a wardrobe. There are 200 crew rooms on the second floor, which can accommodate 400 crew members. Of course, Captain Locke can accommodate more people if you want. There is also a public bathroom and a prison for prisoners on this floor.

The third underground floor is where materials are stored. It can store more than thousands of tons of materials. After each replenishment, it can be enough for all 400 people to eat for half a month. At the same time, the vents are used to ensure that it is dry. "

Locke was very happy to see this ship. The functional rooms are very complete. Although it cannot be compared with Wang Luffy's Sunny, it is also comfortable. At the same time, the stern and bow are also reinforced. Locke can use brute force to push the ship forward on the bed with more confidence in the future.

Of course, this is also a test of the quality of the ship. The designer decided to reinforce the bow water level with steel. (Locke brand ship assistant is officially launched)

The designer took out the design drawing of the superstructure of the ship and explained it to Locke

"This is a semi-duplex floor according to your requirements. The left side is the room for all your giant crew members, which is 15 meters high. The right side is made into two floors for the exclusive rooms of the cadres on the ship, which can accommodate 20 cadres.

The second floor is the captain's room. According to Captain Locke's requirements, a maid's room is designed here, and the other two rooms are also the cadres' rooms on the ship.

At the same time, there are two steerable auxiliary masts and a garden on the top. There are spacious stairs on both sides of the third floor, and there is a circle of public balconies on the first and second floors.

The deck is covered with artificial lawns. At the same time, there is a skylight that can be opened on the fitness room and the cafeteria for your large crew members to enter. The stable is designed next to the door of the giant room."

Locke and his partners were very satisfied with the design drawings they made for the new ship. They had all the rooms they wanted.

Locke said at this time

"When can our ship be built?"

The designer said

"It will take about 30 days. Captain Locke, according to your requirements, we use the best wood, so the price is." (One Piece speed)

"Money is a small problem. Don't worry about the price-performance ratio. Buy the best one. By the way, please help us customize some furniture on the ship."

The designer heard Locke's rich words

"I'll make a total of 300 million Baileys for you."

Soon, two crew members handed the box containing 300 million Baileys to the designer.

After seeing the designer get off the ship with the money, Locke said happily

"Friends! We will have our own new ship soon. Everyone will have their own room, even Nasir will have his own room.

My own room and bed."

Adra held Shanks and stood up to protest

"I object, why is my room a maid's room, I protest!"

Locke said lightly

"Protest is invalid, you are undergoing labor reform now, and you will have human rights when you are reformed."

"I haven't been reformed yet, have I? I clean your room every day, and even your son is taken care of by me most of the time!"

Locke's face changed

"Are you the captain or am I the captain? You don't know how much you did before, and you still don't admit your mistakes. When you really realize your mistakes, you will be successfully reformed."

Adra held Shanks and said

"Hmph! Damn mortal. "

Locke also took advantage of the fact that there was no bounty and began to train like crazy. His life would be difficult if he was bountied by the World Government Navy in the future.

At this time, a news bird flew to the bow of Locke's ship. It was the first time Locke saw this creature, an ordinary seagull, wearing a hat and special clothes, with a newspaper hanging on its chest.

Locke touched the news bird curiously and said

"How much is the newspaper today, News Bird? Is it fifty Baileys?"

The news bird shook its head and picked up a wooden sign, which said that the important news was worth 100 Baileys.

Locke said

"One hundred Baileys, buy a copy for the first time buying news, here are some cookies, would you like to eat them? "

Locke threw a coin worth one hundred into the pocket of the news bird, and took out a few cookies for the news bird.

The news bird quickly finished eating, flew two circles on the mast and left.

Locke spread the news on the ground, and the first page was the breaking news.

A photo was printed on the entire first page, and the news title was Vice Admiral Garp defeated Captain Rocks of the Rocks Pirates in the Valley of the Gods.

In the picture, Garp was standing on the ruins covered in blood. Locke turned to the back, and the news not only wrote about the disintegration of the Rocks Pirates, but also about the heavy losses of the main force of the navy.

It did not say why the navy stayed on a border island for so long, and the Celestial Dragons did not report it. Everything was concealed. Only the participants and survivors of this war knew the truth about what happened on the island.

Locke commented on this

"The world is going to be in chaos. "

Ordinary people around the world were very happy to see the Rocks Pirates defeated by the Navy, thinking that the world would be at peace.

However, some ambitious and reckless lunatics also went out to sea or caused trouble in their own areas after seeing the heavy losses of the Navy.

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