At the port of the Kingdom of Solbay, the Enterprise anchored on the shore under the operation of the crew.

Locke shrank down and got off the boat in a cloak. The people on the boat saw the flying flag of the adventure group and said, "It's the Locke Adventure Group that killed Dwayne Johnson!"

"Is that Locke himself? Exactly the same as in the news."

" Isn't this too young? I bet he's not even an adult yet."

Some ladies whispered to each other, "Look at this guy, he's really young. Haha!"

"I hope it's not the Silver Spear Candle, hehe!"

" You dirty girl, do you want to go up and chat with him? I heard that Johnson's bounty is more than 100 million Baileys. "

"Go ahead."

"Go ahead."

Locke didn't pay attention to these messages but walked along the street to The southern part of the Kingdom of Solbe is a primeval forest compared to the prosperous north. A bumpy dirt road is the only passage from the south to the north.

Locke frowned as he watched all this and returned to the Enterprise. "Set sail, we'll just dock in the south of the Kingdom of Solby."


The Enterprise raised the anchor and sails again and sailed along the We followed the coastline of the Kingdom of Solbay and stopped at a natural deep-water port in the south.

Hannah came to Locke and asked, "Locke, are you sure there are survivors like us in this country?"

Locke smiled and said, "Of course, he must be here. Let's ask the villagers here to see if there are any survivors like us." A priest who can cure all diseases will do. ”

Yol asked doubtfully, “Cure all diseases? Is Locke a miracle doctor?”

“No, he is a devil fruit user.”

Heidi Ram heard The one who is also a Devil Fruit user said, "He is also a Devil Fruit user! Great, I have some questions to ask."

"He will definitely agree. He is a very gentle person, and he also understands the meat ball fruit. Very unique, some operations even I feel like fantasy. "

Heidi Ram felt incredible when she heard Locke say this. She had read Locke's writing about the development of the Magnetic Magnetic Fruit, which was simply a masterpiece. The expected and unexpected uses of fruit abilities are all in the book and have a basis.

But Locke is not a devil fruit ability user after all, and there are some questions that Locke does not know.

Dean put his left hand on the hilt of the knife and said, "God's Valley, I really want to fight that guy again!"

Nasir also said with full fighting spirit, "Yes! We haven't encountered a decent enemy in the past four years." Hannah's eyes flashed with a strange purple light and she said, "I hope there are strong people in the Grand Line who can ask for advice!"

Dot picked up the Barrett she was rubbing and said, "I heard from the boss that the survivor is also a rare species."

Jennyla He lifted Locke's arm and asked, "What race is his brother?"

Shanks also grabbed Locke's pants and asked, "Yeah, what race is our father's uncle?"

Locke touched Shanks' head and said, "My friend Ah, it's the Bakhaniya tribe. They are said to have the blood of the giants, and have the same strength and physique as the giants, and are more agile than the giants. "

Nasir heard this and said, "Boss, is this true? I'm Al Barf has never heard of our relative. "

Locke said calmly, "Have you ever heard of the Lunaria tribe? Remember that the truth of this world is in the hands of a few people, and we are not among them!"

Locke Seeing an old man approaching, he walked over and asked, "Old man, is there a church nearby with a pastor who can cure all diseases?"

The old man heard Locke's question and replied, "Are you talking about Pastor Big Bear? "

Locke nodded when he heard the name of Big Bear and said, "Yes, old man! We are friends of Bear. Can you tell me where Bear is now?"

The old man pointed to a path and said, "You can see Big Bear by following this path. Church."

Locke handed over a bag of apples and said, "Thank you, old man. Take this bag of apples!"

Locke and his party followed the path to a wooden church.

Locke gently pushed open the door and saw a little giant over four meters tall kneeling in front of the cross and praying devoutly. Ginny, who was standing next to him, saw Locke and his group and asked loudly, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" ? "

At this time, Locke

After taking off the cloak, the body slowly returned to its original state, and the two horns on the head also grew out.

"Don't be nervous, I'm Bear's friend, Bear, do you remember me?"

The big bear turned around and looked at Locke's familiar face and said

"Is it you? Big brother from the Lunaria tribe?"

Locke smiled and walked forward and said

"It's me, Bear! We haven't seen each other for four years since the Valley of Gods. These people behind are my companions, and most of them are from the Valley of Gods."

The bear hugged Locke excitedly and said

"Big brother from the Lunaria tribe! How did you know I was here?"

Locke smiled mysteriously

"I just happened to pass by this island. I heard that there was a priest on the island who could cure all diseases, so I came to see him."

Ginny picked up the picture on the newspaper some time ago and compared it with Locke and said

"You are not the Locke of the Locke Adventure Group some time ago. Locke said with a smile. "Yes, it's me. Bear formally introduced himself. My name is Garfield Locke, the leader of Locke's adventure group, and the greatest adventurer in the future." Bear held Locke's hand and said, "I know the Lunaria tribe. Oh no, Brother Locke will never be a bad guy. Brother Locke, my name is Bartholomew Big Bear, and I am a priest now." Shanks came out at this time and said, "Uncle Bear, are you the Bakanni tribe that Dad said?" Bear picked up Shanks and said, "Yes, uncle is a Bakanni tribe. By the way, little friend, who is your father?" Shanks pointed at Locke and said, "Locke is my father." Big Bear was so surprised that his eyes popped out of his glasses. "Brother Locke, I didn't expect your child to be this big!"

Locke said with a smile

"He's not my biological child. I found Shanks when I left the Valley of Gods. I was afraid that Shanks would be lonely in the future, so I adopted him."

Shanks nodded and said

"Yes, yes."

The bear said after hearing that Shanks was also an orphan who survived the Valley of Gods

"It's all thanks to the food that Brother Locke left behind at that time, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to save so many people."

Ginny said on the side

"Yes! Yes! At that time, the bear cub used his liberating hand to save more than 2,000 people in total!"

At this time, Locke's companions looked at the big bear with shock and admiration. At that time, let alone saving people, they were all in a difficult situation. They didn't expect that the person in front of them could still think of saving people at this moment.

Nasir came over and asked

"Hello Bear, I'm Nasir. I heard from the boss that your tribe has the blood of giants. Is that true?"

Big Bear replied

"I don't know, but my father said that the Bakhaniya tribe has the blood of giants."

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