The two of them were very busy.

At this time, Locke put his hand on Big Bear's shoulder and said.

"Bear, I've finally come here. Let's go eat together! It's a good opportunity for you to see my ship."

Big Bear said

"Then I'll go prepare some ingredients."

Locke directly grabbed Big Bear and said

"What a joke? Today you are a guest, you just need to bring a mouth with you. It's a good opportunity for you to taste the cooking skills of the chef on my ship. Ginny, you come too."

Locke forced Big Bear, who wanted to help, to the place where the Enterprise was docked.

Big Bear looked at the huge Enterprise in front of him. The hull was all red, and a lifelike dragon head was carved on the bow. The logo of the Locke Adventure Group was painted on seven huge canvases.

Ginny said in shock

"Brother Locke, your ship is bigger than Brother Ikakov's ship!"

Locke said proudly

"Of course, I spent 300 million Baileys to build the Enterprise, and the Coke engine on it allows the Enterprise to move at high speed even in a headwind environment."

Big Bear came out and muttered, having never seen so much money before

"300 million Baileys?!"

"Don't worry! They were all prizes from the Celestial Dragons in the Valley of Gods at the time. I took a few of them at the time, but I didn't expect them to be so valuable. Don't just look at them. I'll take you up later and you'll find the perfection of the Enterprise."

Locke took Big Bear and Ginny around the ship and left.

"I'll go outside and catch two sea kings first, and we'll hold a banquet to celebrate the two friends in the evening."

Bear and Ginny sat on the deck and chatted with everyone. Many of the ordinary crew members were once slaves of the Holy Land of Marijoa, so the group of people chatted very happily, especially when they talked about their time in Marijoa.

"I didn't expect that you were a slave of the Celestial Dragons before, Big Bear. Those days were hell for me. Fortunately, we met Boss Locke."

"I heard that Big Bear was still thinking about saving people at such a dangerous moment. You are really a hero, Bear."

Big Bear said frustratedly

"I want to save more, but I really can't."

Locke also flew back at this time and said

"Bear, don't blame yourself. You are already amazing for thinking about saving others in such an environment. Your liberating hand really brings hope and happiness to people."

Big Bear looked back and saw Locke and said

"But I want to be like Joy Boy."

Locke said earnestly

"Bear, you have to know that we are not Joy Boy himself after all. It's good enough for us to do the right thing. I won't say that the ingredients are ready! Let's have a party!"

The party was held on the deck of the Enterprise, and everyone fell into a carnival. At first, Big Bear and Ginny couldn't adapt to it, until later when the programs came on stage, Bear looked at the laughing people and whispered

"Locke Brother Ked, is you the legendary Joyboy? "Locke took a sip of juice and said," I am not Joyboy, I am myself, I just want to laugh for those who support me. You can send it to me. You can communicate with what you have. Can you let people go anywhere? "" Yes, where do you want to go? The traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy is absolutely comfortable. "Brother Locke, you don't need it. You have prepared such a rich meal for us."

Locke put his hand on Big Bear's shoulder from behind and said

"It's okay. It's rare for me to come here. I won't be able to do it after I go to the Grand Line. So enjoy it now while you can."

In the afternoon, Locke and Xiong lay on the bed. Michelle inserted acupuncture needles all over Xiong's back. Michelle said

"Xiong, your physical condition is not good. There are some internal injuries in your body. You need to pay attention to maintenance. I will prescribe a course of Chinese medicine for you later. You just need to pay attention to it later and you will be fine."

Big Bear lay on the bed. It was the first time someone treated him.

Treatment, Big Bear said

"There is no way. Many people in the southern part of the kingdom cannot afford to see a doctor. I can only use the power of the fruit to take out their diseases and bear them myself. I am also very happy to see their happy expressions."

Locke was cupping on the side and said

"Bear, sometimes we need to pay attention to ourselves. The body is very important. Come with me to take a medicinal bath to recuperate."

After a day of one-stop service by Locke, Big Bear and Ginny felt that their bodies were two pounds lighter when they got off the ship.

Locke waved his hand at the side of the ship and shouted

"Bear! Ginny! Your church is too small. I will let someone renovate it. Which one will you like! And I left some supplies there. Don't thank me! Contact me if you have anything in the future!"

Big Bear looked at the Enterprise that was gradually going away and ran to the beach and shouted

"Thank you! Brother Locke! Today is my happiest day!"

Ginny also ran over and said

"Goodbye, Brother Locke!"

Big Bear and Ginny stood on the beach and looked at the Enterprise that was gradually going away. They could only vaguely see a group of people waving goodbye to them.

"Bear, Brother Locke is such a good man. Let's go back and see the church that Brother Locke has renovated for us."

"Yes! Ginny, let's go back."

Big Bear and Ginny returned along the original route. The original dirt road was replaced by a gravel road by Locke, and there was a seat fixed on the roadside at a certain distance.

When Big Bear returned to the church, he found that the original wooden church had been replaced by a three-story stone church by Locke. Each floor had transparent glass for indoor lighting. When he opened the door, it was still the same cross, but the space had been enlarged.

There was a suitcase on the table with a sticky note on it. Big Bear picked it up and said

"Bear, this is just the 10 million Baileys I left for you. Just consider it my contribution to the welfare cause. I have filled the basement with food ingredients, and I have cultivated two acres of land in the backyard for you. The seeds and tools are all in the basement. Your big brother Locke left them."

Bear was already in tears when he read the last part. Besides his father, Locke was the only one who was so good to him.

"Brother Locke!"

Ginny also came to the backyard. The original forest became a farmland, and a bag of seeds was placed at the door.

"Bear, it seems that we can grow crops in the future."

"Yeah! I didn't know how to grow crops before, but fortunately Brother Locke left a book that explained how to grow crops."

Ginny grabbed Big Bear's hand and said

"Will we have a chance to see Brother Locke in the future?"

Big Bear thought of what Locke said to him and said

"Yes! I will!"

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