The weather was very hot, but the weather was very hot.

In the morning, a week had passed since leaving Big Bear. Locke and others came to the entrance of Upside Down Mountain again. Looking at the familiar upward current, Locke and Hannah continued to come to both sides of the Enterprise to prevent the Enterprise from hitting the sides.

The turbulent current quickly brought the Enterprise to the top of the mountain and then gently fell into the water with the help of Locke.

At this time, Crocus of Gemini Cape saw Locke's adventure group coming down from Upside Down Mountain again and asked

"Locke! Locke! Aren't you going to the Grand Line? Why are you coming down from Upside Down Mountain again?"

Locke replied

"We crossed the Calm Belt before and went on an adventure in the South China Sea. This time we are really starting the Grand Line!"

Crocus waved goodbye to Locke and said

"Locke, I wish you good luck. I hope you can sail around the world. At the same time, help me find a guy with an afro named Brook."

Locke said

"No problem, just read the newspaper! The greatest adventurer in the world is about to take the stage!"

Locke left Gemini Cape on the Enterprise after he finished speaking. Allen ran to Locke with a three-headed pointer of the New World in his hand and a map of the Grand Line and asked

"Locke, which route of the Grand Line should we take?"

Locke pointed to the middle route and said

"Take this one, the fourth route."

After receiving Locke's order, Allen began to order the crew to adjust the course and head towards the first island, Whiskey Peak.

The Whiskey Peak is not far from the Upside-Down Mountain. The Locke Adventure Team sailed for a day and arrived here at dusk.

Locke looked at the spherical mountain on the island from the bed. Because the Baroque Studio had not yet appeared and the Great Pirate Era had not yet begun, the men were still farming and the women were weaving.

When the Enterprise docked at the port, the residents of the island had already hidden in their homes, and some brave people observed the Locke Adventure Team through the cracks in the door.

"What a big ship! Hey, it doesn't seem to be pirates coming. The flag looks a bit like an adventure team."

A woman patted the man's head from behind and cursed

"Stupid, whether it's pirates or adventure teams, we just hide! Who knows who they are."

Locke and his party walked on the depressed street and said

"It seems that the people here have been killed by pirates."

Dean said

"Boss, this is normal. After all, this is the first island of the Grand Line. The probability of pirates passing through here is very high."

Locke found a tavern that was still in operation and said

"Let's replenish supplies first. After all, we have sailed for a week."

Locke pushed the door open

"Boss, do you sell ingredients here?"

The boss was wiping the wine glass on the bar and said

"Yes, I don't know how much the customer needs."

Leon was a relatively well-educated person on the ship, so Locke arranged him to be the material manager. At this time, Leon stood up and said

"We need 200 tons of fresh meat, and we will cover all the wine and cola in your store."

The boss looked at Leon and said

"There is not so much meat, but I can give you all the wine and cola. It only costs 1 million Baileys."

Locke took out the money to pay the bill, and then ordered

"Brothers, let's move! Let's go back to the boat to eat."

At this time, Yoel came to Locke and said

"Locke, I have learned a new dish. Do you want to try it later?"

Locke replied

"No problem."

Jenny said weakly while lying on the lawn

"Brother, this island is so boring!"

Locke sat next to Jenny and comforted her

"There is no way. This is the life of ordinary people. You are walking on thin ice. If you are not careful, you will be in the next life."

Seeing that Jenny was still listless, Locke gave a spoiler in advance

"Jenny, the next island is interesting."

Jenny immediately became energetic and sat up asked

"Really, brother! Can you tell me in advance?"

Locke shook his finger and said

"No! You can only know if it's fun after experiencing it."

Locke asked Nasir mysteriously

"Nasir, did you have anyone you admired when you were in Elbaf?"

Nasir said excitedly

"Of course! It must be the leaders of the Giant Pirates, Donli and Buloki! Many people in Elbaf admire these two. But unfortunately, they haven't appeared for many years, and many crew members of the Giant Pirates have not found them when they went out to sea."

Locke patted Nasir on the shoulder and said


But it's interesting. "

The next day

After a night's rest, Locke and his companions set sail, leaving Whiskey Peak and heading for the next island garden.

At this time, the residents on the island saw Locke leaving and walked out of their homes and said

"It's really not a pirate."

"It's great that they didn't rob us."

"I was scared last night and didn't sleep all night. I tell you, I waited in the living room with a musket all night last night."

"It turns out that there are adventure groups in this world."

A week later

The Locke Adventure Group arrived at the small garden after experiencing countless rainstorms and tsunamis.

Yol hugged a mast and said luckily

"What a terrible tsunami, thanks to Locke who split him at the critical moment."

Alan also said

"Yes, this tsunami came too suddenly, and as a navigator on the ship, I didn't feel it at the first time."

Locke came down from the bow at this time and said

"It's a small problem. As long as it's not a natural disaster, I can still solve it. "

Jenny said while looking at the small garden with a telescope

"Brother, is this the interesting island you mentioned? I feel like it's a primeval forest!"

Locke touched Jenny's head and said

"So you have to get off the boat to experience it!"

"Everyone, please anchor at the shore and be careful not to be bitten by mosquitoes. This is an island with prehistoric civilization. The viruses in mosquitoes are not simple."

Michelle said with his ship doctor and several crew members

"An island with prehistoric civilization? Boss, let me take people to collect medicinal materials on the island to see if there is any difference."

Before Michelle finished speaking, a huge monster walked out of the forest. Its huge body easily knocked away the towering trees on both sides. When it saw a group of small snacks and several big snacks on the beach, it roared

"Boom boom boom!"

The powerful momentum even scared some crew members' weapons and then picked them up again.

Yol and Leon stuttered

"Dinosaur? ! Are you kidding! "

Dean put his hands on the sword, looking for a chance to kill with one strike. It was the first time for Dean to face such a large enemy.

The legendary top predator Tyrannosaurus Rex came out of the forest. It was fifteen meters long. It looked at these creatures it had never seen before, and then accelerated to rush towards the crowd. The tallest one was Nasir.

"Boom boom boom!"

Nasir's armament color covered his torso and arms. Just when the Tyrannosaurus Rex rushed in front of him and was ready to bite him, Nasir's uppercut went straight from the chin of the Tyrannosaurus Rex to the top of his head. The body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex fell in front of Nasir due to inertia.

Nasir pushed away the Tyrannosaurus Rex corpse on his body and said lightly

"That's it?"

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