The battle was won, and the battle was over.

At this time, our protagonist Locke was escaping with his mother Anna and sister Jenny.

Although the poisoning caused physical weakness, it did not affect the natural strong physique and flying ability of the Lunalia people.

Except for the initial chaos, the strong men of the Lunalia tribe stayed behind to cover the old, weak and disabled people in the tribe to escape. The Lunalia tribe fled in all directions, including Locke's family.

The dividing line drawn by the black knife...

When Locke was five years old

"Dad, look, this is the king of the offshore that I defeated!"

Little Locke was jumping and grabbing a 10-meter-long 'shark? ’

Jack came behind Locke, clenched his hands and pressed them on Locke's temples and started spinning

"Little Locke, now that you have caught the King of the Sea, have you forgotten what your father said to you?!"

Little Locke was spinning his hands and feet wildly, and even threw the King of the Sea that he had just turned aside and begged for mercy

"Dad, dad! Stop it! It hurts! I remember what you said, you can't leave the island."

Jack didn't stop immediately after hearing what his son said, and he tortured Locke for a long time.

"Since you remember, why are you going out to catch the King of the Near Sea? And what's the name of your little fish, the King of the Near Sea?"

"Please, Dad, don't you know how strong I am? The flames I raise can even melt steel, why don't you let me leave the island?"

"Anything else?"

"Isn't that enough?"

"When you can use Armament Haki and Observation Haki, I will take you out to sea and play with you until you get bored."

"Huh? Dad, aren't you bullying an honest man? Although my physique is very strong, isn't it too early to cultivate Armament Haki?"

"Little Locke, you are different. In my experience, even the most powerful monsters cannot cultivate Armament Haki when they are young."

(This excludes Big Mom, who destroyed the Giant Village at the age of five and defeated the Giant The elder of the tribe, the author has no way to determine whether she was domineering at that time)

"And little Locke, you are born strong, your future must be the king of the sea, the king who leads our Lunaria tribe!"

"Ah? Dad, really? Although my strength can kill a big shark, and the flames I generate can burn mountains and boil seas, but can I really be the one who leads our Lunaria tribe?"

Locke looked at Jack with his big eyes, Jack laughed and touched Locke's head and said

"The first step for little Locke to become a strong man is to have a lofty ideal, and then keep walking towards the realization of this dream."

"Really? "

"Of course!"

"My dream is to become the best in the world~~"

Jack's mouth almost stretched to the back of his ears when he heard this.



Jack's eyes popped out of his head in shock

"Chef? Little Locke, you want to be the strongest. Got it!"

A bright light bulb appeared in Jack's head

"Little Locke, I respect your ideals, so I decided to train you to be the strongest chef. No one among the strong can cook as delicious as you, and no one among the chefs can fight better than you."


"No, Dad, I just want to have the ability to protect myself, there's no need to be so exaggerated."

After hearing this, Jack selectively heard in his head

"Oh oh oh! I want to If you have the ability to protect yourself, you have the ability to protect himself in the world! "" Not dad, I am just a crispy shark. " The enemy is of course the world government! You are also a hinders. You have no worries about your dad. "Oh, I know." Jennie runs! "" But ~ "" No, even if I and my dad died, as long as you and Jenny can escape. "

The master has stepped on the moon step to the back of Locke's family.

Anna turned around to fight after hearing the voice

"Locke, take your sister away, I'll hold the people of the World Government here."

The hypnotist looked at Locke's stealing with a nonchalant face, because in his opinion, Locke was already his meal, and then looked at Anna

"Ah la la la, my sword does not cut the old and the young, but my hands and feet can still hit the old and the young, hahaha!"

"Stop bragging! If you want to catch my child, you have to go over my body."

Anna covered her hands with immature armed color domineering, and at the same time, the symbol of the Lunaria tribe, the flame, covered her whole body and punched the hypnotist.

It was a very fast blow from the perspective of ordinary people, and the hypnotist easily broke away and came behind her

"Finger gun-machine gun."

Two fingers covered with armed color domineering stabbed Anna's back at a speed of dozens of times per second.

Many blood holes appeared on Anna's back in an instant, but Anna endured the severe pain and turned around and punched with her strong will.

"Protective Fist!"

"Iron Block"

The fist covered with flames swung at the hypnotist, who held his hands to block.

The flames burned the hypnotist's white suit and hair, but were quickly pushed aside by the hypnotist, and at this time, burn marks appeared on the hypnotist's face.

"Damn it, it really hurts! Storm Legs - Head Slash!"

The hypnotist used the Moon Step to get above Anna, and her beautiful legs attached with Armament Haki to cut off Anna's head like a black knife.

Jenny turned around and saw this scene, and cried out in despair

"Locke! Locke! Mom was killed by that woman!"

Locke looked back when he heard his sister's words, and sadness surged in his heart

"Jenny, go first, I'll chop off that bastard's head and find you soon!"

Just as Jenny was about to say something, Locke pushed her far forward

"Go! I'll kill that bastard soon!"

After Locke finished speaking, the flames behind him surged, illuminating the surroundings, dispelling the darkness, like a small sun.

"Although the speed has slowed down, the defense has increased, and we'll quickly deal with her next."

Locke flapped his wings and flew towards the hypnotist, and at the same time, the results of his training all along burst out at this moment.

"Scoring Sun Cuisine - Sunset!"

"Iron Block Fist - Iron Fist!"

The hypnotist counterattacked immediately under the indication of the observation Haki.

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