The two sides of the battle were in chaos.


A sun rose at the place where the hypnotist and Locke were fighting, and then an explosion occurred.

The hypnotist was knocked back by Locke's great force and fell to the ground like a meteor.

At the same time, the hypnotist's condition was not good. He had large-scale burns all over his body, and half of his arm that was fighting with Locke was hit.

And people from all over the battlefield looked here.

The people of the Lunaria tribe were naturally very motivated when they saw this scene.

"Has Brother Jack's son grown up like this?"

"I remember I was still playing with fire in the woods when I was six years old."

"The flames released by Little Locke, who is six years older than me, are like lighting candles on a birthday cake."

"Brothers, kill these lackeys of the World Government with all your strength and take Brother Jack's son out."

"It must be Brother Jack's son, the legendary sun god in the tribe!"

"Brothers, fight!"

The situation is completely different here in the CP organization, especially the CP7 agents, who are simply gold agents being brought into a diamond game by diamond teammates.

Originally, it was thought that the CP7 chief, the bureaucrat, could gather all the people in the entire CP7 who could walk the moon and the legendary Celestial Dragon's strongest shield, CP0, to kill the remnants of the Lunaria tribe.

After all, in their cognition, this force can easily destroy any force in the first half of the Grand Line.

Even when this operation was just planned, many people with connections came to participate in this operation, just to add a merit to their careers.

The result was unexpected. We had poison and traitors at the beginning. We had 200 soldiers while the Lunaria tribe had 30 soldiers. The advantage was totally in my hands.

The result was a big mess.

"Monsters, all of them are monsters!"

The CP7 leader who disappeared from the beginning is crawling in the darkness underground, making a "squeaking" sound from time to time


"The intelligence is wrong! Didn't dad say that those CP0 people are very strong? How come half of them died at the beginning."

"And the son of the sky swordsman Jack, I'm laughing, the intelligence said he was only six years old, how could he be six years old?"

"Wait and see, if all the CP0 people are defeated, then I will run away quickly, and then tell the Five Elders that everything was messed up by CP0, maybe I can get promoted! Hehehe!"

And the other CP7 agents who are still alive are gone. Although those escaped Lunaria people are a piece of cake for CP0, they are the most powerful enemies in their agent careers for them CP7.

They couldn't even break through the defense of the fleeing Lunaria people, and the survivors of the Lunaria people gave them a flaming fist, and these CP7 agents burned like firewood, contributing the last light and heat to the world.

On one side of the battlefield

The CP0 agent vampire stepped on two Lunaria people, and an older Lunaria person was lying on the ground like a mummy, with only a faint breath proving that he was still alive.

Under him was a Lunaria girl, whose legs and wings were twisted off. The severe pain made the girl faint, her eyes turned white, her face was covered with tears, her mouth was wide open due to the severe pain, and she made ah ah sounds from time to time.

"The hypnotist is a piece of crap. He can't even deal with a little Lunariya kid. And those CP7 are really rubbish. They were completely wiped out?!"

"It seems that the plan has to change. Let those ordinary Lunariya survivors escape. We must catch that Lunariya kid."

"So many people have run away. There are still five people on the field including Jack. We can threaten Jack by catching that kid first."

(Locke, his sister Jenny, and two passers-by from the Lunariya tribe)

The target vampire grew wings from his back and flew to Locke's position.

. . . . . . .

At this time, Locke had caught up with his sister Jenny

"Jenny, I have killed that woman. Let's run first. Staying here will only hinder Dad."

"But brother, what about Mom's body?"

At this moment, Locke was not as lazy as before. The comfort he had enjoyed since his rebirth was shattered by the World Government at this moment.

"Alive! As long as we are alive, we have a chance. We will come back in the future!"

Locke himself did not believe this. After all, there are more than a few thousand deserted islands like the remnants of the Lunaria tribe in the vast Calm Belt. It can only be said to be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Locke extinguished the flames behind him.

Flying all the way with Jenny, they soon arrived at the coastline.

"You two little brats run so fast! But your journey ends here!"

At this time, a terrifying voice came from behind, it was the CP0 agent vampire who was chasing Locke all the way.

"I say, uncle, did you rush too much and damage your brain?"

The vampire did not mock Locke but said lightly

"I hope you can still be so foul-mouthed next time, after all, I am not that useless hypnotist."

"Lan Jiao - Blood Slash"

The vampire kicked a huge blood-red slashing wave quickly towards Locke.

Locke saw the blood-colored slashing wave coming towards him quickly. Although his head frantically reminded him to dodge, his body still did not keep up, and his sister was behind him, so he could not hide and could only withstand the attack.

"Locke, you woke up. Follow what dad said. First, let your body produce special Qi, then control it and let it use it on your body. Locke, you woke up! Come on! I'm a man who wants to seduce ten goddesses!"

Locke comforted himself and tried to make his body produce Armament Haki. Soon, a black substance appeared on Locke's chest and spread all the way to the whole body and stopped.

Under the defense of Armament Haki, the slash did not cut Locke's chest, but made Locke fall directly from the sky. The huge slash did not split Locke in two, but it also left Locke with a long wound.

The wound went from the left shoulder to the right abdomen, and the deepest part could even see the slowly moving internal organs.

"Hehehe! So tired, I seem to see my mother~"

Locke was lying on the beach, panting and saying something in his mouth. Jenny was tearing her skirt to block the wound.

"Brother, don't fall asleep! Jenny is always by your side! Woo woo woo!"

"Oh my, is this the same little brat who just said that? How come he can't even take a casual blow from me?"

"Shave, finger gun"

The vampire attacked from a distance, and when he came behind Jenny, he pierced Jenny's shoulder with his finger.


Jenny fell on Locke with a scream.

The sudden weight caused the wound that had stopped bleeding to rupture, and blood flowed out like a fountain, first staining Locke and Jenny's clothes red, and then the beach around them also turned red. Under the moonlight, it was like a

"Beach Murder Case"

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