In the captain's room of a large ship, the captain of this fleet was sitting cross-legged on the table, chatting with a Den Den Mushi in his hand.

"Hello dear, I'll be at the Sabaody Archipelago soon! You should wear black stockings and a battle robe tonight and wait for me."

A charming woman on the other end of the phone rubbed her thighs and said

"Hate it! I learned a new trick!"

The captain said with a lewd smile

"Baby, you know me! I'm the Iron Man who ate the Iron Fruit."

"Hate it, you only know how to torture me with your strange ability. Just drive the boat and I'm hanging up."

The captain picked up the Den Den Mushi and walked to the window, looking at the calm sea outside and said with a smile

"We are a legal ship, the navy will protect us, this route is very safe!"

"It's good to be safe, I'm going shopping with my girlfriend."

The captain put down the Den Den Mushi, lay on the chair and enjoyed the beautiful music, and the crew members who were resting on the ship also sat in the cabin and played cards.

Two crew members were patrolling, and an older crew member said while smoking a cigarette

"Don't be nervous, brother, relax. I have sailed this route dozens of times without any accidents."

The young crew member looked at the sea with a musket and said

"But I am inexplicably nervous. My eyelids have been twitching since this morning!"

The older crew member smiled and patted his shoulder and said

"It was the same when I first sailed. Later, I learned that this route is often patrolled by the navy, and pirates and some illegal ships will not appear here."

"Oh?! Really?"

The older crew member did not hear the difference in the sound and continued to move forward. Suddenly, a blue arm covered his mouth so that he could not make a sound. When he struggled, another blue arm held a dagger and stabbed his heart.

The older crew member felt the passing of life and looked back, only to see that the companion who had just talked and laughed with him had already died, staring at him with wide eyes.

After dealing with the two people, the octopus man took out a few ropes from his backpack, fixed them and threw them down, and then several fully armed fish soldiers boarded the ship from the sea.

Such a scene was also being played out on the other two ships. The well-prepared fishmen soldiers quietly solved the targets one by one as in the exercise.

Just then, a crew member found something wrong and quickly fired his gun

"Who are you?! Don't be attacked!"

As the gunshots rang out, the surviving crew members instantly picked up their weapons and rushed out of the room to fight with the fishmen soldiers in the corridor.

The captain, who was still reading the Sese magazine, was interrupted by the sudden gunshots. Then he put down the magazine and came out angrily. Seeing many fishmen soldiers suppressing the crew members, he laughed and said

"When will fish rebel against humans! Skewer fork!"

The captain's two arms began to deform strangely, slowly solidifying into two tridents like liquid, and the front part of the trident began to turn red.

The captain jumped down with his red-hot hands, and stabbed the two fishmen soldiers with his double thorns in his hands. The red-hot steel pierced the skin of the fishmen and drilled into the flesh, making a "sizzling" sound.

"It's just a fish with two legs! How dare you learn to be a pirate?"

Several powerful fishmen soldiers used fishmen karate at the same time, sending several currents towards the sudden devil fruit user.

The captain saw the current rushing towards him and said

"The passion of steel!"

The whole body suddenly turned red, and the intense heat made the deck under his feet start to burn. The seawater splashed on him evaporated into air the moment it touched his skin, leaving a pile of white crystalline particles.

The captain said arrogantly after seeing the seawater attack.

"Stupid fishman, I am the Iron Man who ate the Iron Fruit. My whole body can be turned into steel or heated. Your little water flow is useless to me! I will turn you all into grilled fish."

At this time, William came to the deck and said angrily.

"Who do you want to turn into grilled fish? Three thousand watt tiger shark punch!"

The captain looked at the black fist getting closer and closer and said.

"It's useless. My whole body is heated steel. You will only get burned if you hit it with your fist!"

William punched the captain in the heart, and there was a sizzling sound. However, the captain on the opposite side was not feeling well. The steel in front of his chest shattered like a spider web, and the heart inside had already been destroyed by William's dark power.

The captain spit out a mouthful of blood and said in disbelief.

"How is it possible?! How can the fishman...

Will he have such strength? "

The captain fell to the deck with his eyes wide open as soon as he finished speaking.

William covered his burned palm and said

"Fortunately, this bastard is arrogant and has no defense. If we fight head-on without paying some price, it will be difficult to take down this idiot!"

Bill came over and asked

"Brother William, do you want to treat your hand first?"

William raised his red right hand and said

"It's okay, I'll just apply some burn medicine when I go back. It's a pity that this idiot died directly, and I can't take him back to report to Boss Locke."

Bill said

"His Majesty the King said safety first, as long as we are fine, there will be more."

William ordered

"After the brothers kill all the rebels, take the bubble coral and take all four ships away."

"Yes! "

As the strongest man in the fleet fell, the resistance on the ship was quickly taken down by the fierce fishmen soldiers. Each fishman soldier cut off a head and put it on his waist. This was their military merit, and someone would naturally register it when they returned.

These military merits can be exchanged for many things in the army, such as Bailey, houses, food, and even martial arts secrets.

A fishman soldier reported the results of the battle to William

"Brother William, we have seized a total of four intact ships this time. According to statistics, there are 400 slaves on them, most of whom are humans, and a small number are long-handed people or other races. There are countless other supplies and jewels."

William said

"Take good care of these slaves, give them food and tell them that we are here to save them. When we arrive at the Fishman Island, Boss Locke will make arrangements."

"Yes! "

Soon, several fishmen took the bubble coral and simply coated it with a layer of film. This layer of film is very fragile. It is temporarily used for underwater navigation. When they reach a safe place, professional coating boatmen will coat these ships.

Under the sea,

On several ships departing from the Fishman Island, all the fishmen soldiers who went out to the expedition cheered and held the old custom banquet of the Locke Adventure Group.

"Our new king is really amazing. I never dared to think that those damn slave-hunting teams were so fragile."

Another fishman soldier said

"Guess what the casualty ratio is today?"

"A few dozen to four hundred?"

Then the fishman soldier said proudly

"Including the wounded, it's only twenty to more than four hundred!"

After hearing this, the fishman soldiers cheered

"Cool! I never thought that war could be like this!"

"Yes! The octopus man has made great contributions!"

"Stop talking! Let's drink and eat. The general said that each person is limited to one barrel of rum! "

The fishmen soldiers shouted in unison

"Cheers to His Majesty the King!"

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