The battle was over, but the battle was over.

A week later

The fleet that went to Fishman Island returned.

There were only five ships when they left, but when they returned, they had a fleet of 20 ships, including two naval warships, but there was no marine on them.

When the residents of Fishman Island heard that the warships had returned, they all came to the port to greet them spontaneously.

Some of the military dependents were always watching their children.

"There are so many spoils of war!"

"My relatives told me that they will give some of the spoils of war to the soldiers."

"Really? I'm not well educated, don't lie to me!"

"How can this be false? It is clearly written on the standard treatment for conscription issued by His Majesty the King."

Some passionate young people immediately decided that they could do it.

"Don't stop me, I want to join the army!"

"Only three centimeters? Can you do it? Be careful that you will be rejected in the physical examination."

"You are a man with kidney deficiency and you dare to say that to me. Look at these biceps. If I don't admit you, no one else on Fishman Island can do it."

After returning from a great victory, the people on the island were excited to join the army. Countless idle young fishmen and even mermaids ran to the nearby registration office to join the army.

When some female mermaids heard that the army needed some medical personnel, they were also willing to choose to join the new army under Locke.

Dragon Palace

Nick walked in and said

"Your Majesty, since our fleet returned victoriously, it has aroused the desire of the people on the island to join the army. Now all the major registration offices are full, so I came here to ask your Majesty's opinion."

Locke put down the list of spoils in his hand and said

"Recruit 1,000 people first, and register the others who were rejected. Tell them that we will recruit them next time. At the same time, arrange for them to rebuild the Fishman Street. Some residents of other races will come to the island next. Inform them of this."

Nick left after receiving Locke's order, and then William came in

"Boss, you have gained a lot this time. Boss, this is the latest newspaper."

Locke picked up the newspaper and read it. The content on it was that Morgans didn't know what medicine he had taken and actually told the world that Locke said adventurers are not pirates.

"Huh?! What's that old bird Morgans doing? Why is he trying to clear my name?"

The following content is that because Locke defeated Zephyr, severely damaged the naval fleet that came to attack, and crippled the few mobile forces in Marshal Kong's hands, the G1 branch in the New World was in danger, and the G5 branch was about to be broken by the Flying Pirates of Golden Lion.

"William, you guys should go to the New World immediately after you have repaired. Didn't you find a few naval ships? Beat him up, don't let a single naval ship support the New World!"

William shouted

"Yes, boss! But I need Miss Heidi Ram's help."

Locke said

"No problem! It just so happens that Heidi Ram has recently developed the ability to block Den Den Mushi. I'll let Dot, Joel and Dean go together."

At this time, Jenny ran out and said

"Brother! Brother! Sister Hannah and I will go too!"

. . . Sabaody Archipelago. . .

In a chamber of commerce office, a middle-aged man wearing gold-rimmed glasses asked angrily

"Have you found my fleet?"

The assistant standing outside the door said tremblingly

"Yes, the president hasn't found it yet, and the navy said it hasn't found it either."

The president shouted angrily

"My fleet just disappeared! I want Steel to die! Send someone to capture Steel's family for me. If they don't come back in a month, sink them into the sea to feed the fish!"

The assistant said tremblingly

"Yes! Yes! President, will our chamber of commerce's auction be held next month?"

The president took a sip of tea and said lightly

"Send another fleet to repurchase it! By the way, let the spies see who is behind it!"

The assistant closed the door with a cold sweat on his face.

The assistant turned his chair to face the window and said

"Who the hell is this? There is still no news about the slave-hunting team going to Fishman Island. Most likely something went wrong."

. . . Sabaody Archipelago Naval Base. . .

A captain is reporting on his work

"Colonel, we sent people to search the sea area where the Apple Chamber of Commerce last appeared, but we didn't find any clues. The two warships we sent out have also disappeared for three days!"

The colonel said lightly

"Send out warships to patrol more diligently in the future to see if we can find some clues. I will report this matter to the headquarters."

. . . Dragon Palace of Fishman Island. . .

Locke sitting on the dragon chair

Looking at the beautiful women standing below, he asked

"Aidra, why did you bring these women here? To be my concubines? Didn't I say that you are enough?"

Aidra said with joy when she heard Locke's words

"Of course it is to form the maid group that someone has been dreaming of! As the leader of the maid group, it is not enough for me to have only two maids under my command."

Locke said with a headache

"Stop, stop, stop, when did I say I wanted to form a maid group? And people are already miserable enough and still want others to be my maids?"

Aidra said proudly

"That's too much Thanks to my little pervert master, these people are all volunteers. After my selection, the ones left are elites. Everyone can handle government affairs or have some special skills. "

Locke heard the key word "handle government affairs" and asked

"Are you sure they can handle government affairs? It just so happens that Lucia and her daughter are too busy. With these people's help, I can slack off better, not better training."

After getting Locke's consent, Adra took the ten newly joined maids to change into maid outfits full of sexiness and plunged into the government affairs hall to handle a large number of affairs.

These maids are all from nobles or businessmen. Everyone has some experience, and the accumulated government affairs were quickly handled.

After training, Locke left the Dragon Palace for a private visit to understand the current situation of Mermaid Island.

Locke first came to the bustling Mermaid Street. Because the fleet that went out today returned, each soldier was allocated a reward, so there were many more people on the street, and a group of fish people started to buy on the street.

The official shops sell the remaining spoils of war, and they are cheap and good quality. The most people who come here to buy things are fishmen and mermaids, and they are almost sold out as soon as they are replenished.

Locke looked at a vibrant and flourishing state right in front of him.

"The people's hearts can be used, and the advantage is mine!"

Locke came to the Fishman Street of the former Fishman Island. It used to be a paradise for criminal smuggling. After Locke's crackdown, the crimes here have been eliminated by Locke. At the same time, a group of foreigners came here today.

All the slaves from the slave-hunting team that William eliminated in the past few days were arranged in one go. Each slave was given a new life by Locke, and everyone contributed their own strength to their homeland.

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