The two fleets met at dusk, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Prodians were surprised that the Rock Pirates sent out only one ship to fight.

Elizabero II stood on the bow and kept punching, and his momentum became stronger with each punch. The military advisor next to him said

"Your Majesty, the Rock Pirates will send out only one pirate ship to fight."

Elizabero II continued to punch and said

"I saw it. When you get closer, I will punch this arrogant pirate to tell him the strength of the member countries of the World Government!"


Locke looked at the fleet in the distance, and the flames behind him flew into the sky, shining on the sea with the setting sun from the east and west.

Locke closed his eyes and felt the information brought by the wind. This was the situation that would only occur after Locke awakened the sword intent. The perception time was very short, but Locke had just sensed a sword technique.


A hundred-meter-long fiery red sword energy swept over, and it was not covered with the domineering color entanglement. The sword energy was purely composed of domineering and flames.

Elisabero II looked at the hot air coming at him and ignored everything else. He directly hit the King's Fist. The strong Gangqi and sword energy confronted each other in mid-air. Soon, the King's Fist hit by Elisabero II was dispersed by Locke's domineering.

The powerful sword energy instantly cut many ships in half. There were burning ships floating everywhere on the sea. Locke felt that it was not enough, and the flames on his body expanded again.

"Sunbird-Solar Storm."

A tornado composed of flames rose in Locke's palm. Locke threw it hard, and a huge fire tornado appeared on the sea. The remaining fleet of the Kingdom of Prodians was sucked into the air by the fire tornado and burned into a pile of charcoal.

When Locke returned to the Enterprise, he said, "How dare you, a traitor, offend me?!" As a swordsman, Hannah sensed that the slash just now was somewhat different from the previous Domination Slash, so she said, "Locke, although the power of your Domination Slash just now is not as strong as the Domination Slash, the sword intent on it is indeed domineering." Locke said helplessly, "The Domination Slash is for the strong on the other side. These weak chickens are not enough for me to use the Domination Slash. I just realized a new sword style and I just tried it out." Hannah said, "No wonder the sword intent on it is so strong." Locke looked at the annihilated Prodians Kingdom army and said, "Next, I can go and privatize another country. I didn't come to them, but they dared to come to me! It must be caused by too much freedom." The next day, the Enterprise arrived at the port of the Prodians Kingdom as the sun rose. Locke found that the citizens of the Prodians Kingdom were generally taller than ordinary people. "A great source of soldiers, the solar storm!"

A huge fire tornado blew all the way from the seaside to the gate of the Kingdom of Prodians before stopping. Where the fire tornado passed, only ashes and burning houses were left. Even the hard bricks turned into molten lava under Locke's flames.

A flame rose behind Locke and the crew of the Locke Adventure Group followed him all the way to the gate of the kingdom. The soldiers guarding the kingdom had just turned into ashes with the gate and reunited with their king in the underworld.

"No one will be left in the palace! Anyone who resists in other places will be killed without mercy!"

The crew members immediately dispersed and killed anyone they saw in the palace. Many maids hid and were discovered by the crew members. They were dragged out and killed. In the royal garden of the palace, the originally green grass was dyed red, and there were corpses floating on the river.

There was also a fire outside the palace. Jenny asked

"Why did you do this, brother?"

Locke said

"If we don't show them how powerful we are, they will think we are nothing special. Only by killing them in the beginning and then using both kindness and force can we win back the hearts of the people."

Jenny nodded and said

"Oh, I understand. It's too troublesome for you to be king!"

Adra ran over and said

"Locke Locke! We found the treasury. They are really a bunch of poor guys. There are only a few boxes of gold in it except for the basic combat secrets! Can you believe this is the treasury of a country!"

Locke said

"Otherwise, why do you think they would help King Liku to restore the throne? King Liku is the financial support of their country."

Locke took the secret book and looked at it. It talked about the practice method of the King's Fist and some medicinal bath formulas. They were all formulas that could enhance some physical fitness by soaking from birth. I just don't know how they compare with the ones I collected.

At this time, the crew members who went out were all covered with

He returned to the palace with blood on his face and said

"Boss, it's all done. We have dealt with all the people who resisted."

Nasir put down the two young women from his hands and said

"Boss, the royal family of the Kingdom of Prodians has been cleaned up by me. I think this person is the eldest princess and the queen. I brought them to you."

"Yoshi! Nasir, I will roast a chicken leg for you when I go back!"

Nasir touched his head happily.

. . . The third day. . .

Locke got up from the big bed in the palace, and next to him were two women with broken expressions.

"Oh! Women, my will of fire is not what you can imagine."

In the next two years, the time came to 1492 of the Haiyuan calendar

In the past two years, Locke basically stayed in Dressrosa. After all, the two countries have not been completely recovered. If Locke leaves too early, the World Government will definitely intervene here.

In two years, the people of the two countries have completely accepted Locke as the new king and have initially become citizens of the Kingdom of Garfield.

In the kingdom, Locke was overwhelmed when he saw the little Lunalia people running all over the place. In the past two years, the Garfield family has grown.

Sister Hannah gave birth to Locke's eldest son Alexander.

Joel gave birth to Locke's eldest daughter Eva.

Nina gave birth to his second son Harrison.

Adra gave birth to his third son Gabriel.

Leon gave birth to his fourth son Philip.

Heidi Ram gave birth to his fifth son Raphael.

Nada gave birth to his sixth son Victor.

Locke's maids also gave birth to six sons and six daughters for Locke.

They are Andrew, the seventh son, Andy, Andy, Barron, the ninth son, Baker, the tenth son, Porter, and Bowen.

Julia, the second daughter, Kelsey, the third daughter, Cindy, the fourth daughter, Vera, the sixth daughter, Belle, and the seventh daughter, Cynthia.

Even the three captives in the New World gave birth to Dick, the thirteenth son, David, and Amy, the fourteenth son, and Amy, the eighth daughter, for Locke.

The Garfield family had twenty-two new members in two years. Locke was sitting on the steps, looking at the happy carrot head below and said, "That's not right! Isn't it said that the stronger you are, the harder it is to get pregnant? Am I the male version of Auntie?" The Auntie in Locke's mind during the battle of God Valley was still a little sweetheart at that time. Until recently, Locke saw the latest photo of Auntie and almost vomited his breakfast in the morning, although Locke had already digested it. Except for the three born later, the other children were born at the end of 1490 in the Haiyuan calendar and are now two years old. Dick, David and Amy are just one year old. Locke did not favor anyone more because of who their mothers were. Except for being particularly serious with Alexander, the eldest son, he treated the other children equally.

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