The baby was born in a big way.

Locke looked at these lively little babies and remembered when Alexander was just born. That was his first time as a father.

Locke walked around the delivery room in a panic, fearing that a little monster would be born. The main reason was that Locke had too many transformations, and there were three types of blood alone.

Finally, as the doctor shouted

"Your Majesty, the prince is born."

Locke carefully lifted the curtain and went in. Looking at his well-wrapped son, he suddenly felt a whim and looked at the baby in his hand carefully.

The baby had two cute little horns like himself. Locke gently put his ear to the baby's chest and found that there was only one heart inside. He ordered

"Take my son's bloodline factor for examination."

After Locke finished speaking, he carried the child into the room and looked at Hannah, who was weak on the bed. The last time he saw Hannah was when she was six years old. Time passed unknowingly. Locke put the child next to Hannah and whispered

"Sister Hannah, this is our child. He looks exactly like me."

. . . . . . .

As the children were born one after another, Locke found that each child had only one heart, but had three bloodlines in their bodies.

But for some reason, Harrison, the son born by Nina, seemed particularly weak compared to other children. It might be that the mermaid blood in his body conflicted with the blood of the Lunaria tribe.

Gabriel, born to Adra, was better than many of Locke's children, but he was also naughty and bullied his brothers and sisters since he was a child. Locke often used a belt to beat him.

Gabriel was riding on his brother Harrison's shoulders and showing off his power. Locke frowned and said, "Gabriel, if you are still on your brother's head, your butt will be broken tonight! And Harrison, stop crying. What's the point of a little man crying every day?" Locke came to Harrison and wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "Okay, come here! I have something to tell you." The little radishes who were still playing around gathered together. Locke looked at his children sitting on the ground and said, "We, the Lunaria tribe, are born with strong strength. Your father even killed a CP0 by force when he was six years old. But I want you to understand one thing. In this world, it is far from enough for one person to be strong. Only unity can make us stronger. Be able to fight against danger!"

Alexander raised his hand and said

"I know, Dad. I heard from Mom that every time there is a strong enemy, Dad takes the lead and rushes to fight the strongest enemy, and then the aunts and uncles fight the weaker enemies."

Locke said

"That's right, I have decided that you will start learning like Brother Shanks in the future! Training can also start gradually. Alexander and Eva, you are the big brothers and sisters, set a good example for your younger brothers and sisters."

Alexander and Eva stood up and shouted

"Don't worry, Dad!"

The next day

Fanni, the princess of King Riku, came to the gate of a prison alone in a cloak. The jailer found that it was Locke's maid (wife) and opened the door to let Fanni in.

Fani came to a cell with ease. Through the iron bars, Fani looked at the white-haired King Liku and shouted

"Dold, I'm here."

King Liku, who was lying on the bed, heard the familiar voice and looked over. He found that it was his princess who ran over excitedly, grabbed the bars with both hands and said

"Fani, you finally came to see me!"

Fani said coldly

"The master asked me to see you."

King Liku didn't react for a while and asked


Fani said

"His Majesty Locke, the King of Garfield Kingdom, asked me to see you for the last time. I didn't see you for so long because I was pregnant and gave birth. Now my child Dick is one year old, and I'm pregnant again."

Fani showed his bulging belly under his cloak. King Liku looked at everything in despair, trying to see something from his wife's expression, but unfortunately Fani is now Locke's personal hot weapon.

Fani said coldly

"My body and soul belong completely to the master. I will not come to see you again. You can't satisfy me. It is impossible for us to be together now."

King Liku desperately stretched out his hand to catch Fani, but saw Fani's figure gradually going away and shouted in pain

"Ahhh! Fani! Damn pirate! I curse you to die! Ahhhh!"

Inside the palace

Locke saw

News came from the prison that King Liku had attempted suicide but was found in time by the jailer and was now rescued. Locke said, "Tell the jailer to pay attention and don't let him die. I promised him that he would live well!" The minister who managed the prison heard Locke's arrangement and said, "Yes! Your Majesty, I will arrange it now. I will definitely not let him die easily." Locke satisfied the Minotaur's wish. If Locke was not perverted enough, he would have recorded it with a video camera like a certain daughter, and then played it 24 hours a day at the door of King Liku's cell. Locke picked up a report on the immigration of the fur tribe and the fish people and asked the director of the human resources department next to him, "Have the fur tribe and the fish people adapted to the new environment? Any difficulties they have must be solved as soon as possible." In the past two years, Locke reached Zou through a fixed pointer, and became the king of the fur tribe through legitimate means. Now the fur tribe, the fish tribe, and the little people are all loyal to Locke. "Your Majesty, in addition to causing panic among the surrounding indigenous people at the beginning, the trouble later is to prevent poaching by human traffickers."

Locke said with a hint of murderous intent

"Aren't these lawless lunatics afraid of being killed by me?!"

Locke formulated a set of appropriate laws when promulgating laws, among which the lightest punishment for human trafficking is death penalty, and the highest is capital punishment.

Locke once shot and executed hundreds of human traffickers, and the execution lasted from day to night in the square, which was considered to deter the slave-catching team.

"Catch them and hang all the participants!"

After solving these two problems, Locke ended his day's work and came to the martial arts training ground to exercise. Locke looked at Shanks practicing sword and Barrett who kept trying to domineering body training.

"Shanks, let's come over and compete. Have you improved your swordsmanship recently?"

Shanks smiled and picked up the long sword and said

"Then you have to be careful, Dad. I feel that my swordsmanship has improved recently."

Locke said

"Then let me try the stronger Shanks."

Locke stood in place and faced Shanks' swordsmanship. Locke controlled his strength and countered his moves. Soon Locke saw the right time and used the spine of the sword to hit Shanks's hand holding the sword. Shanks' sword was directly pulled away.

"Shanks, your swordsmanship has indeed improved a little, but you have a problem that you care too much about the sword in your hand. Remember to treat the sword as a part of your body, just like a derivative of your arm."

Shanks picked up the sword on the ground and said with some frustration

"Got it, Dad."

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