In the past ten days, Solon has been training on the limits of the human body every day, which frightens the children around him who practice swords together.

Koshiro was worried that he would train badly, and he specially talked to him, hoping that he could reduce the amount of training.

But Solon refused.

Koshiro again goes to Guina and asks Guina to persuade Solon.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yina's attitude was actually the same as Solon's.

Even Gu Yina's training volume was several times higher than before.

And the reason why these two children began to train madly was ten days ago, the day after Lin Mo killed the mountain thief Sige and his gang.

Koshiro was depressed, but there was nothing he could do to stop them.

Inside the valley.

Lin Mo accepted Solon's challenge.

The two stood opposite each other.

All are ready to fight at any time.

A flash of essence flashed in Solon's eyes, and he rushed towards Lin Mo first.

When approaching Lin Mo, the sword held in both hands cleverly drew two crossed arcs, and the sword biting in his mouth was also under his handy control, and the three swords slashed towards Lin Mo menacingly together.

Now he is not a level at all compared to the first time when he recklessly only knew how to use brute force to fight against Lin Mo.

To be able to improve so much in a short period of time, it is not enough to have talent and understanding.

There must also be enough training to form a body memory.

Light is from Sauron's current sword skills and control over the three swords.

It can be seen that this guy has worked quite hard during this time.

But now Solon is still too weak for Lin Mo.

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, and at a glance he saw the flaws of the other party, and just when Solon approached, he knocked Solon out with a single blow.

And the word Dao into the sheath.

Lin Mo looked at the person lying on his back not far away.

Solon gritted his teeth and stared blankly at the sky, and it took a while to get up from the ground, pat the ash on his body, and grinned: "Sure enough, I am far from your opponent, it seems that I have to work harder."

Lin Mo looked at him.

There was a sudden touch in my heart.

"Solon." Lin Mo spoke, "The move you made just now, when you get up, raise your shoulders a little higher, focus more on it, and try lowering the chassis a little lower."

Solon was stunned.

Without much thought, he immediately picked up the sword that had fallen next to him, and according to what Lin Mo said, he laid out the action just now.

"Is that so?" Solon bit the hilt of his sword and asked vaguely.

Lin Mo nodded and continued, "You can take another blow and see."


Solon answered, turning his gaze to the tree closest to him.

Lin Mo had already sensed that Solon's sword power was now a little higher than just now.

Solon immediately rushed towards the tree, and with one blow, he left three sword marks nearly ten centimeters deep on the tree.

"Huh?" Solon stared at the sword marks that were cut out by himself, and his eyes lit up, "I could only cut five centimeters deep before, Lin Mo, you are too powerful!" Casual guidance will allow me to break through. "

Try more." Lin Mo continued, "This move can be stronger, you continue to work hard." "

Hmm! I will! Sou nodded solemnly.

Just as he finished saying this, he only heard a 'click', and the sword he was holding in his right hand suddenly cracked, and half of the sword fell to the ground.

Solon stared at the half-cut sword body that fell to the ground with wide eyes, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Ahhhhhhh I saved money for a long time to buy it, it's over, there is one less sword, how can I practice swords in the future..."

During this time, he was training with a real sword.

Ordinary swords could not withstand the intensity of Solon's training.

Therefore, the three swords have different degrees of damage, especially the sword held in the right hand, the damage is more serious, it will break, it is a matter of time.

Lin Mo also stared at the half-cut sword body that fell to the ground.

I thought, is it too much of a coincidence that it is broken at this time, or just a sword?

There was silence for a moment.

He withdrew the Kazudo text from his waist with the scabbard attached.

"Solon." Lin Mo called him.

Solon's eyes were full of tears, and he was still immersed in the sad mood that the love knife was broken, and when he heard Lin Mo calling him, he turned his head to look at Lin Mo.

Lin Mo threw the word Hedao to him.

Solon reflexively reached out to catch it, looked at Hedao Yiwen, and then looked at Lin Mo: "You are?"

"Sent you." Lin Mo said indifferently.

"Huh?" Solon exclaimed, "For, why?" Didn't I lose to you?

"This knife suits you perfectly."

Lin Mo didn't say anything more, turned around and walked towards the Yixin Dojo.

Just walked a few steps.

In the mind.

The system's prompt sounded.

'Didi! Send the text of Wado to Solon, and the check-in progress is +20%.

''Didi! Frost Moon Village check-in mission completed, congratulations to the host for unlocking the six styles, sword level +1, the current sword level is Lv6. '


Lin Mo stopped abruptly.

A powerful power that made people palpitate emanated from him.

Just like before, soon this power dissipated.


There's no need to challenge Koshiro...

However, this final progress was really unexpected to him.

Lin Mo smiled and opened the properties panel.

Name: Lin Mo.

Age: 10 years.

Check-in location: Sea Restaurant Bharati (0%)

Domineering: Armed color Lv2, Overlord color Lv3, Seeing color Lv2.

Skills: Fire Dragon Fire Art (Beginner), Sword Art Lv6.

Six Styles: Finger Gun Lv1, Iron Block Lv1, Shave (unlocked), Moon Step (unlocked), Arashi Foot (ununlocked), Paper Painting (Unlocked).

Weapon: Demon Knife Star Crush (Lake Toya).

System space: 10x10x10 cubic meters.

Six styles are six physical techniques that go beyond the limits of the human body in the pirate world.

If you master these six physical techniques, it is quite strong.

It's just a pity that now only finger guns and pieces of iron are unlocked.

A finger gun is a technique that claims to have the power of a gun. Gather your whole body strength on your index finger and unleash a blow between the hardened fingers and the flint. The fingertips have bullet-like attack power that can easily penetrate the human body and even steel.

Iron blocks are defensive techniques in the Six Styles. Strength is built in a lean workout body to give it iron-like hardness. Even ordinary guns and knives cannot be broken.

As for the unlocked physical skills later, we will explain them after they are unlocked.

Collapse the properties panel.

Lin Mo continued to walk towards the

Ichishin Dojo, the task was completed, it was time to go, after all, after living in the Ichishin Dojo for so long, at least he had to talk to Koshiro.

Solon held the Hedao text given by Lin Mo and looked at his back stunned.

Just now, a terrifying force that made him shudder suddenly appeared,

causing him to fall to the ground with a weak leg.

Solon trembled and looked at Lin Mo, who was not far away, stayed for a short while, and then continued to walk forward.

I probably already know who emitted that terrifying power.

Although it was only for a moment, he did not think it was an illusion.

"Yes, is it Lin Mo?" Solon swallowed uneasily, "It's terrible, what the hell was that just now?" "

Ichishin Dojo.

Koshiro watches students practice their basic skills at the dojo.

Sensing Lin Mo's breath.

Koshiro looked at Lin Mo, who had just arrived at the door of the dojo, and smiled, "You came back earlier than ever today. "

Hmm." Lin Mo said directly, "I'm leaving."

Koshiro paused for a moment, a fleeting surprise flashed in his eyes, and then said with relief: "I think so, you said that you were going to be a traveler, so are you ready to leave now?"

Lin Mo nodded: "Hmm." Gu

Yina, who was taking the lead in practicing basic skills, heard this, and immediately walked quickly to the door of the dojo, her face was full of disbelief, and her heart was even more angry: "You want to leave?" Why? Solon and I haven't defeated you yet, I don't want you to go!" "

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