Guina was unwilling.

She didn't want Lin Mo to go.

It's really despicable, she hasn't defeated him yet, how can she just go!

"Lin Mo." Gu Yina bit her lower lip, trying to hold back her almost uncontrollable emotion, and continued, "Do you have to go?" If you do leave, I will not forgive you! You really, can't stay? "

Nope." Lin Mo shook his head and said, "I'm a traveler and won't stay in one place for too long.

"But I haven't defeated you yet," Guina said aggrievedly, "You're leaving, does Solon know?"

Before fighting against Solon, Lin Mo had spoken to him.

According to the situation at the time, the guy should not have noticed.

Even if he didn't pay attention, it was said, Lin Mo nodded: "I told him."

"That idiot!" Gu Yina clenched her fists, "I didn't keep you, what the hell is Solon, this idiot!" "

Guina, okay." Koshiro said helplessly, "Parting is always painful, and besides, your current separation does not mean that you will not see each other again in the future, and when you and Solon grow up and become excellent swordsmen, I will not stop you from going to sea."

Lin Mo didn't expect that his departure would actually make Gu Yina's mood swing so much.

Sure enough, he was still a child.

"Then at least, at least before you go, we'll face off again!" Gu Yina took a deep breath, just like the first time she challenged Lin Mo, she aimed the bamboo sword she was holding at Lin Mo, "I want to challenge you!" "

Same words, different state of mind.

Koshiro wanted to say something more, but after thinking about it, forget it.

Lin Mo looked at Gu Yina speechlessly.

He just came to say goodbye.

That's all.

How was he invited to fight again....

There was silence for a moment.

Lin Mo did not intend to fight.

"Ten years." Lin Mo stared into Gu Yina's eyes and continued, "Our duel will be put in ten years, and when you are stronger, come to the new world to find me."

After speaking, Lin Mo didn't stay any longer, turned around and left the Yixin Dojo.

Gu Yina stood in place stunned.

Koshiro smiled and touched her hair: "Try to make yourself stronger before the official showdown."

"Father." Gu Yina looked at Koshiro, "Didn't you say that girls can't become the number one in the world?" Then do you think I have a chance to defeat Lin Mo?

"Who can say for sure in the future." Koshiro smiled and said, "Gu Yina, you have to know that your father is not a person with small vision and limited thinking, you are my daughter, out of selfishness, in fact, I don't want you to be in danger in order to be the first to fight and kill others, I hope you can stay by my side like an ordinary girl and grow up healthy and happy."

"Father, that... Didn't what you said that day come from the heart? Gu Yina's eyes flashed.

Koshiro smiled and said, "Of course not.

"So how do you now..."

"I've figured it out these days." Koshiro continued, "If I stop you who are working so hard, won't I become a sinner?"

"Thank you, Father." Gu Yina broke into a smile, and the stone hanging in her heart these days finally put down, "Father, I want to discuss something with you." "

Well, say it."

"I want to surpass Lin Mo, so please teach me the sword art that I can become stronger."

Gu Yina's gaze was firm.

"Good." Koshiro calmly agreed to her.

At this time, Solon returned.

Seeing Gu Yina and Master Koshiro at the door of the dojo, he said strangely: "Gu Yina, teacher, what are you doing here?" Gu

Yina saw the Hedao Yi text hanging from Solon's waist at a glance, and was stunned, and asked in disbelief: "How can the Hedao Yi text be with you?"

"It was given to me by Lin Mo." Solon replied, "I just faced him, although I lost, he also pointed out the sword move I invented, that is, the move I tied with you, really, Lin Mo he is super powerful, casually pointed me out, the power of my move has increased at least twice, when I tried the move, I broke a sword, and then he gave me the word Hedao Yi."

After a slight pause, Solon continued, "I don't know why he gave me the word Wado, maybe because I broke a knife, that's why I gave it to me." Gu

Yina clenched her teeth, angry.

Koshiro looked at Solon thoughtfully.

Solon scratched the back of his head and smirked.

Koshiro spoke, "Lin Mo, he is not a casual person, since he gave you the Kazudo text, it means that you have his approval." "

What?" Solon was surprised, "Really? Lin Mohe... Really recognize me?

"Hmph!" Gu Yina said dissatisfied, "It's so good, that guy still talked to you before he left and pointed you out, and actually gave you all the knives, Solon, don't be proud of this guy, I won't give up the Hedao text, I want to use my strength to take the Hedao Yiwen back, ten years later, I will definitely defeat Lin Mo before you!"

"Hey? Ten years from now? Solon asked inexplicably, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't tell me, you don't know what Lin Mo is leaving."

"Huh?" Solon exclaimed, "What? He's leaving? When do you leave? Why didn't he tell me?

Gu Yina was stunned, "He said he told you." "

When is he..." Before he finished speaking, Solon suddenly remembered what Lin Mo had said before the duel with Lin Mo just now, and his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly asked, "He should have just left not long ago, right?"

Guina nodded.

Without saying a word, Solon immediately rushed towards the dock.

"Go ahead." Koshiro patted Gu Yina's back, "You should also send Lin Mo."

Gu Yina hesitated, but chased after her.

Frost Moon Village is not very far from the pier.

Lin Mo walked for about ten minutes to the dock.

Find the small sailboat that he had parked on the shore before.

Lin Mo went directly to the boat and untied the rope tied to the shore.

Turn on the system navigation and start sailing in the direction of Balati, a restaurant on the sea.

On the shore, Solon's voice suddenly sounded.

"Lin Mo!" Solon looked at the back of Lin Mo on the small boat that had sailed dozens of meters away, and shouted loudly, "Thank you!"

Lin Mo looked back.

Guina also chased to the shore at this time, and like Solon, shouted at him: "Ten years later, I will definitely go to the New World to find you, before I fight you, you must live well, and I will not allow you to lose to others until I defeat you." "

Lin Mo!" Solon held up the Wado One text and continued to shout, "I will definitely defeat you before Gu Yina, and then use the Wado One text to become the world's number one swordsman!"

Lin Mo looked back at Solon and Gu Yina speechlessly.

What the hell are these two guys here for....

After thinking about it, he still stretched out his hand and waved at them.

The two on the shore immediately waved and said in unison: "Have a good journey." "

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