Saab did not listen to Lin Mumu's words and immediately left the Chambord Islands.

Instead, he followed the sound of the yellow ape laser projectile and chased all the way.

When he rushed to the place where the forest trees disappeared, the yellow ape and the forest trees had long disappeared, and all that appeared in front of him was a broken pit that had been broken by a laser bomb.

In the middle of the crushing pit, a charred black water pipe caught his attention.

Saab immediately jumped into the crush pit, picked up the water pipe, checked it, and determined that it was the water pipe that Lin Mumu took from him, and the whole person was not good.


After Lin Mo crushed the book in his hand, he got up from the bed with a black face.

Just now after midnight, you can summon the shadow doppelganger again!

Even if the shadow avatar can only be summoned once a day? If he doesn't beat that guy now, it will be difficult to quench the anger in his heart.

Without much thought, Lin Mo mobilized the chakra in his body, and in the blink of an eye, a shadow doppelganger that looked exactly like him appeared in front of him.

Before Lin Mo made a move, the shadow doppelganger in front of him pressed his left hand on his right chest and nodded, his tone was not in a hurry, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he politely greeted Lin Mo: "Hello boss, if there is anything I need to do, please order directly." Lin

Mo: "? "

This shadow avatar... It didn't feel the same to him as before....

"Boss, have you forgotten that your shadow avatar technique is already two levels." The shadow avatar specially reminded, "Two levels can summon two shadow doppelgangers."

Lin Mo: "! "

He actually forgot about it....

After thinking about it, Lin Mo condensed the Chakra in his body again and tried to use the shadow avatar technique again.

Sure enough, another guy who looked like him appeared!

"Yo, boss, it's like three autumns in one day." As soon as the shadow doppelganger who called himself Lin Mumu appeared, he waved his hand at Lin Mo with a grin.

"Woods." Lin Mo stared at Lin Mumu with a sneer and began to rub his hands.

The first shadow avatar who was summoned came out very gentlemanly: "Boss, do you need help?" My doppelganger's ability is a sword technique, which can help you take the flesh off his body bit by bit, so that you can make him feel the most painful way of death for the longest time. "

Er... You're a pervert, aren't you! The same shadow doppelganger, why embarrass your own people..." said Lin Mumu with a smile.

Lin Mo directly threw the three generations of Ghost Che to the shadow doppelganger who gave him advice.

Lin Mumu saw that Lin Mo was really here, and immediately spread his legs and ran.

But just after running a step, a strong pressure slashed down on his body, making him not stand firmly and fall to the ground.

Lin Mo went up and first put an iron fist of love on Lin Mumu's head.

"Boss, I was wrong." Lin Mumu wanted to cry and said without tears, "I promise I won't dare next time..."

Lin Mumu has been credited bankrupt here in Lin Mo, and the most important thing is that this guy's women's clothing was actually discovered by Saab, which is simply a crime!

"Boss, let me come." Another shadow doppelganger stood next to him, smiled and said, "Hit him, dirty your hands, I'll just do this kind of thing."

Lin Mo glanced at the shadow doppelganger next to him, and then kicked Lin Mumu again, grabbed it and said, "Go out and film." The

shadow doppelganger holding the three generations of ghosts outlined a weird smile at the corner of his mouth: "Okay, boss." "

Ah no..." Lin Mumu shouted desperately, "Boss, I really know that I am wrong, you will forgive me~ I promise not to wear women's clothes in the future, I will send four!"

Lin Mo was too lazy to take care of him, grabbed him directly, and quickly left the spaceship.

The shadow doppelganger with three generations of Oni followed closely.

Not long after they left, Kaku took a shipbuilding book that was almost rotten by him, walked to the door of Lin Mo's room, and looked in, no one...

"Strange." Kaku touched his long nose and said strangely, "Did I have auditory hallucinations just now?" Then

Kaku went to Anilu to ask if he had found anything unusual, and the stupid big man slept like a dead pig....

Lin Mo threw Lin Mumu into the mangrove forest not far away, giving another shadow doppelganger a look.

The shadow doppelganger smiled and walked towards Lin Mumu, and the blades of the three generations of ghosts in his hand reflected a terrifying silver light in the moonlight.

"Eh? Don't come here..." Lin Mumu wanted to escape, but Lin Mo controlled his movements with the overlord color, he couldn't move at all now, and he couldn't use the abilities he randomly obtained.

"It's just an hour, endure it and it's over." Another shadow doppelganger, a flash of blood flashed in his eyes, and the expression on his face became excited.

Lin Mumu: "..."

An hour later, the area was filled with the screams of Lin Mumu.

The shadow doppelganger who was responsible for cutting Lin Mumu by a thousand cuts did not feel at all, and even felt that it was not enjoyable.

And the body Lin Mo, at the beginning, was fine, the more he went to the back, the bloodier the scene, and the tighter his brows were twisted.

He originally thought that this new shadow avatar was a relatively normal guy, but now it seems that he is wrong....

This system is really interesting, the assigned shadow avatars are all talents....

He just wants a normal shadow doppelganger, is it that hard?

When Lin Mumu was completely killed and cut off his breath, the blood splattered all over the ground also disappeared along with Lin Mumu's disappearing body, and the blood stains on Ghost Che were gone, as if nothing had just happened.

"Boss, your knife." The shadow avatar offered the three generations of ghosts with both hands, his tone was light, and he looked like he was in a very good mood.

If Lin Mo hadn't seen this guy's sadistic tendencies with his own eyes, he would have almost believed that this guy was a normal person....

Putting away the three generations of ghosts, Lin Mo waved his hand and said, "You go back too." The

shadow doppelganger nodded slightly.

Lin Mo lifted the shadow doppelganger technique, and the person in front of him disappeared in an instant.

On his way back to the spaceship.

A figure quickly passed by.

Lin Mo sensed the breath of the person coming, did not pay much attention to it, and continued to walk forward.

"Xiao Lin, I finally found you." Saab ran to Lin Mo a little tiredly, "There is something, I must tell

you, I killed your sister..." Lin Mo: "..."

I don't have a sister, thank you!"

"I'm sorry!" Sabo said, and bowed ninety degrees to Lin Mo apologetically, his face full of self-blame.

Lin Mo stopped and looked at the person in front of him.

He wanted to bypass the people directly, but if he really did, what Lin Mumu's idiot said in front of Saab before would not be true at all.

How can any brother die for his sister?

Ordinary people can think of this question, not to mention Saab with such a flexible brain....

Once he denies the relationship with Lin Mumu, Saab will definitely become suspicious, maybe he will really think that he has a special proclivity for women's clothing....

Lin Mo hadn't spoken yet.

Saab continued: "Mumu's death is all my responsibility, I will be responsible, you can do whatever you want me to do, even if you want me to die, I will admit it."

After a moment of silence, Lin Mo was speechless: "He's not dead." "

Huh?" Saab raised his head and looked at Lin Mo in surprise, "Not dead? Are you sure? But he was hit by the attack of the yellow ape..."

Lin Mo continued, "He has returned.

Although it was unbelievable, this sentence came out of Lin Mo's mouth, but for Saab, it had a lot of credibility.

The look of death and self-blame on Saab's face gradually dissipated, and he couldn't help but stand up straight and grinned: "Great, then where is she now?" Are there any injuries? You take me to see her, and I want to thank her for saving her life. "

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