Sabo's 'unreasonable' request made Lin Mo very embarrassed.

Just a few minutes ago, Lin Mumu had just been killed by a corpse wilderness, and even if he wanted to summon that guy who owed him again, it would take another day...

"Nope." Lin Mo directly refused, "You are not allowed to meet my 'sister' again in the future, otherwise, if I see it once, I will beat you once!"

After speaking, Lin Mo bypassed Saab and continued to walk towards the spaceship.

Sabo was stunned, turned to look at Lin Mo, and muttered: "It's really injured, otherwise Xiao Lin wouldn't have said such a thing..." Looking at

the water pipe in his hand, hesitating, Sabo still chased over: "Xiaolin, wait a minute, please give this to your sister."

Saab handed over his water pipe: "This is what Mumu asked me for, although this water pipe is not valuable, but I have given it to her, it is her thing."

Lin Mo glanced at him speechlessly, and in order to avoid this guy continuing to pester him, he took the water pipe handed over by Saab and continued to walk forward.

Sabo didn't chase after him anymore, smiled and waved at Lin Mo: "This time I owe you two brothers and sisters a favor, if there is a useful place in the future, please feel free to open your mouth, as long as I can do it, I will do my best to help you."

Lin Mo was too lazy to deal with him, and soon disappeared into the night.

Saab didn't stay long, and immediately walked to the place where the boat was hidden, suddenly thought of something, and took out another phone bug he was carrying as he walked, and made a phone call to go out.

Soon, the call was connected.

A female voice that did not wake up came from it: "Saab? What's wrong? Did something happen?

Saab said a little irrepressibly: "Kerra, I met a very special pair of brothers and sisters today, especially my sister, how to say it, very interesting."

Kerra: "Kerra: "Kerra

is the girl that Saab grew up with after joining the Revolutionary Army.

After Lin Mo returned to the spaceship, he went straight to sleep.

Early the next morning, he left the spaceship, walked around the Chambord every day, and when he returned in the evening, as soon as he got on the ship, Kaku greeted him with an excited face: "Captain Lin Mo, who do you guess the old man saw in the shipyard today?"

Lin Mo: "..."

I don't want to guess, thank you!"

Kaku didn't care about Lin Mo's silence at all, anyway, he had long been used to it, and continued: "The old man saw Mr. Renly, he actually changed his career to become a coating shipmaker, and I heard from others, Mr. Renly's coating skills are very first-class.

Lin Mo replied indifferently: "Oh."

Kaku touched the back of his head and said with a smirk: "Hehe, the old man wants to learn, but I don't know if Mr. Reilly is willing to teach it."

Lin Mo glanced at Kaku, thought about it, and then spoke, "I'll go and talk to him." "

After all, Kaku is now a shipwright on his ship, and it's not a bad thing to learn more about the craft, besides, the ability to coat, you really have to let Kaku learn....

There is a personal fish island under the seabed, sooner or later they will go, if Kaku learns to coat, he will be able to save a lot of trouble, and there is no need to come to Chambord to find Reilly coating.

Therefore, in summary, Lin Mo was willing to come forward and go to Renly to discuss.

Kaku didn't expect Lin Mo to agree so cheerfully to help him negotiate with Renly, and couldn't help but say happily: "That's really good, thank you Captain Lin Mo!"

Lin Mo waved his hand, then turned around and left the spaceship again, heading towards Xia Qi's bar.

Not long after, he came to Xia Qi's bar, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Renly who was sitting at the bar with his back to him and drinking.

Reilly didn't even turn his head, put down the wine glass in his hand, hooked a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "It's rare that you will take the initiative to come to me."

Lin Mo indifferently walked to the empty seat beside him and sat down.

There were no other guests in the bar.

It can be said that Xia Qi's bar, the business is actually very bleak, but this is not a thing, people are not serious about bar business, as long as you casually blackmail a few people who accidentally break in without knowing it, you can make up for the expenses of the bar for many days.

This is called similar to the truth of either not opening and opening for three years.

"Huh? Lin Mo Little Ghost came. Xia Qi smiled and asked, "Do you want something to drink?"

"No, thanks." After Lin Mo rejected Xia Qi, he turned his head to look at Lei Li and asked, "Do you accept apprentices?"

Reilly also looked at Lin Mo with interest, and asked with a smile: "Why, you want to be my apprentice?"

"Not me." Lin Mo said directly, "Kaku wants to learn coating.

Reilly touched his chin and asked, "Kaku? That polite long-nosed imp on your ship?

Lin Mo nodded lightly.

Reilly couldn't help but laugh: "Hahaha, I really didn't expect that you would one day negotiate with others for your crew."

Lin Mo asked speechlessly, "Do you teach or not?"

Renly shrugged his shoulders indifferently: "The coating is very simple, since the long-nosed imp wants to learn, let me guide him is not impossible, so, starting tomorrow, let him follow me, I only take him for three days, how much he can learn, depends on his own understanding."

Lin Mo nodded: "Okay, thanks."

Reilly waved his hand and said: "Such a little thing, no need to thank you, it's rare to come, don't you really have a drink with me?"

Lin Mo got up directly and refused: "No, I'll go first." "

Huh, don't drink alcohol, Lin Mo, you have really changed." Renly said with a smile.

Lin Mo was speechless in his heart.

A drink at Xia Qi's bar is enough for him to go to other bars for a month...

Without saying anything more, Lin Mo left Xia Qi's bar directly.

Over the next few days, Renly fulfilled his promise and took Kaku around to coat ships that needed to be coated.

As for Anilu, after protesting several times and being beaten back by Lin Mo, he had to reluctantly continue to follow Kaku, just like an overseer, living a bored life of staring at Kaku and Rayleigh every day.

And Lin Mo, who has almost visited the Chambord Land in the past few days, the mistress of the Dragon Dog who was slaughtered by him before, sent people to look for several laps on the island without finding the culprit who killed her beloved dog, thinking that the murderer had already run away, so he ended the search and continued.

The yellow ape followed the female Draco during the day, after all, the method of the person who slaughtered the dog was quite sharp, in order to avoid the murderer to do something to this female Draco, his job was to protect the safety of the female Draco.

Soon, Lin Mo stayed in the shampoo for a week.

According to the agreement, Renly came to the door of the auction hall in the No. 1 Mangrove District early in the morning and met Lin Mo.

"That long-nosed little ghost, but unexpectedly smart, in just three days, he learned the essence of the coating process, and then as long as he practiced, he should soon be able to become a very good coating craftsman." As soon as Renly saw Lin Mo, he praised Kaku first.

For Kaku's learning ability, Lin Mo is still quite confident.

"Well, that's what he does." Lin Mo answered casually.

Renly laughed and said, "Hahaha, it's really modest, but I haven't met a child who is so passionate about the work of a shipbuilder and has such a strong learning ability, I kind of understand why you accepted that child on board."

Lin Mo smiled and did not speak again.

Reilly looked at the auction hall nearby, changed his tone, and asked, "So, what do you want to get by asking me to meet today?"

Lin Mo said directly: "Rebound fruit." "

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