Lin Mo's crushing of the bullet shocked everyone present.

It took a long time for people to react.

"Huh? Isn't that the little ghost who saved Lao Xing's daughter? When did he come over? "

He actually crushed the bullet?" How is this possible, can normal people do such a thing?

"It's terrible, who the hell is that kid?" Even if he has the strength to crush bullets, then why save Xuenan? I'm afraid he's not crazy..." Lin

Mo was too lazy to deal with this group of people, and looked back at Qioba who was shaking behind him because of the injuries on his body.

Although, it doesn't matter if he doesn't care about Qioba, according to the normal plot trend, Joba will not die because he has been shot by humans a few times.

But I can see that Chobana has a sadder and desperate look than the pain on his body because he has been heartbroken by humans.

Lin Mo still couldn't hold back his compassion.

"Run." Lin Mo said lightly.

Although his tone did not contain too much emotion, it sounded very meaningful to Qioba, who had been bullied and hurt by deer and humans since he was a child.

This human being is different from everyone else.

This is what Choiba is thinking in his heart at the moment.

Until the gunshots rang out again.

Someone went around to the side and tried to hit Choba.

Lin Mo raised his hand and once again grabbed the bullet flying towards Qioba and crushed it.

Choiba was frightened and reflexively took two steps back.

Lin Mo looked back at him again: "Run."

Choiba did not speak, and immediately spread his legs and ran towards the pine forest.

At the same time, in Lin Mo's mind, the system's prompt sounded.

'Didi! Help Joba out of danger and gain Joba's favor, check-in progress +20%, current total progress is 50%, reward Fairy Ball skill level +1, current Fairy Ball level Lv2. In

an instant, Lin Mo felt that his comprehension of the Fairy Ball had deepened to a higher level.

Thinking of the previous two months, he deliberately went to find Qioba and couldn't find it.

Now it's okay, Choiba himself sent it to the door....

Sure enough, the completion of this check-in task still depends on going with the flow.

Thinking of this, Lin Mo didn't bother to chase Qiao Ba again, turned a corner, walked in front of this group of people, and went around the town.

"Hey, little ghost, do you know what good you did just now?"

"You actually let go of the snow man! Do you know how dangerous snow men are? That kind of monster is harmful if it is alive!

"That is, you shouldn't have saved that snow man, since you are so powerful, why don't you help us kill that monster?"

When Lin Mo passed by this group of people with guns.

The crowd complained.

Lin Mo continued to walk forward speechlessly, not intending to pay attention to them.

Luo, on the other hand, couldn't help shouting at those people: "Are you sure that guy just now is the snow man?" Did he hurt you? Or did you do something bad?

Luo's few questions were asked to everyone.

After a moment of silence, the townspeople continued to complain in dissatisfaction.

"Now that it doesn't hurt us, do we have to wait until that monster really hurts us before we can attack him?"

"That's right! Even if he is not a snow man, he is a monster who is not a ghost or a ghost! In short, monsters are inhuman bad guys, even if you don't kill him, you can't let him into town!

Luo didn't expect this group of people to have such a deep prejudice against the guy who was not a snow man at all.

Luo clenched his teeth and couldn't help but continue, "Have you communicated with him?" Do you know him? Do you really know what he wants, and whether it will hurt you?

"What's there to communicate with monsters?" I think you kid is crazy, really..."

"We don't have that much time to get to know a monster, and if we give that monster a chance to get close to us, maybe he will kill us immediately."

"Yes! That monster is smart, and knows to pretend to be pitiful to win our sympathy, hmph, really underestimating us, this little trick still wants to deceive us? It's funny.

"I think it's funny that you are!" Luo Qi can't do it, he knows that no matter what he says, there is no way to change the prejudice against Qioba in the hearts of this group of people.

In this case, it is particularly stupid to argue with this group of ignorant and brain-stricken people here.

Luo didn't want to say anything more to them, so he immediately turned around and went after Lin Mo.

From the time Lin Mo blocked the bullet for Qioba, Luo guessed that the guy Lin Mo had been looking for in the past two months, eight or nine was not a little 'monster' that was not the snow man.

At that time, he was still puzzled why the group of people said so much about Qioba, but Lin Mo did not say any good words for Qioba.

Now he understood.

Instead of wasting your tongue arguing with the frogs at the bottom of the well, it is better to be silent and say nothing.

Anyway, the result cannot be changed, and even if you say more, it is useless.

The above are all Luo's own conjectures.

In fact, Lin Mo just didn't want to speak.

After that, the story of Lin Mo's ability to crush the bullet with his bare hands spread throughout Cocowitt Town.

Lin Mo himself, on the other hand, left Cocovet Town and went to the town near the pier.

He hadn't been to a tavern for a long time, so he had time today to have a good drink.

Walked for more than half an hour.

Lin Mo arrived on Magnetic Drum Island, the only town with a tavern.

When he stepped into the tavern.

Just like the first time I entered the taverns of Windmill Village and Frost Moon Village, I was ridiculed by the drinkers in the tavern.

"Huh? How did a kid come? This is a tavern, right? Little friend, you went wrong, you want to buy juice and buy it at the convenience store next door, hahaha..."

"Look, he still has two swords and a gourd hanging from his waist, is that a wine gourd?" Or a gourd with juice? Hahaha. "

Little ghost, this is not the place you should be, go home, hahaha."

Lin Mo completely ignored the mockery of these people, came to the U-shaped bar of the tavern, sat very skillfully on a bar stool in front of the bar, and grabbed a handful of Bailey and put it directly on the bar before the tavern owner planned to follow the wind and call him home.

The tavern owner was stunned.

Lin Mo said expressionlessly, "Have a glass of your best wine."

"Well, okay." The tavern owner immediately put away the Bailey that Lin Mo put on the table, for him, having money is a guest, whether he is an adult or a little ghost, it is the same.

Soon, the tavern owner brought Lin Mo a glass of wine that was still bubbling.

As soon as Lin Mo took a sip, Luo chased him in.

"Sure enough, I came to drink." Luo sat down directly in the vacant seat next to Lin Mo, stared at him, and said speechlessly, "You look younger than me, how can you drink so much?"

Lin Mo ignored him and continued to drink.

When he finished the glass and took out another handful of Bailey for the boss to have another glass.

The door of the tavern was suddenly pushed open in a hurry.

A man in a dark blue coat ran in in a hurry and said eagerly: "It's not good, something happened in Cocowit Town next door!" "

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