"What's going on? What happened to Cocowittown?

"Say it quickly, Ah Jian!"

"Could it be that Valpo's convoy is making trouble again? Now that except for the twenty doctors on his side, the other doctors have basically been expelled from the island, what else does he want? "

There was a lot of talk.

The man named Ah Jian said breathlessly: "It is indeed a member of the escort, but their purpose is not to arrest the doctor, but to be a little ghost!" "

Huh? Gremlin? What imp?

"What does this guy want to do in Valpo?" Could it be that he had a whim and thought of some bad rules?

"The new ordinance has not come down, and I heard that during this time, he has been looking for a little devil who can crush bullets with his bare hands." Ah Jian continued, "Just now, there was a rumor in Cocowit Town that a little devil crushed a few bullets in order to save the snow man, and the people of the King's Guard heard this wind and went to Cocowit Town. "

Huh? Are there really imps who can crush bullets? Are you deceiving people?

"No, what I said is true!" Ah Jian said solemnly, "I heard that the people of the escort team did not find the little ghost, so they arrested the owner of the hotel where the little ghost lived, and said that they wanted the little ghost to go to the castle to find them, otherwise they would kill the hotel owner."

"Oh my God, is everything you said true? The innkeeper is also too miserable... That said, what are the characteristics of that imp?

"Well, I want to think about it." Ah Jian thought for a while, "By the way, that little ghost seems to be only a few years old, with two swords hanging from his waist and a wine gourd." "

Eh? Wait, are you sure that this imp you are talking about is the person the King's Guard is looking for?

Ah Jian looked confused: "I'm sure, what's wrong?" All

the drinkers in the tavern looked at Lin Mo, who was drinking at the bar at the moment.

One of them couldn't help swallowing his saliva, raised his hand to Lin Mo, and asked, "The little ghost you said, shouldn't it be... Him, right?

Ah Jian looked towards Lin Mo, stunned, and then exclaimed, "Huh? That's right, it's him, he, he, he, how could he be here?

"Oh, it looks like you're going to become a celebrity." Luo Xi said with a smile.

Lin Mo indifferently drank the remaining half of the second glass of wine.

The whole tavern went quiet.

Everyone watched him silently.

Lin Mo put his hand into his pocket.

Everyone couldn't help but gasp.

Then, Lin Mo grabbed a handful of Bailey again, handed his empty wine gourd to the tavern owner, and said in a flat tone: "The wine just now, filled." The

tavern owner was stunned and quickly took the money and the wine gourd.

Luo couldn't help but chuckle.

Immediately there was a wave of doubts in the tavern.

"Is it really this little ghost? Ah Jian, are you mistaken?

"This kid doesn't look anything special, but the amount of alcohol looks really good."

"You must be mistaken, if it's really this little ghost, he came all the way from Cocowit Town against the wind and snow, he can't just come to drink, right?"

That's right, Lin Mo really came for drinking.

I am afraid that only Luo alone knows this.

The tavern owner filled him with the wine that Lin Mo wanted.

Lin Mo hung the wine gourd on his waist, jumped off the barstool, and prepared to leave the tavern.

Luo saw that he was leaving, and immediately followed.

The other drinkers in the tavern watched Lin Mo leave with mixed expressions.

After leaving the tavern, Lin Mo did not stay in this town long, and walked directly towards the castle where Valpo was located.

"Are you really going to save that boss?" Luo followed next to Lin Mo and asked as he walked.

Lin Mo didn't pay attention to him.

Luo continued: "I thought you would sit idly by, look unapproachable and unreasonable, but in fact, you are much gentler than those guys who can only talk."

Lin Mo: "..." Lin Mo

was speechless for a while.

Did this guy misunderstand something?

Indeed, he could have ignored the hotelier who would be arrested.

But when he stayed in the hotel, he paid the deposit, and if the innkeeper really died, who would refund the deposit?

Although there are only dozens of Baileys, it is enough to buy several bottles of wine.

Moreover, during the two months of staying in the hotel, the owner of the hotel saw that he was staying alone, and often told him to pay attention to safety when he went out, saw that he liked to drink, and from time to time would give him some homemade wine.

All in all, the owner is not bad.

Right and wrong, Lin Mo saw it clearly.

Just as he saw that the tavern owner took care of him for the past two months, he would not see death and not save him.

To put it bluntly, he just has grace and will be rewarded, where is the tenderness?

Valba's castle is on a high hill shaped like a magnetic drum.

To go up the mountain, there are several specific cables.

It just so happened that the people of the escort were about to send a wave of supplies up the mountain, and saw two children coming not far away.

One of the guards shouted at Lin Mo and Luo: "This is not a place where you little devils can come, go home!"

Lin Mo and Luo did not retreat because of the guard's words.

Soon, the two arrived at the location of the cable car.

This guard originally wanted to reprimand Lin Mo and Luo.

The companion next to him pulled him down, and pointed to the sword and wine jug hanging from Lin Mo's waist with a panicked expression: "He seems to be the little ghost that His Majesty Valpo is looking for." "

What?" The guard looked at Lin Mo again, and his face suddenly froze, "Huh? "No

, it's like, he's the person you're looking for." Luo hooked the corner of his mouth and said.

The two guards couldn't help but take half a step back.

Lin Mo was too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and walked directly into the cable car up the mountain.

Luo followed closely.

The two guards looked at each other, immediately started the cable car, and signaled their companions on the mountain.

When Lin Mo and Luo arrived at the top of the mountain, they were greeted by a group of heavily armed guards.

Leading in front of this group of guards was a very strong man wearing a large green coat and a national character face.

The man's name is Dalton.

He is the captain of the guard of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and the ability of the animal line cow and cow fruit, and the ability to activate can change into the appearance of a cowman.

In Lin Mo's impression, this man named Dalton is a friendly, loyal and honest person.

In fact, Dalton has always been unaccustomed to Valpo's tyranny, and later because of some things, he resolutely stood up against Valpo, but was defeated and imprisoned, until Valpo went to sea and was rescued by the villagers.

Then, after Luffy and the others passed through the Magnetic Drum Kingdom and helped him completely defeat Valpo, he became the king of the Sakura Kingdom after the name of Magnetic Drum Island surrounded by the people.

It's just that the current Dalton is still just a controlled puppet under Valpo, and Valpo's order, even if Dalton has more resistance in his heart, he will still act according to the order.

Seeing that it was two children walking down from the cable car, Dalton couldn't help but frown, and turned to look at his men: "Are you mistaken?" Do these two children really have the ability to threaten the kingdom? "

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