Cake Island, is one of the four emperors, Charlotte Lingling, nicknamed Auntie, stationed in the New World.

As the name suggests, Cake Island resembles a multi-layered cake. In addition, everything on the island is made up of a combination of large cakes and cream, and it is all edible!

It's not just Cake Island.

Even around Cake Island, there are thirty-four other islands with different characteristics belonging to Auntie, which are all made up of a combination of various foods, whether it is land, buildings or vegetation, they can be eaten, and even the sea water in the surrounding sea is a liquid that can be drunk such as juice and cream.

Consisting mainly of Cake Island, an archipelago composed of thirty-four small islands, is also known as the Kingdom of Totland, that is, all nations.

Therefore, Auntie's territory, for foodies, is simply paradise.

And the reason why these islands are so special is that they are given by Auntie.

Auntie is the king of all nations, with a height of nearly nine meters, and her strength is quite strong, especially the defensiveness of the body, which is outrageously strong, and is known as a "natural destroyer", and is a superhuman soul fruit ability.

Soul Fruit, with soul-related abilities, can produce and create anthropomorphic creatures similar to Moria's zombies, can easily seize the soul and life of others, and freely manipulate souls!

Able to deal with the human soul at will. Let the soul dwell in all kinds of things and personify it, but it cannot be put into the corpse of the human being and in people other than oneself. People who are deprived of anthropomorphic objects called "homiz" are

robbed of their lives once they develop feelings of fear. On the contrary, if you are not afraid, you will not be robbed of your life.

The biggest difference from the Shadow Fruit is that the Soul Fruit can create creatures with similar elements, and the Shadow Fruit can only restore the physical characteristics of the creature before death.

In addition to this, the able person can also give the soul to his own body organs to achieve the healing effect. It is also able to consume his life to increase his size and strength.

Although Auntie's dream is to establish a country where all races and things in the world live together, she hopes that all races in the world will become "family" and become as big as her, sitting around the dining table as equals.

But her principle is that "those who come do not refuse, those who go are not allowed", anyone who wants to leave the nations, whether enemies or friends, has no other choice but to die, so the inhabitants need to pay 1 month of life to "Homiz", who is responsible for the recovery and distribution of souls, every six months in exchange for their own safety, otherwise they will die.

Auntie also has a very serious problem with anorexia, which will have seizures from time to time, and once the attack occurs, she will fall into madness, and she will smash and beat everywhere and wreak havoc everywhere.

After the onset of food sickness, the six relatives did not recognize it, and even killed their own son, no matter who it was, they could not listen to it. When the disease occurs, it will not dodge and defend, but will only attack indiscriminately. There was no other way to bring her back to her senses than to get her to eat the food she wanted.

She also particularly likes to hold tea parties, and if the person she invites refuses her invitation to the tea party, she will give the other party a "gift", that is, the "first" of the person who has a relationship with the other party, in order to force the invitee to come to her tea party.

But sometimes, when facing children under the age of 10, BIGMOM will behave like a kind and gentle mother in rare cases and become "motherly".

In short, Auntie's temper is quite moody, and it is completely a time bomb.

As soon as Lin Mo talked about Cake Island, Kaku immediately thought of Aunt.

Anilu doesn't pay much attention to newspapers, and he usually listens to Kaku chatter about the direction of the world, so he really doesn't know much about the place of Cake Island.

Although Perona felt familiar, she suddenly mentioned it, and she really couldn't react to where she heard it.

"Cake Island... The old man thought that the captain would go to this place, but he did not expect to go so soon. Kaku touched his chin and thought carefully, then looked at Lin Mo and asked, "That's Auntie's territory, do you need to do some homework and prepare before going?" Captain, how long are we going to stay at Cake Island this time? How

long to stay, Lin Mo is not sure, although in what he saw, even if he had to stay longer, it could not be longer than the three years when he waited for Anilu on the empty island, thought about it, and then according to his understanding of the countries where Cake Island is located, there are a total of thirty-five characteristic islands, each of which goes around in a circle, according to one island for one day, and it takes a month to lay the foundation, so he replied conservatively: "Within three months."

"That's a long time." Kaku continued, "Auntie's territory is very large, it seems that there are many affiliated islands, you can also go to Cake Island, but Auntie's identity is more special, if she finds us, will she send a message to the navy, the old man does not know." "

The so-called four emperors are the collective name of the four extremely powerful pirate groups or the captains of the four pirate groups in the "New World". Together with His Majesty's Seven Wuhai and the Navy Headquarters, it is known as the "Three Great Powers of the Great Shipping Route".

Qi Wuhai cooperated with the government, but the Four Emperors did not, although in Kaku's opinion, with the identity and strength of the aunt, even if they were discovered, it was unlikely that they would expose their whereabouts to the world government.

But Aunts often give olive branches to powerful people, and once Lin Mo rejects Aunt, then Aunt will definitely be angry, and will not let them leave so easily.

Therefore, even if there is only a few tenths of a percent probability, the aunt will expose their whereabouts, then it is necessary to take precautions, after all, this time they will face the four emperors.

Thinking of this, Kaku made a small suggestion: "Captain, let's go to Cake Island this time, why don't we keep a low profile?"

As soon as Kaku finished speaking, Anilu complained: "What low-key? You see the identity of Ben Thor, can you keep a low profile?

Kaku, glanced at him, but really nodded his head in cooperation: "Indeed, your thunder drum is too conspicuous, others can recognize you at a glance, so you stay on the spaceship and wait for us to return." Anilu

: "!

"Damn, I don't!" Anilu said in annoyance, "You just want to leave Ben Thor, stay here to show you the ship, and then you go and play by yourself, think beautiful!" I don't care, wherever you go, Ben Thor will also go! For

Kaku's proposal, Lin Mo still agrees with it, but once a group of people on his side go ashore, it is indeed difficult to keep a low profile.

Kaku said that Anilu's thunder drum is indeed too easy to recognize.

After thinking about it, Lin Mo said lightly: "Anilu, can you remove your thunder drum?" Anilu

originally wanted to choke with Kaku, but hearing Lin Mo say this, his face couldn't help but pull down, and a drop of cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "Can't tear it down..."

Lin Mo nodded slightly, and then also made a small suggestion, "Pull it off first, I'll heal the wound for you, and then put it back when you leave." Anilu

: "??? "

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