Lin Mo's little suggestion made Anilu silent.

Kaku and Perona both held back their laughter.

Anilu glared at Kaku and Perona in annoyance: "Laugh what to laugh, laugh again, Ben Thor will be unkind to you!"

"Fierce, not cute at all." Perona covered her mouth and snickered, "However, I'm curious, where did you get this thunder drum, did you put it on your back?" Wouldn't it hurt when you put it on your back? The

corners of Anilu's mouth twitched slightly, and he said very dissatisfied: "Can God and man be the same?"

Perona asked amusedly: "Poof, shouldn't you specially install this thunder drum behind your back in order to make yourself different from others?" It's really a matter of living to die in face. The

corner of Anilu's mouth twitched wildly, and a lightning strike with his backhand threw it at Perona.

However, his lightning strike went straight through Perona's body and smashed into the deck.

Perona is a soul body state.

Her body was in her room.

Of course, Anilu knew Perona's current state, and also knew that the lightning strike could not hit her body, so this blow did not put any water.

Perona grimaced at

Anilu: "Can't hit me, Nik Rat~" Anilu said funny: "Don't think that Ben Thor doesn't know where your body is, believe it or not, Ben Thor can take your body out in two seconds?"

Perona: "No

." Perona muttered, "Aren't you discussing whether to pull out the thunder drum behind your back now?" You less divert the subject! Anilu

: "...,"

Kaku touched his chin and thought, "Isn't it a little bloody to pull it out directly?" Silly big man, how did you come up with the idea of putting this thing on yourself? Anilu

said with an ugly face: "Do you think Ben Thunder God is willing to put the thunder drum in his body?" Only when this thing is integrated with me can it play its maximum role at the fastest speed in the first time.

"Oh, so it is." Kaku suddenly realized, "But the captain said that he wanted you to pull it off, you can't help it, right?" Although the captain will treat you, it will still be bloody, and when the time comes to put it back on you, you will have to suffer again. The

experience of putting this thing on himself, Anilu is now in a cold sweat, if he can, of course he is not willing to experience the pain again: "Do you have to pull the thunder drum down?" Is there no other way? We are only here to travel, not to run for our lives, why do we have to disguise ourselves..."

"Because our current identity is not like before, we can go wherever we want." Kaku said helplessly, "If it's other seas, forget it, don't forget, this is a new world, low-key, you can reduce a lot of trouble, you know, the captain he hates trouble the most, you just endure it, the captain also said, will treat you, blink of an eye and pass."

"I'll go to your wink!" Anilu said in annoyance, "It's not you who suffers, and you've finished talking about it!" "

Hahaha." Kaku laughed, "You guy is really not funny, the old man is just joking with you."

"Huh, just kidding? You call this a joke? Anilu said with a smile, "I see that what you say is true, you guy, Ben Thor has long seen you through!"

"You said that, but you have wronged the old man." Kaku smiled and said, "Besides, the old man has long felt that the existence of your thunder drum is a bit of a hindrance, so you haven't thought about changing this thunder drum?" "

Huh?" Anilu asked amusedly, "For what?"

Kaku replied lightly: "It's still a thunder drum, but it doesn't usually appear, and when you need it, it will appear around you for you to use." Anilu

: "??

Perona cooperated: "If you can really make this kind of thunder drum that can be manifested at any time, it will be too handsome." "

Kaku's idea, Lin Mo really didn't think about it, if it can really be realized, it is indeed very good.

"Yes." Lin Mo said indifferently, "The task of modifying the thunder drum for Anilu will be given to Kaku." "

Huh?" Kaku cried and laughed, and asked embarrassedly, "Captain, the old man just said casually, this... Do you really want to give this difficult task to the old man?

Lin Mo nodded seriously: "Since you proposed it, it means that you already have a general idea in your heart, and I believe you." Kaku

: "! "

Kaku didn't think it was possible.

But Lin Mo's sudden trust immediately made him feel that he could succeed.

"Since the captain said so." Kaku clenched his fists and replied seriously, "Then let the old man try it, the old man will definitely do his best to complete this difficult work!"

Lin Mo nodded in satisfaction.

Anilu couldn't help but shout: "Hey, are you two so happy to decide each other?" Won't you ask me what this person thinks?

Kaku looked at Anilu and said with a smile: "Do you think you can disobey the captain's order?" Stop struggling, you have no choice.

"Nope!" Anilu took two steps back in refusal, "Ben Thor refuses, don't come over!"

At the moment when he was about to use his ability to slip away, Lin Mo directly pressed over with an overlord color and immediately crushed it on the deck.

"Kaku." Lin Mo looked at Kaku.

Kaku rolled up his sleeves and walked over to Anilu.

Anilu's face was ugly, and he shouted: "You stay away from Ben Thor, get away, don't come over!"

Kaku didn't care, still smiled and said: "Don't worry, the old man will try to alleviate your pain, Perona, you go to the old man's laboratory and bring the anesthetic."

Perona immediately responded: "Okay, Kaku-chan~"

Hearing this, Anilu immediately shouted at Perona: "Hey, woman, don't go, you give Ben Thor back, don't you understand?" Give Ben Thor to roll back!

Perona grimaced at Anilu again, and without saying a word, immediately passed through the walls of the cabin, first returned to her body, and then, according to Kaku's meaning, trotted to the laboratory to get the anesthetic.

Then, when Anilu was completely immobile, Kaku gave him a simple minor operation.

Although he does not know any medical skills, he still knows the structure of the human body very well, and the technique of opening the operation for Anilu is relatively rough, but fortunately, Lin Mo is by the side, and he can treat Anilu at any time.

Perona stared excitedly from the side.

Under the action of anesthetic, Anilu really didn't feel any pain, coupled with Lin Mo's timely treatment, after Kaku unloaded Anilu's thunder drum, when Anilu regained consciousness, he was like a nobody, and he didn't feel anything.

It was as if nothing had happened.

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