Peach Island.

Kaku hid his breath and hid in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity.

Until Anilu fought with the group of shemales, the scene was chaotic for a while.

Kaku saw the opportunity and took Imi away without knowing it.

Because of the ability of the Fruit of Silence, no matter how much Imi who was captured cried for help, no one could hear him.

"Stop barking." Kaku chuckled and said, "The old man has long said that even if you break your throat, no one will hear to save you."

Yimei asked with an ugly face: "What do you want to do?"

Kaku smiled and replied, "The old man just wants to learn to make wine."

Yimi sneered, "This is the attitude you want to learn to make sake?" Do you think that if you threaten me with coercion, I will obediently teach you? Hum! I will not give in!

Kaku said disapprovingly: "If you cooperate well, the old man will not embarrass you, but if you do not cooperate, then the old man will not be polite."

With that, Kaku opened his toolkit and pulled out a small deboning knife.

A drop of cold sweat broke out on Yimei's forehead: "Hey, hey, what are you doing?"

Kaku showed a terrifying smile on his face: "Did the old man tell you that the old man used to be a killer, and for those guys who were disobedient, the old man had many ways to force them to obey."

"You think threatening me is useful?" Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

"The old man didn't intend for you to die." Kaku smiled and said, "The old man will let you survive and die, do you know how many bones there are in the human body?" Do you know how many bones a person can break when he is awake? Although this depends on the individual's physique, your words, with the old man's technique, can at least keep you awake before breaking one hundred and twenty bones.

The more Kaku said, the more Imi's scalp became numb, and his tone became a lot weaker: "You can't do this to me... If I am crippled by you, who will teach you how to make wine?

Kaku said indifferently: "I don't need your hand-in-hand teaching, you just need to tell me how to do it, but your mouth is so hard, it may break the bones in your body, and you may not be able to say it, when the time comes, I will use a special reagent to peel off your skin."

Imi exclaimed, "Huh? Skin? You lie!

Kaku smiled and said: "Don't worry, the old man has done the thing of peeling human skins alive before, as long as you make a small cut on your body, and then pour the reagent into the scratch, and then carefully tear off your skin little by little, with the old man's technique, you should be able to peel off your skin completely from head to toe, you can rest assured, just peel a layer of skin, you will not die, the old man will let you watch the whole process of your skin being peeled off in a sober state." Hearing

this, Yimei couldn't help but shout: "You pervert! Let me go! I'm not playing, let me go!

"That's not going to work, Imei." Kaku smiled and said, "Then let's break the bones first, let the old man think, which is better to break the first bone first?" Fingers or toes, or else, you will help the old man choose?

"No, no, no, no." Imei prodded, "I don't want broken bones... Okay, I'll teach you to make wine, I'll teach you, don't use this horrible way against me..."

"But what if you lie to me?" Let's break your two bones first.

With that, Kaku grabbed Imi's hand and looked like he was about to strike.

Yimei's tears were about to burst out, and he quickly said: "I won't lie, I swear, I will teach you well, and I won't tell things between us, I swear."

Kaku let go of his hand and asked rhetorically, "Can I trust you?"

Yimei nodded firmly: "Of course, I, I, the United States, always do what I say!" It's just that the two of us together during the day will attract the attention of the other sisters, so every night after ten o'clock, you come to the kitchen of the castle, I will teach you to make wine, if you have talent, I promise you will learn it in three days at the earliest!

Kaku touched his chin and thought: "Well, this is what you said, if you release the old husband's pigeon, what the consequences will be, you know."

Imehan nodded nonchalantly.

The other side.

Because Anilu did not use the fruit ability, he was suppressed to the ground after holding out for a few minutes under the attack of this group of well-skilled shemales.

Carol Rhein stood on the side, condescendingly looking at Anilu, who was pressed to the ground by the shemales, hooked the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile: "You can't even beat my companions, and you still want to fight with me, the strongest in this kingdom?" Tall boy, it's not that I look down on you, with your current strength, even if you practice for another year, you are not my opponent.

"Abominable! Let me go! Anilu said in annoyance, "You guys beat me up, it's kind to say!" If you fight one by one, Ben Thor can't beat it!

Carlo Rhein didn't care at all and said, "Okay, then you can fight one by one, but you must put on a combat uniform, otherwise, we refuse to single you out."

"Yes, yes, if you don't wear a combat uniform, we won't fight you one by one."

"Candy Boy, just put on your combat uniform, hehe."

"As long as you put on your combat uniform, we will promise you to fight you one by one, otherwise, as long as you come, we will beat you in groups."

The shemales cooperated with Caro Rhein and persuaded Anilu.

The more Anilu listened, the uglier his face became.

Let him wear this kind of thing, it will kill him!

"Impossible!" Anilu said in annoyance, "Ben Thor would never wear such a dress!"

Caro Rhein covered his mouth and snickered: "If you don't wear it, we won't single you out, I'll tell you first, I will never accept your challenge until you defeat my companions one by one, you can see for yourself."

After speaking, Caro Rhein turned and left.

When Anilu saw him go, he immediately shouted: "Hey, stop Ben Thor!"

As if he hadn't heard it, Caro Rhein continued to stride forward.

Watching Carol Rhein go farther and farther, thinking that if he could never beat this guy, he would not be able to return to the Moton, Anilu clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "It's not a broken skirt, wear it!" Well, Ben Thor agreed!

As soon as Anilu finished speaking, Carol Rhein immediately stopped, looked back at him, and the smile on his face was even worse: "That's what you said, Candy Boy, but there is another point, you must defeat all my companions one by one on the same day, as long as one is not defeated until the next day, then from the next day, you have to start the first person again." Hearing

this, Anilu was stunned.

"What the!" Anilu said angrily, "Defeat is defeated, why start over!"

Caro Rhein smiled and said, "If you want to fight me, you have to follow my rules, if you can't do it, then you can go, I won't force you."

"Abominable!" Anilu even had the idea of killing everyone here, but soon, this idea was forcibly suppressed by him, and now he can only retreat and retreat, "Okay, I understand, then do it."

Carlo Rhein smiled wickedly and said, "You can think about it, once you start, there is no way back." "

I know!" Anilu said with a fierce expression, "Start now!"

"It's really urgent, but I like it." Carol Rhein gave his companions a wink.

The shemales immediately released the hand that was suppressing Anilu.

Then, despite his unwillingness, Anilu still forced his anger and put the pink dress on his body.

Subsequently, Carollein took Anilu to the edge of a pond on the island with four heart-shaped landmasses in the middle.

"Then get ready to start." Carlo Rhein said excitedly.

Anilu came to one of the heart-shaped lands very awkwardly, with a gloomy face, and said in a displeased tone: "Who is the first to come!" "

I~" A shemale with a brown fluffy head jumped in front of Anilu excitedly, "Come on, Candy Boy, I will definitely start lightly~"

As he spoke, the shemale with a fluffy head also threw a wink at Anilu.

Anilu almost vomited: "It's disgusting, look how I burst you!"

At the same time, on a cherry blossom tree, Lin Mo was sitting on a thicker branch, quietly watching the battle not far away.

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