Although, Anilu's appearance in a skirt is somewhat spicy eyes.

But none of the people present ever laughed at him because of it.

Anilu also proved himself, and was defeated by three shemales in a row before being beaten down in a solo fight.

These people were not too embarrassed for Anilu, just waiting for him to rest enough, and then continued to fight him.

From day to night, twenty-four shemales except for Carol Rhein, Anilu, who was quite contentious, defeated nearly half of them.

It wasn't until midnight that the shemales dispersed.

Caro Rhein was the last to go.

Greeting the moonlight and looking at Anilu lying on his back facing the ground, Carol Rhein smiled and asked: "Tall boy, your explosive power is indeed stronger than I expected, but this is far from enough, it is difficult to defeat all of us in one day."

"Shut up!" Ani gasped as he said, "Ben Thor will definitely defeat all of you!" "

Hahahaha." Caro Rhein laughed, "Okay, give you six hours to rest, and after six hours, we'll continue." After

speaking, Carol Rhein left.

Anilu looked at the stars in the night sky alone, silent and did not say anything.

Lin Mo stayed a little longer after Carlo Rhein left.

Meanwhile, the castle kitchen.

Imei arrived as promised two hours ago and began to teach Kaku little by little from the selection of raw materials, and the processing method, the proportional distribution of each material and the brewing process.

After a set of general processes, Kaku probably understood why the wine made by Yimei was different from others, but mastering the theoretical knowledge was far from enough, and more practice was necessary.

It wasn't until almost five o'clock in the morning that I finished today's tutorial.

Before Kaku left, Imi immediately stopped him: "Kaku boy, I know that there may be a misunderstanding between you and your companion, but he is now working very hard to challenge everyone on our island, if you can, don't make a fuss, make peace." Hearing

this, Kaku froze and said without turning his head: "Some mistakes can never be made, once they are committed, they must accept the consequences, the old man does not feel that he has done anything wrong, and he will not easily forgive him, if he really knows that he is wrong and wants to come back, then prove it to us." "

Alas." Yimei said helplessly, "Isn't it too harsh, during the day, watching him fight with his sisters, as long as he can't stand up, he has been holding on hard, and he has never flinched."

"You don't understand." With that, Kaku continued to walk forward, stopping again when he reached the door, was silent for a moment, and continued, "Imi, please do something.

Imi blinked and asked, "What's going on?"

"Give him something to eat in the past, he likes sweets."

After saying that, Kaku left.

Yimei looked at the kitchen door where Kaku's figure was gone, and couldn't help but smile and shake her head: "It's really a knife-mouthed tofu heart."

After that, Yimei spent more than half an hour preparing some meat and desserts to send to Anilu.

When he arrived at the place of battle, Anilu was still lying motionless, as if he was still sleeping.

Then, Imi walked over cautiously, put the food next to him, and prepared to leave.

Anilu suddenly said indifferently: "Take it, I don't need you to be pitiful!"

Yimi chuckled, "Who pities you?" Give you something to eat, that is, to make your best state, to be defeated by us, lest someone say that we bully you later, eat quickly, only when you are full and drink will you have the strength to continue fighting. After

speaking, Yimei didn't care about Anilu anymore, and just such a person left.

When he returned to the castle, Carol Rhein and his party came out of it.

"Imei, what are you doing?" Caro Rhein asked.

Imi said without any reservations: "Lord Carlo, I went to bring the tall boy something to eat, and he never went back."

"What? Is he still there?

"Was it infighting with his companion?" How pathetic.

"Didn't his companion go to him?" So cold-blooded? "

There was a lot of talk.

Caro Rhein cut them off and continued: "Don't judge any of their actions without knowing what happened between them, and do what you have to do." The tall boy is a very determined guy, and I'll see how long he can hold out. Guys, go, the battle is about to start

~" "Oh~ Today I will fight him first~" "

Then I will be the second."

"I'm the third."

The crowd followed Carlo Rhein with great interest and continued to walk forward.

After Anilu left, he thought for a long time before he slowly got up from the ground, looked at the large plate of food in front of him, and was silent for a moment before picking it up and eating it bite by bite.

After eating, he did not forget to complain: "It's unpalatable." After

Kaku returned to the Moji, he began to prepare breakfast for Lin Mo and them.

Lin Mo, as usual, came down from the second floor of the cabin at six o'clock.

After a simple breakfast, he went out.

After Gu Yina watched Lin Mo go out, she turned to look at Kaku and asked, "Kaku, where is Anilu?" Hasn't that guy come back yet?

Kaku said casually, "Leave him alone."

The green pheasant said with a smile: "No one's life will always be smooth sailing, and it is nothing to make a proper disturbance, I hope that the guy does not come back, and then you disband, we will have the opportunity to arrest you one by one."

Kaku smiled and said, "Then I'm sorry, I'm afraid you won't have this opportunity." By the way, you still have a day of part-time work, don't forget to clean up the table later, and then before you leave, give the Moji a big cleaning, Guina watch.

Gu Yina immediately said, "Received."

The green pheasant said dissatisfiedly: "Just me working alone?" You're trying to tire me out.

Kaku said disapprovingly: "It's not that you are a naval admiral, can you still be stumped by this simple cleaning?" Come on, temp, if you finish early, you can leave early.

After that, Kaku got up and left the Moji.

He could probably guess where Lin Mo was going.

When Lin Mo came to the tree where he watched the fight yesterday, the side of Anilu had already begun.

"Sure enough, here." Kaku wrapped himself and Lin Mo with his ability, and then looked at the battle situation in the distance with Lin Mo, "That guy still hasn't changed at all, he only knows how to rampage in fighting, unless he can crush it with strength, otherwise, he has no chance to win the country's agent demon king." However, this is also good, some things, no matter how much it is useless, only after suffering and discovering problems yourself, can you grow faster and deeper.

Lin Mo was still silent and did not speak.

Kaku leaned against the tree trunk next to him, closed his eyes and took a nap.

Another week passed.

Kaku had fully mastered Imei's winemaking techniques four days earlier.

And while he fully learned, just as Lin Mo thought at the beginning, he really completed a progress task and successfully upgraded the teleportation level from level eight to level nine.

But Kaku did not tell Lin Mo at the first time that he had learned to make wine.

Everyone also had a tacit understanding and didn't ask much.

Now, even Gu Yina has joined the ranks who come to see Anilu every day to fight with the group of shemales.

After a week of vicious fighting, Anilu finally stopped being reckless and hard-hitting as at the beginning, and fought from six o'clock in the morning to six o'clock in the evening, and finally defeated all twenty-four shemales under Carlo Rhein.

"It's not easy, tall boy." Carlo Rhein smiled, "I originally thought that it would take you at least half a year to defeat them all, it seems that your talent is much higher than I expected." "

Less nonsense!" Anilu said scarred, "Let's go, I'm going to beat you!" "

Hahahaha." Karo Rhein covered his mouth and smiled, "I'm the strongest person in this kingdom right now, even if you can defeat my other friends, now you, in my opinion, are full of loopholes and want to win me?" Impossible. "

Huh." Anilu sneered, "You think Ben Thor is capable of this?" Look down on me too much, you will die a miserable death! "

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