Although he was forcibly ejected, with the help of Yuebu, Lin Mo did not fall from the air.

Originally, he wanted to chase the green pheasant and the vine tiger, but the meteorite in the sky fell faster and faster, and if he did nothing, not only Peach Island would be sunk, but even everyone on the island would have to be injured even if they didn't die.

With the speed of Kaku and Gu Yina, it must be too late to avoid it with all over.

Without thinking much about it, Lin Mo stepped on the moon step and jumped towards the meteorite, and then at a distance of less than ten meters from the meteorite, he slashed a few times with Toye Lake.

Just listening to a few cracks, the huge meteorite was immediately cut into several segments, scattered and continued to fall.

The shemales below, under the orders of Caro Rhein, scattered and fled.

Anilu saw Lin Mo chopping meteorites and wanted to help, but did not dare to go over.

Kaku jumped down from the tree with Guina, ready to withdraw first.

A huge meteorite fragment smashed towards them, Kaku immediately took out the evil spirit, and just when he was about to start chopping this meteorite, he suddenly 'boomed', and the meteorite that smashed towards them was instantly shattered into countless small stones, falling down as sparsely as rain.

Kaku looked back at Anilu, who still had thunder flashing on his hand.

Before he could react, seeing that several shemales had been injured because of meteorites around, Kaku immediately explained: "Gu Yina, you go back to the ship first, and the old man goes to save people."

After speaking, he shuttled back and forth between the gaps in the falling rocks, moving the injured shemales to a relatively safe place.

Anilu saw that Kaku was saving people, if it were a normal time, he would have scolded Kaku for being nosy, but now, he didn't think about it, and he also began to move, using lightning strikes to smash all the boulders that kept falling.

In order to save his companions, Caro Rhein kept punching those falling rocks one by one, because these meteorites were with high temperatures, and soon his fists were burned, even so, he still did not flinch, and still continued to fight against meteorites.

Guina did not follow Kaku's words and leave first, but chose to help them save the shemales together.

In mid-air, Lin Mo looked at the behavior of everyone below, didn't think much about it, and after handing this place over to them very reassuringly, he rushed towards the coast.

The green pheasant and the vine tiger were still observing the coast for a while at first, and then returned to the warship.

Lin Mo first returned to the Moji and patted Xiaobai's head: "Get up, work."

Xiao Bai woke up in shock, saw Lin Mo gone, and immediately got up and followed.

Fujitora and the pheasant returned to the warship.

Facing the direction of Peach Island in the distance, Fuji Tiger was silent and did not speak.

The green pheasant chuckled and asked, "Are you verifying something?"

Fuji Hu said indifferently: "Sort of." They're coming. "

Huh?" The green pheasant turned his head to look in the direction of Peach Island, and when he saw that the white dragon Xiaobai was flying towards them, and Lin Mo was standing on the little white's head, his face couldn't help but show a helpless look, "Ouch, this is trouble."

Xiao Bai rushed over and directly spat out a mouthful of thunder fire.

The green pheasant immediately used his ability to create a huge ice shield and carried Xiaobai's thunder fire down.

But under the continuous thunder and fire offensive, the ice shield began to melt visibly, and then Xiaobai passed with a claw, and the ice shield was directly shattered.

Then Xiaobai spat out thunder fire again, wanting to burn the warship to slag together with the people above.

Against the pressure, the pheasant created a large and thicker layer of ice, enveloping the warship entirely.

Thunder and fire instantly shrouded the ice, and at first glance, it looked like a large fireball.

Then, Xiaobai's tail flung over, and the flaming 'big fireball' was instantly shot out, and when it fell on the sea in the distance, the ice wrapped around the warship was smashed to pieces, although the warship did not have much damage, but under this powerful impact, the whole turned over, the bottom of the ship was facing the sky, and slowly sank into the sea.

Xiaobai still wanted to get into the sea to give the warship a fatal blow, but Lin Mo stopped him: "Okay, go back."

After Xiao Bai roared, his tail smashed down the sea, turned a corner, and obediently returned to the Ink Master with Lin Mo.

When Lin Mo returned to the Inker, the meteorite crisis on Peach Island was over.

Although the island was a mess of meteorites, fortunately, no one died because of it, and most of them were only slightly injured.

After transferring all the injured shemales to the shemale castle, Kalo Rhein looked at Kaku and the others, hesitated, and said, "Thank you."

Kaku said indifferently, "It's okay, little thing." Carlo

Rhein looked at Anilu, who was standing in the distance, and walked towards him without much thought.

Anilu saw Kalo Rhein coming, and said in a displeased tone: "Why, do you want to continue fighting?"

Caro Rhein raised his scarred hands, and Dragon Fang smiled: "My hands are like this, how can I fight?" Forget it, don't fight, the battle between us, it's you who won. "

Eh," Anilu said unpleasantly, "what are you doing?" We haven't decided yet. Carol

Rhein shook his head and said, "No, in fact, the victory and defeat have long been out."

Kaku looked at Guina and spoke, "Guina, let's go, it's time for us to get out of here."

Guina nodded.

Then, the two walked past Anilu.

Anilu watched them walk away in amazement.

Carlo Rhein patted Anilu's back and smiled: "What are you still stunned for?" Let's go. Anilu

: "But... I..."

said Caro Rhein with a grin, "What, if you don't chase it, you will regret it later." After

a moment of silence, Anilu seemingly reluctantly said 'thank you', then turned into lightning, 'swoosh', and disappeared.


On the Inker.

In Lin Mo's mind, the system's prompt sounded in time.

'Didi! Defeat the shemale agent Caro Rhein, the check-in progress is increased by 30%, the current total progress is 70%, the reward Night Kai level is increased by one, and the current Night Kai level is Lv5.

''Didi! Gain the appreciation of Admiral Fujitora, and the check-in progress is increased by 30%.

''Didi! The check-in mission of Peach Island is completed, and congratulations to the host for obtaining a new weapon, the Eight Wastes Sword Box. Note, there are a total of eight ancient famous swords in the Eight Wilderness Sword Box, which are Juque, Chengying, Chunjun, Yu Guo, Tai'a, Zhanlu, Longyuan and Gongbu, and the Eight Wilderness Sword Box will open the corresponding number of swords according to the strength of the user, the stronger the strength, the more swords can be opened. Hearing

this, Lin Mo immediately became interested in this new weapon.

Without much thought, as soon as his mind moved, a dark brown, two meters tall, with a strap hanging in front, thirty centimeters wide and twenty centimeters thick, appeared in his hand.

As soon as he touched this sword box, Lin Mo's mind appeared the use of the sword box, without saying a word, pulled it forward, only listening to a mechanical sound of 'click', the eight barren sword box automatically from its top, like a peacock opening the screen, unfolded four compartments, each compartment quietly placed four ancient swords of different shapes.

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