Inside the Eight Barren Sword Box, there are a total of eight swords.

Lin Mo, who possessed a ninth-level sword art level, only opened four now.

What he opened were a giant sword with a huge sword body and a very bulky look, a Chengying sword with a blue body and an elegant and exquisite appearance, a pure jun sword with a sword body carved with a star pattern on the hilt, and a fish intestine sword with a red body.

Although these swords have different forms, for those who understand swords, they can be seen at a glance that they are not ordinary.

This Eight Barren Sword Box is indeed a good thing!

Then, Lin Mo raised his hand forward, and with his thoughts, the four ancient swords began to shake, and then with a 'whoosh', the four swords flew out of the sword box together, followed the direction of Lin Mo's fingers, and flew quickly, and then under Lin Mo's control, the four swords swirled in the air.

When Kaku and Guina returned to the Moji, they saw the scene of Lin Mo playing with the sword.

Both of them were shocked by the sight in front of them.

"This is..." Kaku was surprised, "Captain, when did you have four more swords?" As

soon as Lin Mo retracted his momentum, the four swords whizzed a few times and flew back to the Eight Wilderness Sword Box, and then there was another 'click' with a mechanical sound, and the four sections of the Eight Wilderness Sword Box immediately closed and returned to their original appearance.

After this set of processes, the eyes of both Kaku and Gu Yina lit up.

"How handsome!" Guina exclaimed.

Lin Mo took the opportunity to carry the Eight Wilderness Sword Box diagonally on his back, and then walked a few steps, although this thing was indeed very handsome, but suddenly there was something more on his back, he was really not used to it.

The main thing is that although this thing looks nothing special on the surface, it is still so big that it will be very swaggering wherever it goes.

So, thinking about it, Lin Mo took it down again, glanced at Kaku and Gu Yina, and threw it directly to Gu Yina.

Gu Yina was stunned, immediately reached out to take it, and then looked at Lin Mo blankly.

Lin Mo said casually: "I sent you." "

Huh?" Gu Yina asked a little bewildered, "This... Really sent me? Why?

"No why." Lin Mo said casually, "The Eight Barren Sword Box is suitable for you.

Guina was still hesitant to accept it.

Kaku said sourly: "Eight wild sword box, this name sounds very powerful, so envious, there are actually four swords hidden in it, and each one looks very powerful."

Lin Mo said indifferently: "No, there are eight swords inside." "

Huh?" Kaku and Gu Yina looked at Lin Mo again in surprise.

Seeing that he had a question-mark face, Baba looked at him.

Lin Mo thought for a while, but still spoke: "The Eight Wilderness Sword Box will open the corresponding number of swords according to the strength of the user, my strength can only open four now, the four swords that were opened just now, the largest one is called the Giant Que Sword, the most exquisite one is the Chengying Sword, the red one is the fish intestine sword, and the one with a complex carving on the hilt is the Pure Jun Sword." These are all ancient famous swords, and each one can be compared to the supreme fast sword.

As soon as Lin Mo said this, Kaku and Gu Yina were even more shocked.

Each one can be comparable to the supreme fast knife, what is the concept?

The more Gu Yina thought about it, the more she felt that she didn't deserve such a good thing.

After hesitating, she still brought the Eight Wilderness Sword Box to Lin Mo: "Captain, I can't collect such a valuable thing, you, it's better to take it back."

"What I give away, I won't take back." After speaking, Lin Mo turned around and walked towards the cabin.

Gu Yina was stunned, and wanted to chase after Lin Mo to return the Eight Desolate Sword Box, but was stopped by Kaku.

Kaku smiled and said: "Don't be embarrassed, the captain sent you a weapon, it means that he has recognized you, in fact, the captain has already sent weapons to the old man and Anilu, you see."

With that, Kaku took out his Evil Spirit Short Sword.

As soon as Gu Yina saw the evil spirit, she immediately felt the gloomy and cold aura emitted by the evil spirit: "This sword looks a little evil.

"Actually, it's fine." Kaku put the evil spirit away and said lightly, "The evil spirit is a sword that can cut souls. Moreover, it can evolve into two swords, which is very suitable for old husbands. The captain gave Anilu a golden hoop rod that could be made larger or smaller at will, controlled in weight, and helped him detonate lightning. Although the old man still thinks that this Eight Wilderness Sword Box is a little more handsome, since the captain chose to give you the Eight Wilderness Sword Box, it shows that he thinks this weapon is very suitable for you. The captain's judgment has never been wrong, so take it. "

This..." Gu Yina looked at the Eight Barren Sword Box in her hand, silent for a moment, Gu Yina accepted it calmly, but she was still a little worried, "I still can't use this sword box, even the captain can only open four, then I must open less."

Kaku said a little impatiently: "Then you try it first." Gu

Yina nodded, put her hand on the Eight Wilderness Sword Box, first studied it simply, and soon, something seemed to be guiding her, soon she touched the number, and then pulled the sword box simply, only listening to the 'click', the upper end of the Eight Wilderness Sword Box immediately stretched out two compartments.

The Giant Que Sword and the Chengying Sword were quietly placed in those two compartments.

"Sure enough, but it's also very good that I can open two swords, I remember, the sword that Lin Mo opened just now, there are these two, it seems to be the Giant Que Sword and the Chengying Sword." Thinking that Lin Mo could control the sword in the sword box to fly around at will just now, Gu Yina also tried, Juque and Chengying did follow her thoughts and flew out of the sword box, but the speed of flight was still much slower, and to control the two swords at once, it was still a little difficult for her, "It seems that I still have to practice more." Saying

that, Gu Yina let Juque and Chengying fly in front of her, and then reached out and grabbed Juque, because of the weight of Juque, Gu Yina didn't grasp it steadily, and the tip of the sword 'banged', and smashed heavily on the deck of the Moji.

"It's so heavy!" Gu Yina was surprised, "This sword must have at least five hundred catties. "

But fortunately, after so many years of training, Gu Yina's own strength is not small, and it is not difficult to pick up the giant que.

After that, she tried Chengying, and compared with Juque, Chengying was much lighter.

Seeing Gu Yina happily testing the sword, Kaku suddenly looked forward to it: "The captain said that there are eight swords in the Eight Barren Sword Box, and I really look forward to what kind of sword will come out later."

Gu Yina also said with great anticipation: "So, I have to practice harder, I have a hunch that the day I open the eight ancient famous swords will be when I become a sword master!" "

Come on, Guina."

"Well, thanks!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, Anilu, who had quietly returned, after a long psychological struggle, stiffened his head and appeared in front of everyone.

"That," Anilu said in a rare show of weakness, "the Agent Demon King admitted defeat, I didn't fight him with Ray, but... I used the speed of lightning... Can I still count me as winning?

Kaku saw Anilu's embarrassed look and chuckled, "You have to ask the captain about this."

Lin Mo just walked to the hatch of the ship, without turning his head, and said directly: "Start the boat, go."

With that, he entered the cabin.

Anilu asked a little frustrated: "So, the captain still doesn't forgive me?" Kaku

is still the first time to see Anilu so weak, originally wanted to tease him, after thinking about it, or forget it: "Call you stupid you still don't believe it, the generator old man has not been modified, the battery stored in the control room is only enough to supply the Momo for a day, do you want us to be trapped in the current of the magnetic field disorder of the Great Route a day later?"

"Okay, let's go and sail the boat, silly big man." Guina smiled and patted Anilu's back.

Anilu asked a little blankly, "So, can I continue to stay on the ship?" "

Nonsense." Kaku said unceremoniously, "Are all the bad things about your narcissism before?" Go sail the boat, the old man is going to prepare afternoon tea for you." "Good

!" Anilu felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart, and immediately used his ability to make the whole ship work.

But because he didn't know where to go next, he hesitated, rushed to Lin Mo's room just like before, and asked: "Captain, where are we going next?"

Lin Mo simply looked at his personal attributes, saw that the name of the next stop was an island he had not heard of, Caleb Island, and then opened the system navigation and glanced, it was actually in the South China Sea.

Without much thought, he pointed in the direction where Caleb Island was located.

After knowing where to go, Anilu was just about to leave, and Lin Mo suddenly stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Anilu immediately stopped, turned to face Lin Mo, and was ready to be trained and beaten.

Lin Mo was silent for a short while before silently speaking: "No matter what situation I encounter in the future, I will never threaten you again with words that ask you to leave, so, you..."

The following words, Lin Mo kept stuck in his throat, unable to say anything.

Although he didn't finish speaking, for Anilu, it was enough.

"Got it." Anilu grinned, "I've figured it out in the past few days, from now on, even if I die, Ben Thor will die here and not go, hahahahaha..."

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