Lin Mo's door outside the corridor.

Kaku leaned against the wall and complained lightly: "Fool."

Gu Yina smiled and said, "Isn't it good now?" "

Well, let's go."

Polar Diving (the next three chapters are daily woods, if you don't like it, you can skip it directly).

A week after Lin Mo and them left Peach Island, Lin Mumu rubbed Luo's boat to this island that was still a little messy, but still had a 'romantic' atmosphere under the pink-purple hue.

As soon as they landed on the island, after seeing the shemales on the island, Pei Bo and they returned to the polar diving very cold.

Because he knew that this was Ivankov's territory, Lin Mumu used Ivankov's name to successfully get the direction Lin Mo and them left from Karo Rhein's mouth.

After returning to the Polar Dive, Lin Mumu originally wanted Luo to continue chasing Lin Mo.


This time Luo rejected him: "I have other things to do, I can't take you to chase Lin Mo all the time, if you can wait, just go with me, and then go to him after the things I have at hand are done." "

Although, Lin Mumu knows that it will be safe to mingle around on Luo's ship.

But now that they finally know the direction Lin Mo is going, and there is only a seven-day flight between them, if they give up turning back for the time being, the next time they want to find Lin Mo, I don't know when.

The most important thing is that Lin Mumu knows that Lin Mo goes to the next check-in place, and if he uses the system to navigate, the direction he takes must be the shortest distance in a straight line, that is, as long as there is no deviation, if he chases in a straight line, he will be able to catch up with Lin Mo with a high probability.

Such a great opportunity, she didn't want to give it up.

After thinking about it, Lin Mumu finally decided to separate from Luo and them: "Okay, then I'll go find them myself."

Luo asked amusedly, "Are you sure it's okay for a person to find someone on the Great Route?"

Lin Mumu waved his hand and smiled: "Of course, it's not the first time I've gone to sea alone, well, thank you for taking care of you during this time, and I'll see you again when I have the opportunity to see you in the future, I will definitely invite you to a big meal." "

Huh." Luo said indifferently, "When the time comes, when you have money, you choose to go, I won't stop you, the polar diving doesn't have many boats for you, how do you go?"

Lin Mumu said indifferently: "It's okay, I'll just mix a boat here, you guys go."

"Good." Luo was very happy and let her go.

After that, Lin Mumu said a brief goodbye to the others on the Polar Dive.

After watching the polar diver leave, she turned around and prepared to ask Carol Rhein to 'borrow' the ship and record the pointer.

After getting a small boat and some dry food, Lin Mumu immediately sailed away.

Then she floated on the sea for a long time, so long that she herself did not know how long, until all the dry food was eaten and she did not meet an island that could be supplied, and for a few more days, just when she was about to starve to death, an island filled with gunsmoke appeared in her vague vision.

But she didn't have the strength to react, nor could she run directly to the island, where the boat carrying her could float with the current.

When she was about to float over the island, a person who was observing the situation around her on a cargo ship docked on the edge of the island spotted her: "Look, there is a small boat over there, and there seems to be a person in distress on board."

"What? Where is it? Ah, it's true, that person looks in a bad state, save people quickly. "

Then, immediately a small boat for spare procurement was dropped from the cargo ship.

Soon, the purchasing boat approached the small boat where the forest trees were located.

In a trance, Lin Mumu saw two blurry figures transfer her to another boat.

In their ears, their voices gradually became hazy and distant.

"She's dehydrated, bring the water."

"It's coming."

Then, there was no then, and Lin Mumu fainted directly.

When she woke up again, it was midnight.

In front of her was a dim wooden ceiling, and she was lying in a small cubicle room, with a candle that had been burned in half on the table next to the small single bed.

Lin Mumu sat up from the bed with a headache, his body was still a little weak, his eyes turned, he found a glass of water on the table, and without saying a word, he immediately took it up and drank it.

After drinking the water, she felt alive again.

"Arcee, I thought I was dead." Lin Mumu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, my life is big, hahaha, the sky does not kill me." As

soon as she finished speaking, her stomach 'purred'.

"I'm so hungry..." Lin Mumu covered his stomach and climbed out of bed, then supported the wall next to him and opened the door of this small single room.

Then follow the dark corridor outside and walk forward with feeling.

After passing through a few rooms, she really touched a kitchen with a relatively large space.

There were several windows around the kitchen, and the bright moonlight and a little starlight spilled into the kitchen through the windows, so that they could still see the furnishings in the kitchen.

Lin Mumu immediately noticed the fruits and bread in the cabinet next to the refrigerator, and without thinking, he immediately rushed over, picked up two pieces of bread, and began to eat it.

As she was about to open the refrigerator to see if there was anything else to eat inside, suddenly there was a faint sound of footsteps from the kitchen door.

Sensing that someone was coming, he didn't have time to touch the refrigerator again, and after taking a few more breads and fruits, Lin Mumu scurried around and hid under a table with kitchen utensils not far from the refrigerator.

Then, the kitchen door was carefully opened from the outside.

The same purpose as her, but the person who came in came directly to the front of the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, and took out the remaining half a pot of chicken, just ate a few bites, and there was movement outside the kitchen again....

After hearing the movement, the person who stole the food began to run around like Lin Mumu at the beginning, and then, coincidentally, this person also chose to hide under the table.

When he got under the table and saw that someone was already hiding there, he was stunned.

And Lin Mumu, after seeing the person coming, just stuffed a mouthful of bread in his mouth, and he couldn't help but spew out.

Although the light here is not very sufficient, it does not affect her ability to see who is coming.

"How are you!" Lin Mumu asked in shock.

Appearing here is the habitual offender who often steals food in the middle of the night, Saab.

Saab immediately made individual speaking gestures to Lin Mumu.

Then, the kitchen door was opened from the outside.

A puzzled voice came in from outside: "It seems that there is movement in the kitchen."

Then, another voice yawned and said, "Did you hear you wrong, we just passed Saab's room, isn't that kid sleeping well in bed?"

"Also, let's go, continue to patrol, alas, these days, that kid is almost emptying the kitchen, I suggest, lock the refrigerator."

"Hahaha, this suggestion is good, when the sky breaks, I will tell Master Banliang."

Then the two patrolmen closed the door and left.

Until there was no movement at all, Saab exhaled and shifted his gaze to Lin Mumu, who looked like a ghost: "Are you okay?" "

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