Hearing Sabo's voice, Lin Mumu immediately returned to his senses and shrunk back unconsciously: "Why are you here?"

Saab smiled and said, "This sentence should be me asking you, right, aren't you with the people of the Heart Pirates?" How can you be left alone and drift at sea? If our people found out later, you would already be dead.

"Well, that... Thanks. "Although Lin Mumu didn't understand why she could encounter this product wherever she went, after all, they really saved her...

What's more, now Saab has completely forgotten her, so it should be a new acquaintance, there is no need to act too deliberately, otherwise this guy will definitely doubt her.

Without thinking much about it, Lin Mumu grabbed the bread in his hand again and continued to nibble.

Sabo saw that Lin Mumu was really hungry, so he pushed the half pot of chicken on his side: "Eat slowly, it's easy to choke when the bread is fast, eat some meat."

Lin Mumu was not polite, directly grabbed the meat in the basin, and gobbled it up without regard for the image.

Saab leaned next to her and stared at her until she had almost eaten, before asking, "Have you eaten enough?"

Lin Mumu casually wiped the oil stains at the corners of his mouth, and said with a grin: "When it's full, then I'll slip away first, thank you for your hospitality." She

was about to leave.

Saab moved the rest of the food to his side, and said while sweeping his tail without disgust at all: "I don't know if you were separated from that pirate group by yourself, or if you were abandoned by them, since we saved you, we won't leave you alone, the current situation on this island is very chaotic, I don't recommend you to get off the ship and leave now, if you trust us, when the war here is over, we will send you to the surrounding safe islands."

Hearing this, Lin Mumu paused for a moment, and then replied with a grin: "Okay, then thank you." "

When she was ready to leave again.

Sabo stopped her again: "By the way, I have another question I have always wanted to ask you, the last time you and the captain of the Heart Pirates came to our ship, when you approached me, I had a very strange feeling, can you tell me why?"

"Huh? Strange feeling? Lin Mumu asked strangely, "What a strange feeling."

Saab shook his head and said, "It's just, it seems that there is no way to refuse you, I don't know why this is so, what kind of devil fruit ability are you?" "

Ahem, this one." Lin Mugan said with a smile, "Why can't you refuse me, I don't know, anyway, I haven't done anything to you, as for whether I am a Devil Fruit ability, cough, in fact, I did eat the Devil Fruit, I am a Prophet Fruit Ability, my ability is to predict the future." "

Foreseeing the future?" Sabo was stunned, and felt that something was not quite right, "On the Devil Fruit Guide, it seems that there is no such fruit."

Lin Mumu said with a straight face: "In this world, there are more devil fruits that have not been recorded in the Devil Fruit Guide, you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, anyway, I said everything that should be said, believe it or not is your business, if there is nothing else, I will leave."

"Wait, then your ability, can you check the future of others anytime, anywhere?"

"Well, that's of course, but what, looking at the future of others is a leakage of the heavenly machine, which will break the life, so in general, I will not use the ability indiscriminately, otherwise, maybe at some point, I will die young because of the leakage of the heavenly machine."

"Oh, so it is." Saab thought for a moment, and then asked, "Then let me ask one last question, what is your name?"

Lin Mumu thought for a while, and then replied with a smile: "I, my name is Nanke, the time to answer questions is over, I will withdraw first,"

of course, she will not say that her name is Lin Mumu, although she thinks that this product is unlikely to think of her because of a name, but just in case, it is safer to change the name.

After speaking, Lin Mumu slipped away.

Sabo did not stop her again, although Lin Mumu reported his name as Nanke, but Saab still maintained a skeptical attitude: "Just now, she hesitated, this name, is it fake..." Previously

, because of dehydration and lack of food, Lin Mumu had lost her way at sea, and the record pointer was broken, and there was no way to find Lin Mo's whereabouts for the time being, so now she can only eat and drink on this cargo ship of the revolutionary army.

It was not until half a month later that the revolutionary army ended the war on the island early, liberated all the refugees on the island, and prepared to set sail back to Baldigo.

As previously agreed, after passing through the relatively safe islands, Saab and they will put the trees down.

But even if he got off the boat, without any clues from Lin Mo, Lin Mumu still couldn't move an inch.

Therefore, at this time, the help of reinforcements is needed.

At present, as far as Lin Mumu knows, knows her situation, and has the ability to help her, and the only person she can contact now is only one person, the leader of the revolutionary army, Long.

Therefore, before the cargo ship set sail for Baldigo, before passing any islands, Lin Mumu had to find a way to get the phone worm on Saab's side to contact the dragon.

But... With her current strength, it is difficult to get the phone bug from Saab...

She only has some simple physical skills, foam techniques, and the ability to remember fruits, and unless she is caught off guard by Saab, she has no chance at all.

Anyway, it's definitely not okay to come hard.

Then, it is only possible to outwit.

Thinking of this, although Lin Mumu was very reluctant to be alone with Saab again, now, she had no other way.

On the first night of the return journey of the cargo ship of the revolutionary army.

Lin Mumu took advantage of the fact that everyone was almost resting, secretly took a case of rum out of the kitchen, and just ran to the door of Saab's room, just as Saab opened the door to come out.

Seeing Lin Mumu at the door, Saab asked strangely: "What are you doing here?"

Lin Mumu said with a grin: "If you are lucky, I can almost get off the boat tomorrow, no, in order to thank you for taking care of this time, I want to ask you to have a good drink before disembarking."

Sabo glanced at the box of wine that Lin Mumu was holding in his hand, and couldn't help but smile and ask, "You brought this wine from the kitchen?"

Lin Mumu said disapprovingly: "It doesn't matter where you got it, the important thing is my heart to invite you to drink, okay, go in quickly."

With that, Lin Mumu forced Sabo to retreat into the room again, and then closed the door with his backhand.

Saab knew that Lin Mumu must have other purposes for coming here, but he didn't debunk her, so he cooperated, wanting to see what this guy wanted to do.

Lin Mumu put the wine on the ground, took out two bottles from it, pulled out the cork, and handed one of the bottles to Saab.

Sabo took the wine handed over by Lin Mumu and asked with a smile: "Is your amount of alcohol good?"

Lin Mumu shook his head with a grin: "Not really, you won't dare to drink with me, right?"

Saab picked up the bottle and drank it first, and then said disapprovingly: "It's not that I don't dare, but I can't drink enough, let's do what we can, don't drink too much." "

Get it." Lin Mumu smiled and took a sip of rum, seeing that Saab had been staring at her, he suddenly chuckled, "How?" Even if I'm good-looking, you don't have to keep staring.

Saab immediately retracted his gaze and grinned: "Hahaha, I'm sorry, but you are indeed quite cute."

"I don't need you to say I know." Lin Mumu blinked his eyes and urged, "You should drink."

Then, Saab really cooperated and took another sip.

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