“Which is it?”

Ganfort looked at the dark green alien space around him, his face full of sluggishness.

He was clearly still on the empty island before, how did he enter this place inexplicably?

And…… Anilu’s move was clearly intended to kill him and Ken.

Anilu is really ruthless, how painful it is that the empty island has been ruled by this kind of person for six years!

“This is my fruit ability, you don’t need to panic, Anilu can’t find it here.”

Ken’s figure suddenly appeared, appeared directly in front of Ganfort, and spoke: “You can’t go out now, Anilu has gone crazy, and the death of two priests seems to make him very unhappy.” ”

For Anilu.

Ken knows a lot.

Although Anilu usually seems lazy and likes to yawn or pinch his ears, he is actually cruel and does not pay attention to enemies even women.

For this.

For this group of priestly subordinates… Anilu actually doesn’t look at it, he thinks he is a god… Be grateful to be his subordinate!

It’s just that the huge empty island, Anilu is also difficult to manage, so there will be the existence of the priest and others, and he needs to share the points for him.

“It turns out that this is your Devil Fruit ability.”

After Ganfort saw Ken and heard this, his face couldn’t help but feel relieved, and he began to feel a little relieved, not so flustered.

Thankfully, he had Ken’s help.

Otherwise, if his old bone was struck by the lightning of God’s sanctions, it would definitely be destroyed into ashes, and even the corpse would no longer exist.

“Just stay with me, don’t go out yet.”

“And don’t walk around.”

“Although I don’t have much space here… But I don’t know if there is any danger. ”

Ken couldn’t help but lie a lie, after all, in this other space, he hid the design drawings of the Hades battleship and a devil fruit, which were extremely precious things, especially the former, which was completely enough to make the world government greedy!

It’s just that he hides extremely deeply, in the deepest part of the alien space.

Even if Ganfort is allowed to find… It is estimated that it cannot be found.

Just to be on the safe side, though.

He still made Ganfort feel… The alien space here may be extremely dangerous, and it is easy to die!

Guarding against others is essential.

Although he has a good impression of Ganfor, he also has to be on guard.

“Is that so… Then it’s better for me not to move. ”

“I didn’t expect your Devil Fruit ability to be so dangerous.”

“It seems that I didn’t eat the Devil Fruit back then, and it was really correct.”

When Ganfort heard this, his face couldn’t help but turn pale.

He was too old, even a member of the generation of One Piece Roger, of course, he was not a pirate, but he lived in that turbulent era.

And after getting too old, his strength has declined too fast and he can’t move.

And he remembered the empty island inventory.

There seems to be a devil fruit… If he remembers correctly.

It’s just that eating the devil fruit… Paying for a lifelong weakness, not being able to touch the sea at all, is really worth the loss, Ganforer is not a battle maniac, he is more suitable for managing empty islands.

Especially after Ganfort finally became the ruler of the empty island, he had no idea about the Devil Fruit.

He just leads the people of the empty island to prosperity… Fighting and killing all day is not for him.


Ganfort turned his head to look at the dark green space around him, as if his face was surging like a demon, it was really a strange and magical space!

“What are you going to do next?”

“Anilu has spotted both of us.”

“Next… It’s no longer good for you to attack the priest. ”

“The point is… You have also seen the means of Anilu. ”

“He can use lightning strikes to bombard others from a great distance.”

“This kind of adversary … What a worst! ”

Ganfor’s face was full of helplessness, his eyes were full of loneliness, and he was helpless against Anilu.


Ken’s interest was brought up.

Anilu’s means are powerful?

If he can defeat … Such powerful means.

Isn’t it his?


There was an incredible amount of power in his body, and at this moment, Ken only had one thought wrapped around his mind.

That is to kill Anilu and plunder the Thunder Fruit!

He can completely plunder and inherit all of Anilu’s moves!

Even after that… According to the nature of his understanding, he can also develop new moves on the Thunder Fruit!

And in the recent period.

The nature of Ken’s understanding of the Gate Fruit… Already gradually improved!

He seems to have thought of a new move!

But…… Wait until you defeat Anilu before you experiment!


Ken observes the environment outside in a different space.

He wanted to see if Anilu would come here to find out in person after he and Ganfort disappeared.

He controls the Gate Fruit ability… Naturally, you can see the view outside.

But Ganfort can’t, Ken specifically blocked Ganfor’s vision, so that Ganfort can only see the dark green alien space, unable to see through the outside vision environment.

Ken also didn’t want to expose too much… Letting Ganfort in here is just that Ganfort is worth saving.

He afterwards… But I want to make some benefits on the empty island.

At this time, protect Ganfort… Not a loss at all.


Wait for a moment.

Ken found no sign of Anilu.

“What’s going on?”

“Could it be that Anilu thinks me and Ganfort are dead?”

“It’s not without this possibility… Anilu is still very arrogant and thinks that he is invincible in the world! ”

“After all, claiming to be a god… Nature is arrogant! ”

The thought couldn’t help but float through Ken’s mind, and he couldn’t help but feel amused.

Although the thunder fruit of Anilu … Powerful indeed.

It’s just that Anilu’s physical technique is not strong at all, and it relies too much on fruits, which is definitely true.

That’s why… Ken thinks he can win!

He has the patience of thunder reduction, which can reduce lightning strikes by 83%, and naturally he is not very afraid of Anilu.

Plus super defense… and super regenerative ability.

Anilu wants to kill him?

It seems very difficult!


Ken turned his head sideways and ordered Ganfort, his mouth opening.

“I have to go out now.”

“If you can… I’m going to fight Anilu to the death. ”

“Just wait for my good news.”

Finish speaking.

Ken stretched out his hand and touched the alien space, and a door opened.

He did not hesitate to leave the alien space, leaving Ganfort alone.

But Ganfort was also used to it alone, and when he saw Ken leave, he couldn’t help but mumble.

“Come on.”

He can only support Ken morally for now.

In other ways… He didn’t help much either.

Or wait for Ken to defeat Anilu and he becomes the ruler of the empty island again, and naturally he will repay Ken!

Wish…… Ken can win!

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