After Ken leaves the other space, he is in a stealth and stealth state.

However, he did not feel the domineering lock of Anilu!


Anilu really thought that he and Ganfort died under the lightning strike of God’s sanction.

It’s just a pity.

Ken even if he endured the lightning strike of God’s sanction head-on… He won’t take much damage, and he can even jump alive.

After all, he can be immune to 83% of lightning damage, just the remaining lightning damage… It’s not very strong anymore.


“I’ll kill you priest all… When the time comes, we’ll have to see how you go it alone! ”

This thought floated through Ken’s mind, and his figure turned into a black line, and instantly began to move towards the distance.

He had asked the Great Sage to loot the memories of the two priests he had killed.

For this.

He has successfully mastered the living area of Anilu, as well as the location of the temple of the remaining two priests.

So he doesn’t need Ganfor’s guidance, otherwise he still has to carry a tow oil bottle, which is really troublesome!


He came to the temple of the Rope Trial Priest Shura.

Ken first observed from the outside, and after finding that the priest Asura did not use the domineering color to check the surroundings, he had a sneer on the corner of his mouth and secretly said in his heart.

“All idiots with no real combat experience.”

“Unexpectedly unvigilant?”

After all, the empty island is so remote, and there are very few people who can enter the empty island.

And those who survived … Not even more!

However, it seems that Anilu told the remaining two priests the news of the death of the empty island invaders, and also calmed the panic of the two priests.

Otherwise, the two priests who had died before, and the remaining two priests would be extremely panicked.

The strength of the priests is not much different.

The Empty Island Invader can kill a priest… This means that the remaining priests can be killed!

“Then solve it as soon as possible!”

Ken’s figure darkened and rushed directly into the temple.


There was a violent sound of fighting inside the temple, accompanied by the panic sound of the priest Shura.

“No… Why didn’t the invaders die! ”

“Lord Anilu!”

“Save me!”

“Save… Save…… I. ”

Suddenly, the words of the priest Asura stopped abruptly, and his voice was intermittent until it disappeared completely.


“This damn priest Asura actually spewed fire at me, and it was full of rope clouds, like a sharp thin line, if I hadn’t used the iron in time, I would have almost been cut!”

“And this flame shell is really disgusting… It actually burned my hair and almost became bald! ”

“It’s good that I have the ability to regenerate… You can regenerate your hair too! ”

After Ken killed the priest Shura, he quickly devoured it, and then left the temple and went to the next temple.

But…… When the divine officer Asura in a hurry spewed fire at him.

The Great Sage actually prompted him to say this.

【Attacked by flames】

【Obtaining primary flame antibody resistance】

[Currently immune to 33% of flame attacks]

[If you are attacked by flames in the future, you can achieve evolutionary intermediate flame antibody resistance]

This surprised Ken a little.

Didn’t think about being attacked by flames… Actually got the resistance of flame antibodies?

Can it even evolve?

That’s a good thing!


Ken thought of something, and couldn’t help but ask in his heart.

“Great Sage.”

“If I’m going to fight Anilu later.”

“When he used lightning to hit me… Will my Thunder antibody resistance evolve? ”

“Can you evolve antibodies that are completely immune to thunder?”

Hear this.

The Great Sage replied without thinking.

“Of course you can.”

“But I want to evolve into a completely immune thunder antibody.”

“It must reach more than 100 million volts of lightning strikes!”

“Maybe you can evolve in this way!”

This was a pleasant surprise for Kean.

Let’s be honest… More than 100 million volts of lightning struck him.

He can be immune to 83% of the damage, and the rest of the damage can be completely bearable!

Even good luck.

Trigger the evolution effect.

Complete Thunder Antibody Immune!

When the time comes to deal with Anilu… It’s like stepping on dead ants!

“Then it seems… I have to off Anilu. ”

“It made him so angry that … Directly use more than 100 million volts of lightning to hit me! ”

A wistful smile appeared at the corner of Ken’s mouth, and the matter was still very simple.

Anilu has a haughty personality.

He provoked a little… You can make Anilu angry!


“Go and solve the last remaining priest!”

Ken’s steps are ethereal, in a stealthy and stealthy state, the speed directly reaches the limit, and the figure turns into a rainbow light, all the way to the distance.


“Lord Anilu!”

“Save me!”

“Save… Save…… I. ”

Anilu, who closed his eyes and was bored, suddenly heard these words in his heart, opened his eyes instantly, surprise flashed under his eyes, and muttered in his mouth: “Divine Officer Asura is asking me for help?” What’s going on? ”

In an instant.

“Boom ——!”

His proud heart network spread throughout the empty island in an instant through the conduction of radio waves!


The breath of Divine Officer Shura… Disappear!

Can’t find it at all!

Just for a short time… Already dead?

So fast?

Can’t even find the body?

It’s exactly the same as the two priests who died before!

“Could it be that the invaders were not eliminated?”

Anilu frowned.

But soon.

His face was full of pride and he laughed loudly: “Yehahahaha!” ”

“That’s fun!”

“This intruder is really bold… Dare to kill my three priests! ”

“I’d rather see… You invaders dare not offend my great God! ”

But soon.

Anilu Heart Net detected a vague breath.

And this breath is heading at an extremely fast speed to the temple location of the last Iron Trial God Officer Ohm!

For this.

Anilu began contacting the priest Ohm.


“The intruder is heading to your temple location.”

“You are my favorite priest, don’t let me see your defeated appearance!”

“Hear me clearly!”

“If you lose… I personally kill you! ”

He actually didn’t plan to deal with Ken!

Be the last trump card.

Anilu felt that he must be the last to strike!

Anilu would like to see.

How exactly did this intruder kill the priest?

Dare to be so presumptuous?

Anyway, for the group of subordinates of the priest… Anilu felt dispensable and did not regard the priest as a partner in the slightest.


Because he is the strongest god, with supreme strength!

God doesn’t need partners!

No fool dares to rebel against him!

And Anilu just wanted to leave the empty island recently, he wanted to see the vast world outside!

Empty Island… It’s so boring!

No one can oppose him!

To this.

Anilu also hopes… Finally, this intruder can kill Priest Ohm!

And come and fight to the death against him, the supreme god!

And then…… He gave death to the invaders!

Die gloriously!


“I’m waiting for your arrival!”

Anilu’s face was full of stunning, and a look of defiance flashed under his eyes, which was simply extremely arrogant.

No matter who you face.

Anilu never thought about it… He will lose this idea!

He…… He is the strongest god!

Suppress any fool who disobeys everything in the world!

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