"This kid is declaring that the Demon King Conference will be completely opposed to the World Conference!"

Karp clasped his arms together, and he understood that Ye Zhuo told the world with a voice.

The kingdoms and forces that joined the Demon King Council are optimistic.

As long as this battle is won, there is no need to worry about it in the future.

Im's disclosure is difficult for most people to verify whether it is true or not.

Only Ye Zhuo's declaration of war on the world is the most real.

"Who will be the new world hegemon? This battle will be finally confirmed. "

Supernovae just feel the blood boiling.

They always find the name "war on top" familiar.

It's obviously the first time I've listened to it.

"Go to war!"

Ye Zhuo woke everyone up with a snort.

Hundreds of warships landed from all directions of Beehive Island.

The sea king and mechanical sea beasts smashed all the battleships and dragged them to the bottom of the sea.

"Ice Age!"


Sea levels are frozen, and deep ice traps sea kings and mechanical sea beasts at the bottom of the sea.

"It's very arrogant, Xiaoqing."

Ye Zhuo stepped on the ice, and the fire demon qi erupted.

With a single breath, he melted a large piece of ice.

"Playing with fire? It's me you should be looking for. The

molten slurry on the red dog was hot, and he stepped towards Ye Zhuo.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Dozens of molten fireballs flew out of the red dog's fist against the sky.

"Are you here for barbecue at this temperature?"

Ye Zhuo's cheeks bulged, and the wind demon qi brewed.

As he spat out loudly.

The fierce wind extinguished all the molten fireballs.

This moment.

The cadres of the Demon King Pirate Group also rushed up.

Dealing with them were the twenty-three elite vice admirals summoned by the naval headquarters!

"Look, there are actually twenty-three elite vice admirals in the headquarters of the Navy!"

"Damn, they also have quite a few naval supernovas, as well as veteran rear admirals!"

"The naval powerhouse on every battleship is famous!"

The audience in front of the camera was surprised.

As soon as the Navy struck, it carried an invisible pressure.

Truly worthy of being a real hegemon on the sea!

On the battlefield.

"Thunder Spear!"

Ye Zhuo held it empty-handed, and the lightning demon qi fused with the heavenly demon qi.

Turn into a huge lightning spear and fall from the sky!

Go straight to the steel skeleton of the headquarters of the Navy!


"Poison Giant Soldier Hell Judgment!"

The toxin spear soared into the sky, blocking the thunder spear with the toxin.

Magellan's bandages were removed.

He blocked in front of the World Army Marshal Gang Bone Kong, and said solemnly: "How can you hurt our marshal as soon as you come up!" "

The strongest man in Advance City, Magellan!"

Ye Zhuo was very relieved, it was a little interesting to see all the members of the World Army make a move.

He just stayed for a moment.

A meteorite fell from the sky.

"The old man must make a move, Demon King!"

Fuji Tiger drew his sword.

"Moon Demon Qi."

Ye Zhuo easily pointed out, and the larger meteorite directly smashed the vine tiger's one.

Smashed into Fujitora's head!

Gravity Fruit VS Moon Magic Qi!

"Long time no see, Demon King!"

A laser kills.

Ye Zhuo transformed into the body of the Water Demon Qi.

"It really hurts, yellow ape."

"You lie!"

Seeing that the laser was ineffective, the yellow ape decisively suspended in the air and waited for a new opportunity to attack.

"Laser, so will I."

Ye Zhuo looked up at him, and the pig spell showed its might, bursting out with a powerful electric light eye.


Two holes appeared in the abdomen of the yellow ape.

"It hurts, your attack worked!"

The yellow ape's injuries seemed to recover, and he used elementalization to dodge, but in fact, there were still blood stains.

"You're not lying, yellow ape."

Ye Zhuo's electric eye just now used a two-color domineering.

Moreover, he saw that his domineering aura was stronger than that of the yellow ape, and his attacks were faster and more accurate.

"Hey, where are you looking?"

The green bull didn't know when it appeared behind Ye Zhuo.

"Resentful Sensen!"

The forest is twisted, and as long as a seed remains, the green cow of nature can be reborn.

"Are you here to tease me?"

Ye Zhuo snapped his fingers.

Snake Charm Invisible!

The rabbit spell accelerated, and he appeared in front of the green bull in an instant, but because of his stealth state, he used "seeing and killing" to cover his breath.

Make it completely impossible to find Ye Zhuo!

This is a hidden disappearance from both the visual and the breathy!


Ye Zhuo used the Mountain Demon Qi to turn himself into a blood basin.

Swallow the forest in one bite.

By the time he recovered himself, only one-tenth of the Green Bull's forest remained.

Ye Zhuo directly transformed into a height of nine meters and nine meters with the Mountain Demon Qi.

This is already the highest mutant physique other than the giant.

"You will be a real green bull in the future!"

Ye Zhuo walked past the surprised green bull.

The monkey spell turned it into a real cow.


The green bull ran anxiously, and accidentally slipped on the ice.

"It's not good, let Fuji Tiger go quickly!"

Sengoku recalled what happened to them before.


He said it too late.

Fuji Tiger had just blocked the super meteorite with the Gravity Fruit.

Ye Zhuo appeared in front of him and turned it into a tiger.

Few people know that the roar of the tiger is actually very cute!

The golden lions who saw this scene all rubbed their cheeks.

"It's good to get this slap, at least you don't have to turn into a real lion."

The golden lion's words made Whitebeard's eyes change when he looked at him.

"Look at what? What animal do you want to become? "


Whitebeard replied without thinking.

"You are a capable person, and you will sink to the bottom of the sea as if you become a whale!"

The golden lion huffed.

On the battlefield.

Everything changes in a flash.

Just when the vine tiger was turned into a real tiger to sell cute.

A molten fist had appeared on the side of Ye Zhuo's face.


After waiting for so long, I have become stronger and cultivated.

Just to destroy the most evil demon king in the world!

"Xiaochi, what happened?"

Ye Zhuo stood calmly in place.

Everyone in the world thinks that the molten berry of the red dog is the most lethal devil fruit.

The dog was again the strongest blow he had poured all his strength into.

Only Ye Zhuo didn't believe it.

He wants to carry it hard, and try to see if the strongest shield can carry the strongest spear!

The demon body of the Holy Lord, the strongest defense of the steel balloon.

The double increase of the body of the demon king, and the super strength of the mountain demon qi.

The strongest overlord color domineering winding, the strongest armed color domineering protection.

The infinite repair and healing of the horse charm, the immortality and vitality of the dog charm.

If you can't hold it, it will be meaningless.


Ye Zhuo, who could not hide, allowed this punch to hit his face.

The red dog's expression also changed.

That's great!

Hit successfully!

Anyone will be headshot!

"Did you hit?"

The heart of the war country is surging, and it has succeeded!

It is impossible for the strongest demon king on the sea to withstand this blow!

The most destructive shock fruit.

The dark fruit of restraint of all abilities.

The most lethal molten berry.

The most Hulai Nika form in history.

The strong on the sea are like clouds.

But no one can break this curse.

Vegapunk said that the Devil Fruit originated from human imagination of the future, in the power that their hearts most desire.

No matter how strong the demon king Ye Zhuo is, can he be stronger than imagination?

All eyes are on here.

Ye Zhuo's head also dispersed smoke.

It attracted the attention of the Demon King Pirate Group.

"Lord Demon King!"

Some panicked, some were sad, and some couldn't believe it.

This is their captain, the demon king who brings infinite possibilities to this world!

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