"This task is very good."

Ye Zhuo took a sip of the Hive Island wine.

Walked up to Morgan with the wine.

"Silly bird."

"Demon King, I'm here."

Morgan listened flatteringly close to his ears, but he was a bird and had no ears at all!

"I'm going to say one thing next, you let your subordinates print the newspaper as soon as possible and give a reward."


Morgans, the newsbird, leaned closer to his ear to listen.

When Im, who was on the blank throne, was told of him, Morgans was so frightened that his wings trembled.

"The little one contacted with a phone worm and began to copy a large number of bounty orders, I wonder if Lord Demon King has a picture of Im?"

"No, just draw one at random, the eyes are circled, wearing a robe, and there is a small crown."


Morgan quickly got up, and the golden emperor Tezzolo on the side was puzzled.

He originally wanted to say hello to Tenyaksha Doflamingo and catch up.


Now as soon as he wanted to say two words to Ye Zhuo, he was robbed of the limelight by Morgans.

Damn, it was obviously he who first met Ye Zhuo!

"Mr. Demon King, we GM Army have a lot of things we want to talk to you about."

The dragon raised a glass of wine.

Ivankov, Bear, Saab stood up at the first time.

Betty stood cautiously beside Ye Zhuo as an intermediary.

"Cooperation? No need.

I don't need allies, but wait until the world ZF is gone.

At that time, you will need to manage it, and the net profit will be divided in half.

As Ye Zhuo said and laughed, the dragon's face couldn't help but change.

He was curious about how strong Ye Zhuo, who was the Demon King, was.

If you can defeat the headquarters of the Navy on your own.

Wouldn't that be the new hegemon.

"Mr. Demon King, it is not only the naval headquarters that is surrounding Beehive Island at the moment.

There are also subordinates personally led by Steel Bone Kong, and the five old stars also sent CP0.

Although your strength is strong, do you need to be an enemy of the whole world? "

Long still wants to establish an alliance with Ye Zhuo.

Defeat Draco together!

"Xiaolong, you are still young.

I don't understand how strong human beings can be.

I'll show you in a moment.

Ye Zhuo drank the wine that Long Jing had come from.

He turned and picked up a jug of wine.

Lang laughed loudly: "Gentlemen, hundreds of warships outside are enough to bulldoze any force in the world in one day!"

And I held the Demon King meeting here so that one day I can overturn this world controlled by Draco.

After the banquet, I will strike and defeat the invading enemy! "

Ye Zhuo doesn't need the assistance of these forces.

You can do it on your own!

Ye Zhuo, who was arrogant and dry, was equivalent to declaring war on the whole world.

"Now, I will publicly offer a reward to a person and reveal his identity!

Above the sea, there has always been a hidden red earth continent.

The guy sitting on the blank throne, he is Im!

Even the five old stars will bow down in front of him, and soon the bounty order will be issued to the whole world.

The bounty given by Ben Wang is 100 Bailey!

It's not that she's not strong enough, but the only person who can beat her is me! Ye

Zhuo announced the existence of Im to the world to the camera.

Everyone at the banquet was attracted to it.

The redhead and hawkeye's gaze changed.

Sengoku on the naval battleship, Karp's face was gloomy.

When the truth of this era is revealed.

It has come to the point of having to go to war!

"Nani? Is there anyone else above the blank throne? "

Im? This should not be an excuse that the demon king made for himself.

"I lose, 100 Baileys, the bounty is equivalent to a newspaper."

The world was shocked.

Whether it is the true king of the world on the blank throne that makes the five old stars bow down.

Or was Ye Zhuo personally announced the world, and the reward of 100 Bailey was enough to shock the world.

Above the Red Earth Continent.

Holy Land, Mary Joa.

The five old stars kneeling under the blank throne are all suffocating.


For the first time in so many years, Im was angry like this.

"If you commit the following crimes, look for death."

Endure it, no need to endure it anymore.

No matter how you Ye Zhuo knows the identity of Lord Im.

A bounty of 100 Bailey is a humiliation!

"Lord Im.

Don't show your face lightly.

Maybe this kid is just bluffing. The

five old stars anxiously persuaded.

Lord Yimu was very angry, but Ye Zhuo himself did not come to persuade at all.

The bitter ones are a few of their old things.

"Needless to say, let the world strike!"

Im has made up his mind.

It is not only Ye Zhuo that he wants to destroy, but also this era.

Pirates, GM Army, have gathered on Beehive Island.

When the world army also attacked, both were defeated.

He then launched an attack and destroyed all three factions on Hive Island.

Let it all start again!


The five old stars finally waited for this moment.

They all wished that Ye Zhuo would die without a place to be buried.


Hive Island.

Ye Zhuo was in a pretty good mood.

[Hidden mission completed: announce the existence of Im to the world, offer a bounty of 100 Bailey, give everyone a bright look! ]

【Mission Reward: Start the 99-year Countdown to the Heavens】At

the end of the character panel, a 99-year countdown appears.

Similar to his previous life in Blue Star.

As soon as the countdown is over, you can travel to the next world.

Get permanent features while opening up new templates.

[Main quest has begun: Top war, defeat the World Army on the grounds of announcing the execution of Zefa

] [Mission Reward: Years History Book 8/8]


The last fragment of the history books of the years.

Once the mission is completed, the complete history book of the years can be opened.

Ye Zhuo thought about how to spend the past ninety-nine years.

Of course, like the Holy Lord, he directly changed everything with the history books of the years!

That must be interesting.

War is imminent.

One by one, the eyes came spying.

The crew of the Demon King Pirate Group behind Ye Zhuo all followed.

"We will publicly execute the Black Fist Zefa!

For the peace of this world!

In order to destroy the evil of the Draco! "


Ye Zhuo stood near the port, and the monkey spell turned it into the form of a large Buddha.

The golden light was shining, and Ye Zhuo, who was tall, said in a loud voice.

"This is Hive Island, almost in the center of the world!

Represents justice, freedom, fairness on the sea!

No matter what kind of strong people are besieged, they will never be discouraged!

People of the Council of Demon Kings, as Demon Kings, I will swear to death to protect you!

Ye Zhuo looked at the densely packed battleships on the sea.

Zheng shouted awe-inspiringly:

"Little ones, don't take it lightly!

We are going to face the overlord of the sea!

They have the power to destroy the world!

The war on top has begun! "


Ye Zhuo's words made everyone's heads hallucinate.

Listening to the Demon King's words, how do you think that they are the righteous?


Led by the battleship.

The Warring States almost vomited blood, especially Ye Zhuo's words in the form of a big Buddha.

"Extinguish the fire.

We are not only going to storm Hive Island now!

You have to save Zefa! "

The steel bone has a headache, how did he return to the island of the gods in a blink of an eye.

It's just that the Demon King Pirate Group is stronger and more terrifying!

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