【Ding! 】

【Main Chain Mission Completed: Dominating the Four Seas II, East Sea, Inspiring Fruit Ability Betty

】【Mission Reward: Mountain Demon Qi · Full Version】Mountain

Demon Qi, Crazy Increase Defense and Digestion Ability.

The more you eat, the bigger your body size and the more terrifying your defenses.

[The main chain mission has been opened: Domination of the Four Seas, North Sea, Vince Mock Family, Pink Poison, Lei Jiu

] [Mission Reward: Exoskeleton Perfect]


Gaji developed a powerful exoskeleton by studying lineage factors?

Or the perfect level.

Ye Zhuo's body was already the body of the Twelve Spells and the Holy Lord.

There is also a high-level tricolor domineering blessing.

Plus a perfect exoskeleton.

Wouldn't it be impossible to break the defense while standing still.

What's more, now there is also the Mountain Demon Qi.

The more you eat, the stronger you get!

"I'm a little hungry."

Ye Zhuo walked back to the cabin and snapped his fingers.

Moon Demon Qi and Chicken Charm Blessing.

Hang the Demon King in the air.

Originally, only the buoyancy of the chicken charm was not as good as the fluttering fruit.

Now with the Moon Demon Qi further enhanced.

Even if it is a fluttering fruit, the gravity fruit is fearless to strike together.

"When you have time to go to the moon once, fully turn on the moon magic qi."

Although Magic Qi is the full version.

But the eight demons all have ways to further increase their power.

The Moon Demon Qi erodes the entire moon, and it is when its power is strongest.

"Half full."

Ye Zhuo was strange.

He ate all the food on the ship in one go.

How is it only half full?

However, the body has also increased to two meters and five meters, and the physique has also become much stronger.

"It seems that because I am very strong, I have less increase in height."

Ye Zhuo was still thinking that he would first reach the height of a general.

Break through to six meters six of Whitebeard.

After that, he challenged nine meters, and the minimum height of the giant was twelve meters.

It has to be delicious.

"Our food is gone."

Kalifa looked desperate after the shocked count.

"You said I would be the cook, and you ate it all?"

Bonnie huffed and crossed her hands at her waist.

Well, she had to go hungry too.

"So what exactly did the dragon say to you?"

Betty is more concerned about this.

"He asked me to join you, but I refused."

Ye Zhuo yawned.

As he walked, he said, "But I also forgot to mention that you can all join my big ship group."

Ye Zhuo leaned on the railing and said calmly:

"If you have no food, you can buy it again!"

Leaving the GM Army can be my inspirational teacher.

But this is the red earth continent in the center of the world!

We must fire to celebrate! "

The Demon King flew over the Red Earth Continent.

If you go on both sides, you will see a vast landmass.

In the center, you will see the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

Ye Zhuo's cheeks bulged.

A large amount of wind demonic qi has gathered.


The storm swept across the land.

"Let's get this!"

Thunder and lightning in one hand, explosion in the other.

Lightning and a large fireball fell from the sky at the same time.

Ye Zhuo also snapped his fingers after finishing the matter.

Use Sky Magic Qi to make Mary Joa cloudy.


The Demon King sailed high in the air towards the North Sea.


Unlike other kingdoms.

The Vince Mock family, which once dominated the North Sea, is a fortress kingdom floating on the sea.

Although they joined the World Council, they loved war.

Wanting to go there to refuel supplies is equivalent to starvation.

It is also the birthplace of the Drake, Rowe, Hawkins, Bellamy, and Don Quixote families.

Red dogs, yellow apes, and A cranes are also strong people who have gone out from the North Sea.

Docked at a small island harbor.

Kalifa and the others quickly replenished a large amount of supplies.

Bonnie was surrounded by a pile of ingredients and sat in the tavern eating something by herself.

This time.

Ye Zhuo was also eating Haisei.

His body was still transforming due to the mountain demonic qi.

Until it grows to the height of a general who is three meters tall.

"I'm full for the time being, but I don't know when I'll be hungry next time."

Ye Zhuo lifted a bottle of Beihai spirits as a dessert.

"Time to go, Bonnie."

"Damn, you guy can eat better than me."

Bonnie dragged a large amount of food behind Ye Zhuo.

Not far away, Betty was using a phone bug to contact headquarters.

"Huh? Let me sail with the Demon King!

What about the East China Sea?

I believe in their strength, but..."

Betty couldn't believe that the dragon's order was for her to sail with Ye Zhuo and get along well.

"Why, the dragon is not ready, do you want to join the Demon King Ship Group?"

Ye Zhuo was not worried at all that Betty would leave.

"Did you guy give the dragon soul soup?"

Betty spat out a smoke ring with a puzzled look.

"Call me Lord Demon King!"


With a light knock on her head, Betty fainted.

"Take away!"

Robin interweaves flowers and fruits into a stretcher with practical arms.

Vivi and Perona immediately began to rescue.

Rebecca, who was standing next to Ye Zhuo, Dusty looked worried.

"Oops, I'm getting stronger again, I don't control the strength well."

Ye Zhuo did not apologize in the slightest.

Violet stood at the bow of the ship and looked into the distance.

The female emperor commanded others with high spirits.

Bai Xing listened carefully to the teachings.

This confused Kalifa, because the female emperor was not teaching White Star.

Nami's abacus was fast, calculating the expenses of the entire ship.

Little Satie and baby5 are discussing how to find a few more maids for Ye Zhuo.

Hearing a word, the Draco maid did not dare to answer a word, hiding in the corner and shivering.

The adventure of the sea never stops.


Giant snails are spliced together one by one into a movable fortress.

They can also use this method to turn over the Red Earth Continent.

The Vince Mock family was forever adrift on the sea.

At one time, they dominated the North Sea by force, trampling all the kings under their feet.

"Demon King Ye Zhuo's ship came to the North Sea."

Among the fortresses.

The lineage factor transformation people in rows are juxtaposed like walls.

The eldest son, Vince Mock Iji, opened the chatterbox with a sentence.

"Intelligence says that Betty, the leader of the Eastern Navy of the GM Army, has been taken away by the Demon King."

"There is also a female pirate in the South China Sea, very young, called Boni."

The second son, Vince Mock Niech, apparently didn't care.

Their family is like a mobile fortress, they can fight wherever they want.

In the same way, they can escape wherever they want.

I don't believe that I can be found by the Demon King Ye Zhuo.

"This guy's bounty actually has more than three billion Baileys, and the fifth emperor?

Ridiculously, he had never fought against any of the Four Emperors.

Even the record with the generals sounds extremely unbelievable. The

fourth son, Vince Mock Yuji, threw the newspaper aside.

"It is rumored that he is indeed a pervert who likes to collect crew."

The king of the kingdom of Djerma, known as the strange bird Gaji.

He looked at his daughter Lei Jiu and said casually:

"Be careful, this guy has a lot of moisture, but the female emperor on his ship is the former king Qiwu Sea."

"Understood, Father!"

Lei Jiugang nodded.

The wall behind them opened a big hole.

"Made, finally found it."

Ye Zhuo saw Kaji at a glance and lifted his collar smoothly.

"Just you are calling a strange bird on a horse?"

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