"Demon King Ye Zhuo!"

Kaji bragged for less than ten seconds.

Ye Zhuo appeared here and grabbed him by the collar.

"It's not me, who else could it be?"


One punch knocks Gaji away.

Lei Jiu's wings danced, wanting to take the opportunity to leave.

Kalifa had stopped her.

"Abominable! The last thing I lack in Vince Mock is people.

Even if you are a demon king, you can't fight countless troops!

The eldest son, Vince Mock Iji, said angrily.

"Do you think your dad is still awake?"

Ye Zhuo grabbed his fiery red hair.

"Compare troops with me? Do you Vince Mock have this strength? Nine

black shadows appeared at the same time.

At the same time, there was also the Black Shadow Corps that surrounded the entire Vince Mock family.

Ye Zhuo patted Lei Jiu and said with a kind smile: "

The sea is constantly drifting, and it is inevitable to encounter some enemies who are good at using poison.

What a plague of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Quinn.

Vegapunk's former colleague, Vago Ability, Caesar.

If you are there, it should reduce a lot of trouble.

Become my antidote doctor, Lei Jiu! Ye

Zhuo's tall body gave people an invisible pressure.

The armor where the lightning magic qi gathers.

The physique of the mountain demonic qi.

A cloaked robe created by the Demon Qi of Water and the Demon Qi of the Moon.

Coupled with the supreme fast knife at the waist, the original ghost is torn.

Behind Ye Zhuo, there were reliable cadres.

The female emperor Han Cook from the pirates, the peach rabbit from the navy, and Betty from the GM army can be called the three witches.

Kalifa, Robin, Vivi, Nami, Perona, Little Satie, White Star, Boni and other senior cadres.

There are also Rebecca, Dusty, Violet as captain guards.

Experienced from Nine Snake Island, he will use a domineering combat crew.

And countless nine black shadows!

As soon as Ye Zhuo appeared, it was equivalent to bringing an entire group of four emperors.

The invisible sense of oppression made Lei Jiu dare not have the slightest idea of disobedience.

Defeated brothers all around, and unconscious father not far away.

Everything made Lei Jiu have to surrender.

She lowered her head, thinking that the dream of the Vince Mock family to dominate the North Sea once again could no longer be realized.

I can't help but feel sad inside.

"Don't be sad, from now on, the Vince Mock family will be my exclusive killer group."

Ye Zhuo suspended Gaji and looked at Lei Jiu.

The horse charm healed it in an instant.


Kaji couldn't believe he was still alive.

"Lord Demon King!"

He is a bully and a hard man.

As a former overlord of the North Sea, he can't even use domineering in the life card.

After seeing that Yamaji would use domineering, he also had the idea that this son had already surpassed him.

Such an existence, in the face of BIGMOM's betrayal, actually chose to cry.

What a cruel and cowardly fellow.

"Shut up!

From now on, your daughter Lei Jiu will follow me as an antidote doctor.

Your Vince Mock family will also become my exclusive killer group.

Do not rebel!

Ye Zhuo's words caused Gaji to nod repeatedly.

"What is the North Sea, it is better to attack the New World when you have this time."

Ye Zhuo shook off Kaji.

"I have one more stop to go to New World.

You'd better come and meet then. "

[Ding! 】

【Main line chain mission completed: dominate the four seas and three, Beihai Lei Jiu

】【Mission reward: exoskeleton・Perfection】

Ye Zhuo felt that a new power had been added to his body.

The exoskeleton also means that defense and healing go hand in hand.

[The main chain mission has begun: dominate the four seas, the West Sea, there is a powerful rear admiral, the threshold fruit ability, Tina

] [Mission Reward: Earth Demon Qi - Full Version]


The system was finally willing to release the last magic qi.

Ye Zhuo glanced at the task reward and was quite satisfied.

"Tina's fruit ability, if used to watch the door, it is really good."

Ye Zhuo just lacked a guard, and he could also cooperate with Violet.

"Let's go, Lei Jiu, it's time to go to the sea and see the world."

"Obey, Lord Demon King!"

Lei Jiu followed behind Ye Zhuo.

She knew that this departure meant that the Vince Mock family was a thing of the past.

In the future, it will only become a force under the Demon King.

"Isn't it the North Sea?

and so on, to turn the world upside down.

Destroy the Draco, what didn't? In

Ye Zhuo's eyes, the Vince Mock family was too child's play.

Even if they are invincible to the North Sea.

The Draco want to destroy them, but they want to evaporate in the world.

"Go, Xihai!"


The Demon King hangs from high in the air and heads towards the Western Sea.

A newspaper bird passed by and just happened to be stunned.

Ye Zhuo took the newspaper.

The above reports a series of events in which the Demon King Pirates crossed the Red Earth Continent.

"Demon King Ye Zhuo crossed the Red Earth Continent, and the Draco was angry!"

"The replicator Ye Zhuo summoned the power of nature, making Mary Joa cloudy!"

"The terrible demon king has traveled to the North Sea, and its purpose is still unknown!"

It's a pity.

The news in this newspaper seems a bit old.

Ye Zhuo had already left from the North Sea.

The most important thing is this cross-clay incident.

His bounty skyrocketed again.

It rose to 3.95 billion Bailey.

Ye Zhuo on the reward order looked arrogant and extremely hateful.

It looks like it's supposed to be a photo of him when he defeated Doflamingo in Dressrosa.

Demon King Ye Zhuo stayed on the front page headlines almost every day.

It gradually makes people feel that every day if they don't see it, they suspect that the news is fake.

Even stranger.

Ye Zhuo, who offered a bounty of 3.9 billion Bailey, still did not attract the Navy.

What is hidden in this is still unknown.



The Demon King floated at will.

This will be Ye Zhuo's last stop to dominate the world.

After this, he will return to the new world.

Today is the same front-page headline for Ye Zhuo.

The fact that Lei Jiu of the Vince Mock family was snatched away by the demon king did not cause a storm.

The demon king's robbery of the crew is not news, and it is worth mentioning if it is not robbed.

What really catches the eye are two other paragraphs.

"The mysterious man revealed that the demon king Ye Zhuo declared war on Whitebeard on Fishman Island!"

"The mysterious man revealed that Doflamingo was the secret line of Kaido, and the Hundred Beast Pirates declared war on the Demon King!"


Ye Zhuo was confused.

Who is this mysterious man?

Morgans' eyeliner is really all over the world.

He put away the newspaper.

The newspaper bird flew in front of Ye Zhuo, and a note fell.

It reads:

"Hello Lord Devil, under Morgans.

The last time a newspaper bird was accidentally killed by your vessel.

There are a lot of losses, and I hope to give a little compensation. "


"Your newspaper bird almost broke my boat, and the face told me Bailey?"

Ye Zhuo wrote another note and threw it to the newspaper bird.

"When I find your hot air balloon, I will kill you within three days, and the ashes will be raised!"

By the way, a demon king pirate flag was drawn.

After finishing things.

Ye Zhuocai was satisfied and threw it back.


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