"You can call me Ye Zhuo, your captain.

Ye Zhuo smiled, the laser in his eyes was still arrogant.

"The concubine is going to kick your glowing head to pieces!" the

female emperor stepped on high heels, her long leg and right foot on the ground, and her left leg kicked out horizontally.


Sorry, you can't kick.

Ye Zhuo's head shook and easily avoided this blow.

No way, see the domineering and speed with tacit understanding.

"Wing Chun, Yip Chuo!" There

are no naval six-style, and there are no bells and whistles.

One of the countless traditional martial arts that Ye Zhuo learned in his last life, Wing Chun.


The fist is getting faster and faster, taking advantage of this gap to crit the female emperor.

Han Cook, who received the blow in the head, quickly dodged, and Ye Zhuo's small fist just now was too painful to hit his body.

"Arrows of captive!" the

female emperor pulled her heart and gestured to turn it into a bow and arrow.

Countless arrows of love flew out.

While Ye Zhuo dodged one by one, the whole person did not slack off in the slightest.

Snake Charm Invisible!

Rare without the use of laser eyes.

In the stealth state, with the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing, he found the location of the female emperor.

The Rabbit Charm works with the Bull Charm.

He punched out and hit the female emperor in the face.


powerful power of the Holy Lord's body was even more terrifying when it was boosted by the Ox Charm.

Even if there is no armed color domineering, the destructive power is far from comparable.

The female emperor was originally attacking moves in a wide range.

At the moment of the attack, there was no time to retract the strength.

Ye Zhuo took the opportunity to punch her in the face.

The whole person threw himself back, flew out backwards, and fell on the wall.


Sister!" "Sister!" The

two good sisters ran up at the first time.

They were surprised, with the strength of the female emperor, it was really unheard of for someone to have such an advantage in speed.

What's more, Ye Zhuo was menacing, and he had never heard of it.

The wooden wall was reduced to ruins.

The female emperor Han Cook's hands were like soft shades, and her ten fingers were like green onions, trembling slightly and catching in the ruins.

"Damn it, the concubine will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" She

had never been so angry, and everyone on the sea surrendered to her beauty, and if she said so, she would be struck.

However, Ye Zhuo didn't care about this, he only knew that blindly punching was simply too cruel.

Ye Zhuo took a deep breath.

Instantly appeared in front of the female emperor.

He really couldn't suppress the careful thinking in his heart.

After all, it is a ninety-nine year young.

However, with the execution of the system's tasks, it is understood with affection and moved by reason.

Ye Zhuo's fist defeated the evil thoughts in his heart.

He felt another kind of pleasure

! The female emperor, very beautiful, very good!

But beating the female emperor is more beautiful and even better

!" "Tai Chiquan, move the block and pound!" Ye

Zhuo did not spare the slightest hand, since the system did not have a prompt sound, it meant that the task was not completed.

The female emperor barely dodged the blow, and Ye Zhuo's attack landed on the mountain behind the wall, immediately bursting open a hole.

"It's just that you blindly rely on your speed and strength, and you are not really qualified to show off in front of your concubine!"

Ye Zhuo turned around and kicked out.

"The Holy Lord divided the blue star equally with the seven demons, how many islands can you hold down with this overlord-colored domineering?"

"Big fragrant feet!" the

female emperor also kicked back.

The duo kicked faster and faster.

Ye Zhuo's attack moves are ever-changing, and his attacks are fast.

"His kick is actually comparable to his sister's

!" "No, he is better in strength and speed!" The

last blow was kicked down from the female emperor Tianlingai.

The floor is chipping.

Hancock was kicked from the top of the palace to the bottom on the spot.

It smashed several floors of ceilings in a row before falling to the ground.

"It shouldn't be dead, right?" Ye

Zhuo landed on the ground, according to his memory, people in the pirate world generally have a hard life.

"What is your purpose, where are you from?" the

female emperor reluctantly stood up and wanted to fight Ye Zhuo.

The attacks were all defused by Ye Zhuo one by one.

"Taijiquan, Grab the Cocktail!" No

matter how the female emperor attacked, with the combination of speed and sight, Ye Zhuo could dodge perfectly.

"Snake fist, snake finger!"

The female emperor Han Cook was extremely physically exhausted, and finally fell to the ground.

"This should be considered a defeat, right?" Ye

Zhuo stood up, collected the work, and patted the dust.

"After practicing martial arts and fighting for more than 80 years, it finally came in handy. "


] [Mission completed: Invite the female emperor to the sea, step 2] [Mission

reward: Advanced armed color domineering flowing]

The system interface is as fast as ever.

[Main line chain mission: invite the female emperor to the sea, step 3: want to escape, wait for the female emperor to heal and decisively go to sea

] [Mission Reward: Fire Demon Qi Full Version]


Ye Zhuo was stunned, and he said why he always felt that there were shortcomings.

The body of the Holy Lord has it, and the twelve charms have it.

It turns out that there is no fire magic qi, and it can be said that there is power and magic in the void.

You also need to have a fire demon qi that can be given to others and make your own flames and dragons stronger!"

"What else do you want to do?" One

of the two sisters quickly rescued the female emperor, and the other tried to stop Ye Zhuo.

"Shh!" Ye

Zhuo glanced at the female emperor, whose robe was badly shattered because of the battle, causing the appearance of the Flying Dragon's Hoof Seal.

He snapped his fingers and simply made the female emperor invisible with him.

The guards quickly stepped into the palace.

All they saw was the broken ceiling and the two sisters of the female emperor.

Recalling the terrifying battle movement just now, I really shuddered.

However, there was no female emperor in the entire palace at all.

"Nothing is happening here, it's just that we're cultivating.

Second sister Boya Sandasonia said.

They already understood what Ye Zhuo meant.

With the guard leaving confused.

Ye Zhuo revealed his true body.

"Heal her, and I'll live in the forest outside the city during this time."

Three meals a day, morning tea, afternoon tea, and night snacks should be prepared.

I paid attention to health when I was a child, six meals a day, and I was hungry when I ate less.

Ye Zhuo glanced at the female emperor and became invisible again.

By the way, he healed it with a horse charm and an undead flame, and he could probably be cured after another day and night of sleep.



The female emperor is still asleep.

Lily Kingdom bought the latest newspaper.

The two sisters stood in front of the collapse of the female emperor with a newspaper, only to feel that the worldview had collapsed.

The newspaper said that the Chambord Islands incident!

Ye Zhuo killed three Draco, one of whom was publicly executed.

The yellow ape led the army to personally attend the scene, but it was strongly blocked.


was a smiling expression on the bounty order

, and he was executing Draco at that time! "Bounty, one hundred and eighty million Bailey

!" "Just went to sea to reach the level of a sea thief!" "

Why did he dare to execute Draco!"The

two of them trembled in their hands, and for some reason their hearts were filled with joy.

On this day, the sisters personally delivered six meals.

Ye Zhuo saw their expressions full of awe, and he was not afraid of poisoning, anyway, there was a horse charm.

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