Three days passed.

After recovering, the female emperor woke up and still felt that the battle was just a pure dream.

There can't be anyone in the world who doesn't need to be overlord-colored domineering to defeat her.

It wasn't until he saw the bandage wrapped around his head in the mirror that he was completely awake.

"Sister, let's eat something. Boya

Sandasonia handed over a plate containing freshly made food.

To be precise, Ye Zhuo is the same style, and it is tea time.

Ye Zhuo ordered lemon black tea with big elbows.

"Mary Gorud?" the

female emperor pressed her head, she didn't want her sister to have an accident.

She went to deliver food, Ye Zhuo demanded. As

the people present, the three sisters knew Ye Zhuo's real name.

In the face of the female emperor, she did not dare to lie.

"Nani, that guy is an intruder!"

the female emperor angrily tugged at the second sister's collar.

"Sister, if he had continued to do it then.

None of us survived.

Ye Zhuo seemed to have other purposes.

With that, she handed a newspaper to the female emperor.

After seeing this newspaper, the female emperor's pupils shook slightly!

Ye Zhuo is so crazy?

"He is really a madman. The

female emperor breathed heavily, and some could not accept that a violent maniac would be associated with such a righteous man.

"Sister, he used a stealth ability to stealth you when you were injured.

Boya Sandasonia paused, and then said, "At that time, your robe was shattered because of the battle, and the mark was almost discovered. "

Abominable!" the

female emperor felt more and more angry, she hated not Ye Zhuo, but Draco.

"Oh, right sister.

He said tell him if you wake up.

When the time comes, he will go to sea alone.

Boya Sandasonia recalled.

"I went to see him in person. "

The female emperor put on her robe and went with her pet snake Salomei.

Outside the city, in the woods.

An extremely secret place.

Ye Zhuo was sitting on the ground and nibbling his elbows like a spring swim.

As soon as he looked up, he looked away.

First the long legs, then the two peaks, followed by the female emperor's condescending expression of disgust.

"The concubine is healed, you can roll."

Hancock glanced at him coldly.

"Huh?" Ye

Zhuo swallowed the rest of the meat and wiped his hands and mouth.

Drink the tea calmly.

Fang stood up.

"It's not me rolling, it's me leaving. Ye

Zhuo walked towards the beach, and there was a small raft he had made of wood and rattan.

Ye Zhuo, who is full of all skills, has naturally learned to survive in the wild on a desert island.

Stepping on the raft is a lot easier.

"Ah, the sea without the sea breeze!" Ye

Zhuo glanced at the sea, there was a dark tide surging here, and I didn't know how many sea kings were hiding.

His small raft is expected to be sunk at any moment.

"This is the ship you went to sea?"

the female emperor stood on the shore and smiled coldly.

"How about that?" Ye

Zhuo planned to go to the capital of the seven waters later and get a better ship.


] [Mission completed: Invite the female emperor to the sea, step 2

] [Mission Reward: Fire Demon Qi Full Version]

System rewards are always late but arrive.

New missions are also freshly baked.

[Side mission has been refreshed: check in the capital of seven waters, check-in method: stay in the port for one night

] [Mission reward: 500 million Bailey Shipbuilding Fund]


This time it's a side quest.

The main quest of inviting the female emperor to the sea continues.

Ye Zhuo was very satisfied, he had adapted to the armed color domineering in the past two days, and now he had the fire demon qi again.

Just float at sea for a while, master it.

But just after a few strokes, Ye Zhuo suddenly realized.

Fly back to Hydra Island in an instant.

Unexpectedly, the female emperor was still standing here with her arms folded.

In the end, I still have some greed for the appearance of the concubine, but it is impossible for the main palace to leave the Lily Kingdom to go to sea with you!"

Ye Zhuo said to the two sisters on the side: "Do you two have a permanent pointer to the capital of seven waters?"

"Abominable, don't give it!" The

female emperor gritted her teeth, she didn't expect Ye Zhuo to come back and not reluctantly.

The sea king jumped up and smashed Ye Zhuo's small raft on the spot.

"Gan!" Ye

Zhuo was speechless, and the small raft provoked whom.

Fortunately, there is no countdown to the side quests.

"If you don't give me a permanent pointer, then I will kill everyone and find a permanent pointer to the capital of seven waters."

Ye Zhuo's words made the two sisters feel like great enemies.

Only their sister, the female emperor, was fearless.

Recalling the previous scene, only one sentence remained.

"I don't believe it!" "

I can also be incognito and go to your palace to choose at will."

Ye Zhuo waved his hand.

"You!" the

female emperor turned to stare at him.

"Don't try to stop it, you're not as fast as me. Ye

Zhuo said, and he had already stepped out and appeared in front of the female emperor.

"To him!"

"Sister. The

two sisters gave the permanent pointer to Ye Zhuo with a puzzled look.

I can't understand the operation of the female emperor at all.

How is this different from what their sister did before?"

"But how can you go to the capital of seven waters without a boat, there is no wind belt here."

Hancock looked at Ye Zhuo again.

"I can fly. "


Ye Zhuo spat out flames, and after having the Fire Demon Qi, he could burst into flames all over his body.

Assist like a rocket pusher.

No half-second stay.

Before leaving, he put a laser eye on the sea king class in the sea.

Revenge for the raft.

Ye Zhuo flew out like a superman, and quickly disappeared from the female emperor's field of vision.

Wait until Ye Zhuo's unremitting figure leaves.

The female emperor seemed to be missing something in her heart.

The phone worm rang.

From the headquarters of the Navy.

Sandasonia only picked up the phone worm after the female emperor's lost gaze was confirmed.


Just now, a warship that had been to the Chambord Islands reported back a message that they had lost a permanent pointer to Nine Snake Island

!" "If you meet the young man who attacked the Draco, you must report it to the Navy headquarters as soon as possible!" The

permanent pointer that Ye Zhuo took away was finally discovered by the Navy headquarters.

"There is no such thing in the agreement of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai of the concubine, and Hugh wants to order the concubine!" the

female emperor vetoed and hung up the phone worm.

After a long time, when she came back to her senses.

This man who didn't care about her appearance, executed Draco, and covered her with the hoof mark of the flying dragon attracted his attention more and more.

Especially the powerful force when beating her.

It's incredible to look back to this day.

So powerful yet so gentle!

Every punch and kick appeared in front of you as if rewinding.

Hancock's breathing became more and more rapid.

She fell ill!

late at night.

When the female emperor became terminally ill.

Guroliosa sighed helplessly and gave a treatment plan, so he whispered in her ear, "Go to sea to find him."

By the way, I was beaten a big fight by the female emperor.

"Go to sea!"

the female emperor Han Cook sat up in shock and announced on the spot that she would pursue Ye Zhuo.

Overnight at sea!


Far away in the capital of seven waters.

Ye Zhuo had already landed, and he planned to adapt to the Fire Demon Qi first.

Without Bailey, he had to wander the streets and spend the night.


] [Main line chain mission completed: invite the female emperor to the sea] [Mission reward: high-level overlord color domineering and domineering

] [System prompt: Please complete the side mission as soon as possible and open a new main quest]


, Ye Zhuo is a little confused, why did the female emperor go to sea?

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