"Drunken dreams of death, do you know how many people will sharpen their knives now?"

Zefa just wanted to mock a few words.

Ye Zhuo threw a bottle of wine to him.

The clear moonlight is as flawless as jade, and the wine is reflected on the ground, reflecting a faint light.

This wine is very good, and it tastes soft and gentle.

It's Zefa's favorite one.

"What are you afraid of, which of the strong people on the sea doesn't want me to die?"

Ye Zhuo was very self-aware and touched his wine bottle.

Smog on the side huffed and didn't say a word, only spitting out smoke rings one by one.

"Smoker, don't have a drink?"

"I'm not interested, it's bitter to smoke and drink again."

Smog just wanted to say something, but Ye Zhuo stood up.

"If they dare to find something, then kill them all."

He staggered and leaned outside the cage.

"No matter how strong your strength is, can you beat countless villains?"

Zefa has seen countless strong people who thought they were invincible in the world die.

No strong person believes that anyone will be stronger than himself until he is defeated.

What is the strongest, the first is fake.

One day, there will be latecomers!

This is exactly where the sea is cruel and romantic.


You seem, you laugh.

Look when I'm resting and when I'm crazy!

Ye Zhuo raised the wine and invited Yue to sing.

I can't help but think of an ancient poem he learned as a teenager.

It was written by Li He.

He was in love with his heart and sang

: "I don't know the green sky is high, the yellow ground is thick, only see the cold moon and warm days, come to fry life..."

[The main chain mission has begun: the third of the Demon King Conference, the king cannot be humiliated, and defeat the Hundred Beast Pirate Group in three days

] [Mission Reward: Years History Book (3/8)]


Past life bitterness in this life madness.

And swallow the smoke and drink to taste! Ye

Zhuo's figure swayed, but the aura of an overlord made Zefa and Smogg's eyes freeze.

They couldn't believe that it turned out to be this seemingly young teenager.

The heart is so mottled and vicissitudes.

He was lonely and needed to drink with others.

He is miserable and ignorant of the world.

It seems like everything, but in fact there is nothing.

In the alley.

Only when Ye Zhuo was far away did Qianying walk out.

The female emperor and the others were all carrying a glass with mountain and river patterns.

A light shake of wine in the glass.

"Captain, he always likes such a person to lie."

"Doesn't he know how to talk to us?" Kalifa was a little sad.

"What a stubborn guy."

Nami was displeased, he couldn't see Ye Zhuo like this.

Everyone in the world feels sorry for the beauty, only Ye Zhuo makes the beauty feel distressed.

"Where will we be after this war?"

Dusty looked at everyone with a smile and lowered her head inadvertently.

The eyes covered by bangs looked in the direction of Ye Zhuo.

"The demon king seems to have a kind of loneliness hidden for a hundred years, which makes people want to cut it open."

Robin's words were as dark as ever.

They didn't want to enter Ye Zhuo's heart.


Today, the sorrows and joys of all parties seem strange.

Advance City, sixth floor.

This place is unknown to the world, but it also hides a group of people with special identities.

A bandaged poisonous dragon walked past the corner.

He threw a newspaper to Atenyasha.

Doflamingo looked at him and did not laugh.

Not long ago, the CP0 sent by the five old stars almost succeeded, and if it weren't for Magellan's move, he would have died on the spot.

The trick of unloading grinding and killing donkeys is simply the standard for the world's ZF.


Is the sea so outrageous now?

Is your newspaper fake?

Doflamingo looked at the newspaper with a confused look.

He was sent to Advance City by Ye Zhuo using the Black Shadow Corps.

Back then, I really didn't seem to be sensible.

How many of those Ye Zhuo's later opponents were better alive than dead, and the corpses were different.

He is already a VIP treatment.

But the strange thing is that the current newspaper is becoming more and more abnormal.

Doflamingo even suspected that the five old stars did not kill him, and specially sent someone to write fake newspapers.

The sinister intentions are too vicious!

"Read the newspaper king!

What's the news today?

Is the story of that shit demon king serialized again? "

The sixth floor of the Advance City is particularly cheerful.

They had long seen that the newspaper that Doflamingo read every day was made up.

The things in that newspaper are outrageous one by one.

"If Whitebeard goes to this Demon King meeting!

Lao Tzu will eat Ollie upside down!

That old thing is quite unruly! The

chains rattled and someone burst into laughter.

"Will Karp be angry?

Hahahaha, Lao Tzu is dark thanks to him!

If there really is a demon king, he will come to kill me, come to kill me! "

The cage sounded, these former sea thieves have not died.

A figure in the corner slowly got up.

"There will always be monsters that dominate the sea.

Whitebeard or Karp.

It's all old days. "

He was muscular, and his chains were ringing wildly.

It seems that these sea lou stone chains did not affect him much.

"Hey, didn't you guy get beaten badly by Karp too?

Has the ear recovered?

I remember you didn't wear earmuffs! "


On the sixth floor, there was a cheerful laughter.

One after another figures also stood up.

The San Juan Wolf and the others stared at him without saying a word.

The tall man didn't speak, just grinned.

Magellan's figure gradually faded away, and finally disappeared on the sixth floor.

He didn't want to worry about these prisoners.

For Ye Zhuo, he couldn't wait to lock him up here.

If the people of the sixth layer die, it will be too cheap for them, and it is only in this dark torture that they can make them die painfully.


The man raised his head, and his blood-red skin erupted with a powerful overlord-colored domineering.

Soon, all the figures fell to the ground.

They foamed at the mouth, rolled their eyes and lost consciousness one by one.


Why are the same fruit powers.

Are you guy still like a monster?

There were pirates who barely fell and cursed angrily.

"What's the use of shouting here?

Advance the city, can you escape?

Barrett! "

Someone barely holds his head.

Face these doubts.

The man in the corner called Barrett remained silent.

"Fu Fu!

Barrett, the descendant of the devil, has long admired the daimyo!

Why don't we join forces to go out?

Doflamingo laughed and saw him.

"No interest, I don't need a partner."

Barrett exerted strength all over his body.

He is indeed a devil fruit, but he is also a terrifying domineering and physical powerhouse!

"Then why do you still want to go out?"

"Because there is an existence worthy of my challenge!"

Barrett grinned, punching out as he spoke.

The flying pirate golden lion escaped.

He can too!


Three days later.

The whole world is waiting and seeing.

Singled out the strongest creature in the world, Kaido the Beast!

The strongest New World boss in the group, the demon king Ye Zhuo!

Who will dominate the new world and reign in the world!

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