"Captain, the Pirates are ready, in addition to Lilith, the other two are responsible for stationing."

The female emperor stood next to Ye Zhuo, she was the deputy captain.

"Lord Demon King!"

Peach Rabbit, Betty, Smoogie.

They are strong from the three camps of the Navy, GM Army, and Pirates.

In addition, the dark princess, pirate ship cadres, and combat crew are all gathered.

Wait until they leave.

The Shadow Corps, Sea Kings, Mechanical Sea Beasts and Cyborgs will be responsible for guarding the island.

On this day, it is also the time when the sea thieves come to Beehive Island to participate in the meeting of the Demon King.

After Ye Zhuo and them left, there must be strong people coming one after another.


We will go to Wano Country to invite three crew members, are you ready?

At the same time, take it under your command as a new force! "


The powerful crew all fell to one knee.

The Black Shadow Imprint and the Eight Demon Qi all brought an increase.

Ye Zhuo stood on the bow of the Treasure Ship Demon King.

A crisp snap of his fingers.



The pirate ship disappeared from the waters of Beehive Island in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, it was teleported to the waters of Wano Country.


Big fish jump up to jump above the waterfall.

Ye Zhuo didn't expect his "Aurora Eye" to teleport here.

Yes, the terrain of Wano Country has some peculiarities.

It was the same to be misunderstood, after all, Ye Zhuo was also here for the first time.

"Come again!"

Ye Zhuo snapped his fingers crisply.

The Demon King turned into a ray of light again and appeared in the sea above the waterfall.

"Here, according to the terrain, this should be nine miles, right?"

Ye Zhuo stepped down from the ship, and the mighty crew behind him also landed.

"Let's take a scan."

Seeing that the domineering spirit swept Jiuli away in an instant.

"Cai Jiuli, are you looking down on King Ben?"

Ye Zhuo scanned the nine miles in the blink of an eye.

The country of Wano is not limited to the area of Nine Miles.


See the further traverse without hindrance.

A few breaths to find out how well it is.

"No Quinn in the rabbit bowl?"

Ye Zhuo felt strange, his sight and domineering departure from the land of the country of Wano.

Cross the sea until you reach the ghost island.

His domineering look was like radar, and he found some pirates stationed in the sea, as well as Yamato.

"Hey, Yamato, where's your dad?"


Yamato with his hands in chains looked up.

Who is talking to her?

"Stop looking.

I'm a little far away from you and too lazy to teleport past.

Directly used the domineering color to make a phone worm.

Yamato looked around suspiciously: "Can you transmit sound when you see and smell domineering?"

"Of course, didn't you watch the theatrical version?"

Jesus and his son Usopp chatted domineeringly with their sights and smells.

And it's a cross-channel chat between virtual and real.

As long as you see that the domineering color is slightly weaker than me, you can do it.

Ye Zhuo said calmly.

"So that's the case, you're really powerful."

Yamato happily wiped the sweat stains off her face, she was practicing just now.

"I don't have a dad, he's not my dad.

But if you ask Kaido, I do.

He carries the six stars of Ember, Katakuri, Quinn, Kriframe, Jack, and Snagg.

And flying sextuplets, oh yes, BIGMOM also cried and followed.

They are going to fight the demon king Ye Zhuo of Beehive Island.

Ye Zhuo cried and laughed: "You are really a big filial son."

"Filial piety? I'm not filial at all!

Yamato said angrily.

"Ah, yes, yes.

I am Ye Zhuo.

I'll find you later. "

Hung up the phone worm.

Ye Zhuo fixed Xiao Yu's position and walked quickly to Jiuli Douli Village.

"Stop, this is Lord Kaido's nine miles!"

A group of stationed Hundred Beast Pirates, Pirates are good to die and block the road.

Ye Zhuo didn't even bother to bother.

These people behind him were worried that they had not practiced their hands.

A swarm went up, chopped for half a day, and there was not even a piece of bone dregs left.

Dokasa Village.

In a remote house.

Xiao Yu endured the stomach pain and drank a sip of water.

She was making up a little bucket in an attempt to exchange it for some food.

Despite this, it takes Xiaoyu a long time to eat a bowl of rice.


A drop of water slipped from the little hand.

As soon as Xiao Yu looked up, she saw a group of beautiful big sisters.

There was also a tall man.

"Kay... Kaido!

Xiao Yu nervously took half a step back, but found that this person looked very handsome.


It's just handsome!

Handsome second only to the flipper!

"Kaido, that ugly thing, how handsome is me."

Ye Zhuo lifted Xiao Yu up with one hand, and Xiao Yu in his big hand asked cautiously, "

Who are you?"

"Pirate, has the Demon King heard of it?"


Xiao Yu shook her head obediently.

"Do you live here alone?"


The little girl's name is Xiaoyu, and few people know that she is actually a member of the Black Carbon family.

Despite this, both of her parents died in the factory of the black charcoal snake.

Tengu Yama adopted her and raised her.

Ye Zhuo came two years earlier than Ace.

At this time, Xiaoyu weaving bucket hat can't do it, and only knows how to pick up things for food.

In other people's homes, he is purely a child who is still playing.

At this time.

One by one, the big sisters rubbed Xiaoyu's cheeks.

"Lord Demon King, can we adopt her?"

"I can develop a mechanical nanny that specializes in watching children."

Lilith smiled and touched Xiaoyu's head.

"No, Ayu was adopted by Master Tengu Mountain Feiche."

Xiaoyu shook her head seriously.

"Go find that old thing."

After Ye Zhuo's words, it didn't take long for an old man wearing a mask to be brought here.

"Give these villagers some food.

Tell them that the Black Carbon Serpent and Kaido are all destroyed.

In the future, this will be the back garden of the king.


After the combat crew quickly divided some food.

Xiao Yu nibbled on a piece of bread and ate it happily.

She didn't know what Tengu Shan Feiche and Ye Zhuo had talked about.

I only knew that when I saw the latter again, I was already in tears, I must have been moved.


In fact.

Tengu Mountain Hitoru was originally Mitsuki Sukiyaki Escape Tenhou pretend.

And Ye Zhuo's conversation with him is as follows.

"You are a trash, escape without revenge? Killing so many former servants and dying?

"Why do you know the true identity of the old man?"

Truth be told, the war was long over after the old man escaped.

No matter what you do, you can't go back.

Mitsuki Sukiyaki lowered his head.

"You fart, the time after that.

A group of samurai landed on Onishima again on a boat.

They didn't survive, and by then you had already fled, why not persuade? Ye

Zhuo felt that this was cerebral palsy.

All words are making excuses for themselves.


"Xiaoyu will be adopted by our Hive Island in the future.

The country of Wano belongs to the king!

Ye Zhuo walked out of the hut.

Xiaoyu only saw Tengu Shan Fei Che "moved" to tears.

And entrusted her to the Demon King Pirates.

For this kind of garbage that likes to give themselves reasons to escape.

Ye Zhuo didn't want to take another look.


After Xiaoyu left.

Mitsuki Sukiyaki disappeared.

Later, it was said that the man named Tengu Mountain Hitotor committed suicide because of the shame of seppuku .


"After solving the nine miles, we divided into five ways.

Go to the City of Flowers, Rabbit Bowl, Nozomi, Suzugo, and Hakumai respectively.

Clear all resistance and replace it!


In the future, Wano Country will belong directly to Ye Zhuo like Hive Island.

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