Twenty minutes later.

The capital of flowers, the general's mansion.

The black charcoal snake fled in embarrassment.

When he learned that the figure of the Demon King Ye Zhuo appeared in the Flower Capital, he was already terrified.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhuo simply walked around here.

After tasting the sake of Wano Country, he also tried the authentic oden here.


The country of Wano is indeed beautiful, but solving the strength of the Black Carbon Great Snake does not require Ye Zhuo's hand.

His crew just honed it.

At this time, the female emperor, Peach Rabbit, Betty, and Smoogie are annexing the other four areas.

Dusty slashed a samurai with a black charcoal serpent with a sword.

"These residues have actually poisoned the country of Wano for so many years!"

Tina has long been commonplace.

"The country of peace is not in the World Council, and this is what most kingdoms look like."

Ain turned a crowd of ninjas into babies.

Bonnie went one step further and turned all the other ninjas into babies.

The two have similar abilities, but Bonnie can also make people old.

It can be said to be the superior fruit of the regressive fruit.

"Guys, I'm Shinobu! Specially to help you!

Shinobu saw these beauties of the Demon King Pirate Group in front of him.

I can't help but think back to my younger self.

At that time, she was the first beautiful woman among ninjas!

"Found it!"

Violet quickly locked onto the location of the black charcoal snake.

"I found a woman who couldn't play swordsmanship, and she begged us to spare a samurai named Madshiro."

Rebecca lifted the stealth, and it turned out that she had captured Hiyo.

Rihe fell to the ground and looked up at Ye Zhuo pitifully.

The picture was a little awkward for a while.

"Take this ugly female ninja to clean up the black charcoal snake.

This green-haired Maihime handed it to me.

Ye Zhuo really didn't want to take another look at Ah Ren.

She is a good ninja who endures humiliation and burden.

But Ye Zhuo saw that he could not be miserable, especially the tragedy of Ah Ren.

It's so influential!

It is simply comparable to the mermaid mother-in-law on Justice Island, and the long-biased BIGMOM.

"Lord Demon King.

The little girl's name is Xiaozi.

It's actually after the Mitsuki family. "

Rihe knows what Ye Zhuo is going to do, and the black charcoal snake will definitely die.

"It doesn't matter what your name is, eat this snow fruit.

From now on, you will be my winemaker.

Sake made with pure snow water should be good. "

A snow fruit comes from Ye Zhuo's mission reward earlier.

Hiyori didn't even think about eating it in one bite.

Revenge is something she must do in this life.


Hiyori didn't expect that the Devil Fruit was quite unpalatable.

"Go, winemaker."

Ye Zhuo's tall body gave people an invisible sense of oppression.

The moment he stepped into the mansion.

The samurai, who were still trying to resist, knelt down.

Approaching the black charcoal snake, I heard him cursing.

"Mad Shiro, you damn guy is actually a traitor!"

"No, I'm Denjiro, actually..." Denjiro

just wanted to explain the ins and outs.

"Snow leopard shut up!

When are you still reminiscing about the plot?

Will you die if you kill him with one sword? Ye

Zhuo didn't want to waste any more time.

Just as he spoke, the black charcoal snake had already conjured eight heads.


This phantom beast species was developed by you into Ollie.

It's a tyranny. As

soon as Ye Zhuo waved his hand, more than a dozen crew members under him made a move.

"I haven't finished remembering it yet."

Denjiro was stunned in place.

He also wants to put the burden of these decades of humiliation in its entirety.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhuo didn't want the black charcoal snake to die clearly.


How many times has it been said.

When you encounter such a person, you will be crushed! "

Ye Zhuo doesn't want to turn the Black Carbon Great Snake into a real Yagi Great Snake.

Because legend has it that the saliva spit out by this thing will bring poisonous gas and acid.

Not cute at all.

His fire demon qi turned into a large fireball, and in a short while, the black charcoal snake was burned into a pile of ashes.

"Damn, Kaido will let you die without a place to die!"

The black charcoal snake still said a few villain quotes in the fire.

"Your Excellency, but..."

Denjiro wanted to say something again.

Ye Zhuo interrupted his pleasantries for the first time.

"What Your Excellency, from now on I will be the demon king of the country of Wano!"


Denjiro was embarrassed, he didn't expect Ye Zhuo to be even more irritable than Kaido.

Don't like the compliment at all.

Ye Zhuo was different, he came to the country of Wano to use it as a back garden.

Each area here can have different weather on the same day.

And the cherry blossoms are also good, how good it is to come and drink occasionally.

At that time, these people will also be responsible for some of the foundation and guarding.

Ye Zhuo will let the sea king and mechanical sea beasts surround here.

Use the Black Shadow Corps and the Mechanics to transform the country of human management and country.

"Are there all the people?"

Walk out of the General's House.

The female emperor and the others have gathered one after another.

"What about cat vipers and Inuarashi?"

Ye Zhuo remembered that he had told them that once the war started, the fur tribe would have to come to war.

"It worms on the phone this morning, and they seem to be coming."

Kalifa said quickly.


Ye Zhuo's words knew before he fell.

For he has heard the voice of the Elephant Lord in his head.

"The host.

I have come to the waters of Wano Country.

The fur tribe has landed. "

The Elephant Lord has stood outside the waters of the Land of Wano.

"It's good to come, in the future, the inland sea of Ghost Island will be for you to live."

Ye Zhuo's people are already in charge of the country of Wa.

But there are also some people who do not belong to the black charcoal snake.

Goro, Kawamatsu, who escaped from the rabbit bowl, became the boy of Asura, who became a thief and became the Kang family of the thief.

It's all very happy.

They saw the black charcoal snake burned into a pile of ashes, and it felt like a dream.

"Lord Demon King!"

The cat viper and Inu Arashi finally arrived as promised.

The first thing they do when they come here is not to catch up, but to get down on one knee.

Seeing this scene, Denjiro and the others had already changed their gazes.

They didn't expect that the cat pit viper, who had followed Mitsuki Ota to the sea for many years, Inuarashi would be the first to defect!

"Follow me and attack the ghost island."

Ye Zhuo ignored these little Jiujiu.

Whoever dares to do much will just slap him to death.

If you have absolute strength, why bother to guess people's hearts.


Cat Viper and Inuarashi only think that Denjiro is ignorant.

On the sea, the battle between the demon king Ye Zhuo and the hundred beast Kaido has been hyped.

The duo's supporters are almost half of the half.

Ye Zhuo's rise momentum is too fast, but the record is too strong.

Kaido has been the emperor of the sea for many years, which can be said to be steady and steady.

Ye Zhuo, who has successfully controlled the country of Wano, walks towards the port.

Ship after ship has long been ready.

At the moment, there is only one Yamato on the ghost island.

Ye Zhuo picked up the phone worm.

"Did you find Kaido?"

"Dialed, this is the phone worm of the black charcoal snake."

Kalifa nodded in confirmation.

Purr, gurgling.

The people on the phone worm side were also stunned.

"Black Carbon Big Snake, you know that Lao Tzu is going out today, and you dare to come and disturb!"

Kaido's group of beast pirates is heading to Beehive Island.

He and Ye Zhuo were truly going in both directions.

"The black charcoal snake is dead!

You picked it, Kaido!

Lao Tzu is right in your house!

Ye Zhuo's words made Kaido already angry.

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