“Ah! Finally walked back! Windmill Village. At this time, a little boy walked tiredly to the edge of the village.

Luffy has been in this world for five years, how to say, that is, the same as in the plot of the novel, playing a time-travel game.

Luffy finally understood in his heart why Luffy’s vitality was so tenacious in the original work, and after watching it, it was not only the reason for the protagonist’s aura, but also inseparable from Karp’s training.

“Luffy, you’re here!” Watching Luffy come over, Marcino smiled and said, “What’s going on!” Luffy, why is his body so dirty! Hurry up and take off your clothes first! My sister will help you wash it later. ”

“Oh.” Luffy didn’t pay attention to it, and directly took off the clothes on his body, “Sister Magino, I’m so hungry!” Come on! ”

“Okay, okay, but let’s go over there and wash your face first!” I’ll go find you a dress first, so you can wait!” Luffy. Marcino touched Luffy’s head fondly.

Put on the clothes Marcino took over, sat on the seat, and thought: According to the plot in the original book, it should not be long before the red-haired Shanks is coming! Very good, then you can get your own rubber fruit.

In fact, Luffy also thought about it, of course, he didn’t dislike anything, although when Luffy just wore it, he thought about giving up the rubber fruit and looking for the rest of the devil fruit, but think about it, the devil fruit is so easy to find! As far as I know, it seems that only the thunder fruit of Anilu in the original book seems to be somewhere on the empty island in Anilu’s hometown!

But think about it, I don’t have the time to find it at all, just don’t think so much, although the destructive power of the rubber fruit is not as strong as the natural system, but Luffy in the original book also plays the rubber fruit so strong, but he has the aura of a traverser, how can it not be mixed worse than Luffy in the original work!

“By the way, Luffy, I haven’t come for so long, did Mr. Karp take you to training again!” Marcino asked.

In an instant, Luffy heard this low roaring anger, his back skin and sweat were all abrupt, and his head turned a little stiffly: “Grandpa, grandpa.” ”

‘Touch’ “Bastard boy, since he said that his grandfather is the devil. ”

I have to say that Karp’s intimidating power is indeed not ordinary, even the traverser is afraid, no way, this old guy, as soon as you say anything, he doesn’t care if you are right or wrong, as long as it does not conform to his wishes, a punch will come, no wonder Luffy in the original book is going to be a pirate, if you are a navy, then you are not beaten every day! I think half of the reason for being a pirate is that you forced it!

Karp’s eyes widened and said, “Luffy, were you scolding the old immortal in your heart just now!” ”

“No, how dare you!” Luffy snorted in his heart and said.

“Hmph, forget it.” Karp didn’t care so much, and sat down directly: “Maggie, by the way, now the Navy headquarters urgently summons me back, maybe I will leave for a while, Luffy this kid is very restless, so I will trouble you to take care of it more.” ”

“Don’t worry! Mr. Karp, Luffy will leave it to us. ”

“Luffy, then the old man will go first, your training can’t be left behind during this time, you have to listen to Maggie, understand?” Karp reminded.

Luffy was very happy when he heard that Karp was leaving, but he still had to do a good job on the surface, and he didn’t want to be so idiotic as Luffy in the original book, so he smiled and said, “Is it?” All right! I’ll listen to Sister Marcino, then, goodbye, Grandpa. ”

“Well.” Karp nodded slightly and slowly walked out the door.

The smile on Luffy’s face did not dare to decrease, who knew what this old guy would do, in case he suddenly killed a horse gun, then he would be fisted again.

Luffy watched Karp walk directly out, his speed not slowing down in the slightest, and he was slightly relieved.

Karp, who had just walked to the door, opened the door a little, and the next moment immediately disappeared in place, appeared in front of Luffy, and punched Luffy on the head.

“Aaaah! It kills me. Luffy covered his head and said, “What’s wrong this time!” Grandfather. ”

“Luffy, your grandfather is going back to the Navy headquarters soon, this time the navy is in a hurry, grandpa may not be able to come back in a short time, since you don’t give grandpa a loving hug, it’s really sad for the old man.” After that, Karp punched down again.

Luffy covered his head and said aggrievedly: “Actually, I am also very reluctant to grandpa, but didn’t you also say that it is the navy’s forced hurry, after all, grandpa you are also a navy, I can’t let you delay your work for me!” That’s why I endured it, it’s too much! ”

“Is it? Ahhh! That’s how it is! Sorry! Luffy, be good, don’t work, don’t work, grandpa will immediately go to call the Navy, what a broken call! I didn’t go, but I still left my baby grandson to accompany me. Looking at Luffy just selling cute, Karp immediately hit the trick and hurriedly said.

Karp listened to Luffy’s words and was touched by a vigorous touch, Luffy, this kid, is really too sensible, too obedient, really my good grandson! “Okay, Luffy, don’t worry!” The old man will soon settle those things in the Navy, and then he will come back to see you right away. ”

“Well, okay.” Luffy replied with a smile.

After Karp left, Marcino patted Luffy a little and said, “Luffy, don’t be afraid?” Mr. Karp is gone. ”

Luffy rubbed his somewhat stiff face a little, and secretly said, “Is it finally gone?” It seems that my life is no better than Luffy in the original work!

A month later, in a hotel in the windmill village, sure enough, everything was as in the original, and less than a month after Karp left, the red-haired Shanks came to the windmill village with his partner.

“Shanks, the pirates are really powerful! I will definitely go to sea in the future. Luffy said as he looked at the red-haired youth opposite.

“Hahaha, just you! You can also be a pirate like this! Forget it! Shanks laughed unscrupulously.

“Cut.” When Luffy heard this, he immediately turned his head and ignored Shanks, muffled his head and drank the juice.

Shanks teased: “Why, don’t be angry!” If you let your grandfather know that you little devil thinks this way, you will be miserable. Hahaha! ”

Luffy turned his head and said, “Navy, that’s just wishful thinking of a smelly old man, so I don’t want to become a navy?” I want to become the freest pirate, that is, One Piece, although I have not yet gone to sea, but I will definitely get ONEPIECE and become the freest pirate. ”

As soon as Luffy said this, the red-haired pirate group suddenly paused for a second, and the surprise in Shanks’ eyes flashed, but the next moment he immediately laughed: “Hahaha, just you!” Pirates are all drinkers, you see, they are still drinking juice, where are pirates drinking juice! ”

“Hmph, isn’t it just drinking!” Saying that, Luffy immediately grabbed Shanks’ wine glass and drank it in one sip, and a spicy smell suddenly came out of his throat.

“Ahem, it’s so spicy!” Luffy immediately dropped the wine glass and said in disgust, compared to his previous life, Luffy was only 16 years old, and he had never drunk alcohol at all, and now it can be said that it is the first time to drink, that spicy feeling!

When Luffy heard this, his face turned red, half because he was choked by the wine, and he was angry with Shanks, and immediately turned around and ignored Shanks.

Suddenly, Luffy turned around and saw that he hadn’t noticed much just now, since there was a box not far from him, Luffy’s heart was immediately excited, is it his own rubber fruit?

‘Vomiting’ is really unpalatable, but the heart is more excited, rubber fruit, about to have.

Shanks looked at Luffy on the side and wondered, “Hey, Luffy, what are you doing!” ”

Luffy was immediately shocked in his heart, and immediately ate the remaining devil fruit in one bite.

Shanks was shocked and said, “This, it’s rare, Luffy, spit it out quickly!” ”

Luffy had already guarded Shanks, jumped backwards, jumped directly onto the table, and swallowed the fruit.

Shanks was unguarded and was directly hit by Luffy’s punch, and immediately let go of Luffy, but there was more surprise in his eyes.

Luffy had just eaten the Devil Fruit, and since he had mastered the Devil Fruit’s ability so quickly, it was as if Luffy had been hanging a curtain on the fruit for a long time.

But it shouldn’t! The rubber fruit is just an ordinary superhuman devil fruit for a moment, and it is not a particularly destructive devil fruit, how could it be?

“Since the boss has been knocked down.” Lackey was surprised.

Shanks immediately roared, “Luffy, you guy, you guy, eat the Devil Fruit you just ate, how can you use his abilities!” ”

“Who is rare for you to return!” Shanks roared, “Forget it, the Devil Fruit is small, I’m just wondering why you can exert its abilities in the next son!” ”

Luffy really doesn’t know what to say at this moment, I can’t tell you that I’m a traverser, I already know the abilities of rubber fruits!

“Oh, why are there such pirates here!” Suddenly, at this time, a thief at the door walked in.

“Hehe, don’t worry! I’m not here to rob, I’m just here to buy some wine, trouble you to give me ten barrels. ”

“This, sorry, the wine has been bought.”

“It’s sold out, so what are these pirates drinking!” Is it urine! The mountain thief listened and said with some unhappiness.

When Shanks heard this, he put Luffy’s affairs down first and said, “Ah! This one! I’m really sorry, it seems that we accidentally drank too much, sorry, there is still an unopened bottle here, if you don’t mind, take it and drink! ”

When the thief heard this, his eyes flashed with a trace of killing intent, walked in front of Shanks, and shattered the wine in Shanks’ hand with a punch.

Marcino immediately said anxiously: “Captain, no need, I’ll come!” ”

The thief was furious, and immediately pulled out his knife and chopped all the wine bottles placed on the bar, and the alcohol dripped down Shanks’ head.

Luffy looked at it, and he had to admire Shanks, he didn’t know him in general, he was completely insulted like this, if it was Luffy himself, I’m afraid he couldn’t bear it.

Although he knows that Shanks does not want to meet this thief, but after a year of life, Luffy also completely regards Shanks as a friend, how can he watch his friend being bullied, and be indifferent!

Angrily said: “You bastard, do you know what you are doing? ”

With his arm falling behind him, Luffy grabbed the table behind him and quickly retracted his body, “It’s not over yet?” Rubber clock with free retractability. ”

However, Luffy’s movements are not slow, his body is very small, and his movements are very flexible, but the other party is also a character with a bounty of 8 million, and Luffy and him are not a level at all.

Suddenly, in front of his eyes, the thief’s knife was immediately caught by Shanks, and Shanks’ eyes released a trace of murderous aura, “I’m sorry, I made amends to you on Luffy’s behalf just now, but I also hope you can let him go, he is my friend.” ”

A look from Shanks, this thief immediately felt like he was walking around the edge of death, took a few steps back in a panic, looked at Shanks with some fear, and said fiercely: “Hmph, forget it, I rarely think about a little ghost, you better be careful with me.” ”

Looking at the thief immediately, Shanks asked, “You’re not hurt, are you?” Luffy. ”

Luffy was dissatisfied, “Shanks, what are you doing!” With your strength, you should be able to defeat him easily, right! Why let him go! ”

Shanks said indifferently: “Hey, you are also too big to make a big deal!” But it’s just a little bit of alcohol, why are you so excited! ”

“Okay, okay, then thank you for what happened just now, Luffy, although you almost got killed.”

“Hmph, your last sentence is redundant, now I just have too little strength, as long as I give me a few years, how can a guy of that level be my opponent!” Luffy clenched his fists and said confidently.

“Yes, yes, then I’m looking forward to your going to sea.”

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