“Strange, sister Marcino, what about Shanks? Won’t go away! Luffy came to Marcino’s bar to look for Shanks as always, and today the bar was unusually quiet.

“Luffy is here! Captain, they said to go out and get some supplies, I think they might be ready to leave! Marcino said, slightly reluctant, they have been together for a year, everyone has become friends, and now Shanks may be leaving soon, and he is somewhat reluctant.

“Yes?” Luffy was slightly disappointed, calculating the time, Shanks and they had indeed been in the windmill village for almost a year, and it was going to be immediately.

“Oh, what’s going on today, why didn’t those pirates come!” At this time, a disgusting voice suddenly came from the door.

Marcino looked at the thief at the door, slightly afraid in her heart, compared to Shanks and none of them were here, “Do you have something?” ”

The mountain thief said, “Don’t worry!” I just came to buy wine, huh, isn’t that little ghost that day? Why didn’t I be with that group of pirates! ”

“Cut, it’s your!” Luffy said with some disdain.

“Stinky little ghost, don’t think that if you are a little ghost, I don’t dare to treat you well, or think that there is a group of waste pirates to help you back, just think yourself!” The mountain thief said disdainfully, remembering Shanks’ eyes that day, since he was afraid in his heart, the fire in his heart was even greater.

“Hmph, an idiot mountain thief like you, who only knows how to stay in the mountain as a blessing, how can he understand the greatness of pirates! Don’t confuse Shanks with your kind of trash, idiot. ”

“Luffy, stop talking.” Marcino looked at Luffy, a little afraid in her heart, this little guy is really a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, how can the other party say that he is also an 8 million thief, for a small village like them, 8 million thief is already a strong man who can’t reach the dust, except, of course, Karp.

“Stinky little devil, damn it!” Then the mountain thief has been completely angered by Luffy’s words, he is a soil overlord here, since he is despised by a little devil today, can he endure it?

Picked up his big knife and cut it down, Luffy’s body jumped back, the big knife fell all of a sudden, his arm stretched, grabbed the beam on his head, and his body bounced up, looking condescendingly at the thief below.

The mountain thief looked at Luffy above, and his heart became even more angry, “Stinky little ghost, although I don’t know what is going on with your body, but today I want to let you know that Lao Tzu’s anger is something that you little ghost can’t afford.” Saying that, his body jumped and slashed at Luffy.

Luffy’s body jumped, jumped to the door, looked at Ben’s cut beam, and said with some anger in his heart: “Bastard thief, since you dare to destroy Sister Marcino’s bar, you will come out to chase me if you have the ability!” ”

After that, he turned around and ran outside.

“Abominable little ghost.”

The thief took the big knife and chased after him vigorously, but Luffy’s body is small and flexible, plus his arms can be extended, and from time to time he runs to some places where the thief can’t pass, and the thief who chases Luffy behind is also extremely humiliated, this stinky boy, running fast don’t say, the action is still so flexible, chasing for so long, hard to catch him, if this is passed out, how to mess with himself!

Picked up the phone worm and directly called his own bandits scattered all over the village.

Luffy also found that there were more and more bandits chasing him behind unconsciously, and said defiantly: “Idiot mountain thieves, come and arrest me if you have the ability!” ”

As soon as Luffy finished speaking, he found that there were several mountain thieves blocking his way in front, “Hehe, smelly little ghost, stop for me!” Saying that, a few bandits in front rushed over, if it is the leader of the bandits, he is indeed not an opponent, but at least a few small thieves, Luffy has been trained so many times by Karp’s hell, if even a few small bandits can’t deal with it, then what else to say.

However, Luffy didn’t want to grab it like in the original book, and then let Shanks break an arm, lean back slightly, and slide his body directly into the thief’s crotch.

Looking at the thief who should have been caught, he said angrily in his heart: “It’s hateful! How can this little devil be as flexible as a monkey! ”

Luffy looked back and smiled, “What a bunch of idiots, look, that’s why I said you mountain thieves are nothing remarkable.” ”

The leader of the bandits said with anger in his heart: “Stinky little ghost, you really me off this time, and originally planned to let the people of this village take money to redeem you, but now I have changed my mind, I will kill you.” Saying that, the mountain thief immediately took out a pistol from his body.

Luffy was shocked and cursed, “Hey, you guys, it’s too shameless!” ”

“Hmph, who called you little devil so disobedient?” Looking at Luffy like this, the bandits were satisfied in their hearts.


‘Bang bang’ for a moment, the surrounding bandits all shot one after another, Luffy instinctively blocked his arm in front, but the next moment, so the bullet hit Luffy’s body, there was no pain at all, the body was like rubber, and the bullet was immediately bounced back.

‘Ah! ”Ah! In an instant, several bandits were hit by bullets and fell to the ground, and the leader of the bandits forced down the surprise in his heart: “Bastard, Devil Fruit ability?” I didn’t expect that since this kind of thing really existed. ”

“Oh. By the way, I forgot, I’m a rubber man! I’m not afraid of bullets at all. Luffy looked at the bullet and said reassuringly.

“You stinky little devil, I must kill you today.”

“Oh, Luffy, what’s wrong, it seems that you have a conflict with these thieves! I heard Marcino say that you are very dangerous, it seems that you kid is quite powerful! At this time, Shanks led people over.

“Shanks.” Luffy looked at Shanks and asked with some excitement, “By the way, Shanks, are you leaving?” ”

“Ah! It seems that Marcino has told you everything! Oh, yes! I may be right away in a few days. ”

The leader of the bandits watched Luffy and Shanks talking to themselves, and his heart was even more annoyed, “Bastard pirate, since you dare to ignore Uncle Ben, it seems that you want to die!” ”

Shanks took two steps forward and said, “I want to die, no, I haven’t lived enough, but just shot Luffy like that, so are you ready to die?” ”

“Stand for me, don’t move.” At this time, a thief pointed a gun at Shanks and said, “Although bullets don’t work against this little ghost, I don’t believe you’re not afraid of guns.” ”

“Hmph, you pointed something at me, did you have the consciousness to fight for your life?” The corners of Shanks’ mouth raised slightly, and he said very indifferently.

The thief was a little puzzled by Shanks’ words, and the next moment, his head was shot out.

The leader of the bandits looked at Laki, who was shooting, in surprise, and said angrily: “Bastard pirates, since you dare to shoot secretly, it’s really despicable!” ”

Shanks smiled disdainfully: “Hmph, despicable, you have to figure it out, we are pirates, the battle between pirates, what is the despicable not mean!” ”

“Bastard, look for death, little ones, kill this group of pirates for me.” The leader of the bandits said angrily.

So as soon as the bandits got the leader’s order, they rushed up, and Ben Beckman took the shotgun and said, “Just leave it to me.” ”

Saying that, a horse rushed up first, and in less than 5 seconds, dozens of bandits were all knocked down.

The thief looked at this scene in surprise, because Ben Beckman’s speed was too fast just now, and he couldn’t see what was going on at all, and in the blink of an eye, all his subordinates were defeated.

Ben Beckman looked at the leader of the bandits with disdain: “Hmph, don’t underestimate us, thieves, want the other party to us, but also send a few warships of the headquarters.” ”

“Wait, wait, it’s this stinky imp who just provoked me first.”

However, Shanks completely ignored the thief’s words, and at this time, the thief quickly threw a smoke bomb, and Luffy immediately stepped back.

After the smoke cleared, the thief had long disappeared, “Damn it! Since it’s a smoke bomb. ”

“Shanks, can’t you let him go, if you let him go now, when the time comes, then he will definitely come back to take revenge on the village.”

“Ah! I know this, little ones, hurry up and find the thief. Shanks immediately gave the order.

Luffy immediately remembered that in the original book, the thief seemed to have run to the sea! He said: “Jack, will that thief do the opposite and run to the sea!” ”

“Hey, Luffy, you’ve become smarter, I really didn’t expect this!” Shanks pretended to be surprised.

“What do you mean to be smart! Darn. ”

“Okay, let’s go! I’ll go to the sea with you to find out! Shanks said.

The leader of the bandits stood at the bow of the boat, looked at the windmill village, and laughed: “Hahaha, that group of idiot pirates, you must not think of it!” As a thief, since the route of escape is the sea, how abominable! That stinky little ghost, I will definitely not let you go next time. ”

“Ah! Sure enough, stop, give me a stop, you bastard thief. Luffy came to the shore and looked at the thief’s ship that had moved away, but he still saw the thief standing on the bow.

“Oh, it’s really at sea!”

Luffy looked at the ship not far ahead, grabbed the stake on the shore with one hand, and secretly said: Well, although it is said that it is the first time to use it, I knew it when I saw One Piece before.

Shanks looked at Luffy’s arm in surprise, “Hey, what are you going to do!” Luffy. ”

“Very good, I won’t let you go like this, stinky mountain thief, stretch freely.” Suddenly, Luffy pulled his arm to the limit.

“Rocket artillery.”

Luffy’s body flew out at once, and Shanks was surprised: “Luffy, this kid, what the hell did you do!” Is it rare that he really has long set his eyes on the rubber fruit? It’s only been a few days! Since the ability of the rubber fruit has been brought into full play. ”

On the boat, the leader of the bandits looked at Luffy angrily and said, “Stinky little ghost, you really want to be like a cowhide candy!” Since you are still chasing me, it is better to do this! Join me, little ghost! Let’s go together and occupy the next village, how? ”

“Hmph, what an idiot! Who will join, and Shanks is coming soon, although I can’t beat you, but Jack is very strong, he can easily solve you”

“Defeat me by that pirate, but before he comes, I will kill you first.” Saying that, the mountain thief took out his big knife and slashed at it

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