The next moment, the big knife did not fall, and the knife in the hand of the thief was grabbed by a strong arm.

“Shanks.” Luffy exclaimed excitedly as he looked at the comer.

“You kid really loves to mess around! You are now the power of the Devil Fruit, and if you fall into the sea, you will be finished. Shanks suddenly appeared beside the thief and smiled.

“Damn it, you fellow.” Seeing that the big knife in his hand was caught by Shanks, the thief couldn’t move at all, decisively gave up, and immediately took out the pistol on his body and pointed it at Shanks.

“Give me death!”

The ‘touch’ thief looked at the front without thinking, there was no figure in front of him at all, suddenly, the body turned, and said fearfully: “Bastard, when did you run to the back.” ”

Shanks chuckled, “I’d better keep you from moving.” ”

“What? ··· Yes! “The next moment, the body of the mountain thief, a blood spray shot out, and the body fell down heavily.

Shanks covered his head in distress and said, “Hey, didn’t you tell you not to move?” That way, you’ll live a few more seconds. ”

“This, at this time.” Luffy looked at the situation in front of him in surprise, although he had long known the strength of the red-haired Shanks, but now that he saw the strength of the tip of his iceberg, could Luffy not be shocked?

“Are you all right! Luffy. Shanks asked with concern, ignoring Luffy’s shock.

“That’s awesome, Shanks, it’s so strong! Since you killed him all at once. ”

“Hahahaha, Luffy, you guy is really a strange brat, looking at a dead person in front of him, since he is not afraid at all!”

“Che, be afraid, I’m going to be a One Piece’s man! Can you be scared of such a small scene? Luffy pretended to be slightly b-way.

“Hahaha, just you! And man! All still with the juice ghost, hahahaha, laughed me to death. ”


“Okay, don’t be angry, let’s go! Let’s go back! Shanks smiled, and the next moment, his eyes were startled, and he immediately grabbed Luffy and jumped up.

And suddenly jumped out of the sea all the way to the sea beast, it is the hegemon of this generation.

Luffy was surprised, “This is the Overlord of the East Sea. Luffy knew that in the original book, it was this guy who bit off Shanks’ arm, although it is also possible that Shanks himself was deliberately bitten off.

“Damn it! Luffy, hold on to me. At this time, Shanks directly pulled out his Western sword in an instant, and quickly swung out a few times in front of him, so fast that he could only see a cloud of afterimages.

In the next second, the tens of meters long East China Sea Overlord was directly cut into dozens of pieces like tofu, and the blood instantly dyed the sea water below a bloody red.

A few days later, standing on the port, Luffy forced a reluctant smile and said, “Shanks, wait!” I WILL DEFINITELY GO TO THE GREAT ROUTE TO FIND YOU, AND THEN WE WILL SEE WHO GOT THE ONEPIECE FIRST. ”

“Just you! You can still be a pirate like this! Less laughing dead people. ”

“Cut.” Luffy said slightly unpleasantly: “Red-haired Shanks, you wait for me!” I have already decided, I will go to sea when I am 17 years old, and by then I will definitely have a group of partners who will not lose to you, from now on, we will be opponents, I must get ONEPIECE, and finally, become One Piece. ”

Shanks’ eyes flashed with surprise, and he smiled: “Interesting, do you want to be an opponent with me?” All right! Then it depends on which of us becomes One Piece first! With that, Shanks took off his straw hat and buckled it directly on Luffy’s head.

“Then, I’ll put this straw hat here for you first! You can help me keep it safe, this is my most beloved hat, and when you become a sea thief in the future, return it to me!” We made a pact, Luffy. ”

After that, he also ignored Luffy, who was crying quietly over there, and took his partner immediately.

Shanks immediately, Luffy also got the straw hat as in the original book, but now Shanks’ arm is not broken, and said with a wry smile: “Sure enough!” In the end, he still handed over the straw hat to me, but this is good, forget it, or hurry up and cultivate, the aura power in the original work can ensure that the straw hat Luffy does not die, and he does not have such a powerful little strong life! ”

“Oh, that’s not right! I’m also a traverser, and the aura power is rarely weaker than Luffy in the original work! Just kidding, oh forget it. ”

Next, after Shanks left, Luffy ran to the forest every day to train, after all, he had to compete for strength! Think about those strong people in the future, although Luffy in the original book turned on the protagonist’s aura, he was still miserably abused by those strong people, although in the end he won by the power of the aura.


As soon as Luffy heard this voice, he immediately felt a creepy feeling in his heart, and sure enough, the ‘touch’ punch knocked Luffy out.

“It hurts! What do you do! Grandfather. ”

“Luffy, you kid, I heard Marcino say, did you make any agreement with the red-haired kid, did that guy force you to be a pirate!” Damn it! The red-haired guy, don’t let me run into him in the new world, or I’ll destroy them.” Karp gritted his teeth as soon as he came over.

“Cut, that’s what happened!”

“Listen, Luffy, you will be a powerful navy in the future, and the old man will never let you be a pirate, understand?” Kapuyi spoke.

“This one!” Luffy smiled bitterly, he didn’t want to be like Luffy in the original book, he had to confront Karp, wasn’t that completely looking for death?

“This, Grandpa, don’t you often tell me that you have to be credited as a man? If you don’t keep even the most basic credit, then don’t talk about the navy, even ordinary people are inferior! Right! ”

“Yes, that’s right, it seems that it is indeed my grandson, hahaha, you will definitely be able to become a powerful navy.”

“Yes! But grandpa, you all see me as the navy, which means that the navy has to abide by its own conventions, and what is said, must be observed, right! Otherwise, it must not be a qualified navy! ”

“That’s right, it seems that Luffy has great potential to be a navy, and you are striving for the position of admiral! Luffy. ”

Luffy listened and complained in his heart: Hey, what about the Admiral? The Navy is so strictly managed, I am not right to give me the marshal?

“So ah! Since a navy has to abide by the agreement, then the agreement between me and Jack must also be observed! ”

“Yes, that’s right, although the pirates are all a group of untrustworthy guys, but what our navy says, we must do it, otherwise it is not for the pirates to look down on us, even if they do not abide by the agreement, our navy must also abide by it, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, reflecting the justice of our navy.” Karp said to himself, directly praising the navy to the sky.

“Well, yes! So ah! Shanks gave me his straw hat, I dated him, and in 10 years I was ready to fulfill that promise. ”

“Well, yes, that’s it, work hard to achieve it, and then catch that bastard with your own hands.”

“No, it’s not to catch him, it’s to defeat him.”

“Defeated, eh? Is there any difference between the two? Wait, I’ll ask you first, Luffy, what did the red-haired kid make with you. Karp suddenly felt that something was wrong and immediately asked.

“Grandpa, you said the opposite, it was my agreement with Jack.”

“You, what a pact you made! By the way, why did the red-haired guy put his straw hat here! Karp asked a little anxiously.


“Mess with Luffy.” As soon as Karp heard this, his face changed and he punched down fiercely.

“It hurts! Damn it! The rubber fruit really couldn’t stop the domineering and killed me. Luffy crouched on the ground and covered his head.

“No, absolutely not, you are going to become a powerful navy, and old age will never let you become a pirate.”

The corners of Luffy’s mouth raised slightly, “But, didn’t you just say that?” The agreement must be observed, and the people must understand the justice of the navy, and if they repent, they will be looked down upon by the people. ”

“Hmph, in short, no, there is no agreement with the pirates, the pirates are all evil existences, only the navy is justice, so the agreement just now does not count.”

“Sure enough, after saying so much, it’s also for nothing, forget it, don’t tell you, anyway, the agreement is 10 years later, I’m going to train now, I just ate the rubber fruit, and many moves haven’t come to the urgent trial?” Luffy didn’t care, and waved his hand at Karp.

“Luffy, hurry up and forget that boring agreement for me, you are going to become a powerful navy, did you hear that!”

“Yes, yes, it doesn’t matter when the Navy arrives now, but the agreement can’t be disobserved!” Didn’t you tell me to keep my promises? Luffy’s eyes flashed with a hint of cunning and smiled.

Karp looked at Luffy’s face, and he didn’t get angry, and scolded: “Stinky boy, hateful redhead, since you dare to poison my precious grandson like this, I will definitely not let you go.” ”

“Forget it, Luffy, come with me! I’ll take you to meet your brother. Karp calmed down and said lightly.

“My brother?” Luffy wondered, suddenly his eyes were startled, but he still calmly asked, “Do I have an older brother?” Who is it! ”

“Come with me! I’ll take you to meet him, your brother, he is also a future powerful navy, and he is also training every day, no worse than you. Karp said with a slight sense of abduction.

“Cut, is it? In the future powerful navy, does he really want to be a navy? Luffy heard Karp’s words and said with some contempt in his heart.

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