Following Karp into the mountains and walking for more than two hours to reach his destination, Luffy looked at the house in front of him and wondered, “Is this here?” ”

“Well, that’s right. You wait here. With that, Karp walked up and knocked a few times at the door.

The next moment, a fat and smelly ‘woman’ opened the door and shouted: “Who is it!” I want to die! ”

“It’s me, Dadan.”

“Ah! So it’s you! Mr. Karp, why are you here. Suddenly, the fat woman suddenly turned three hundred and sixty degrees and said.

“What about Ace? Isn’t he there? Karp asked directly.

“Ace, hey, Mr. Karp, you should quickly pick Ace away! He is now ten years old, and we really can’t stand him when we live here. As soon as he said Ace, Da Dan immediately began to complain about the dissatisfaction in his heart.

“By the way, this little guy is called Luffy, and he will be given to take care of it in the future.” Karp said to himself.

“Ah! Mr. Karp, you’re not playing us! Just one Ace is enough for us to toss, and there is one, really when we are an orphanage here! But this little ghost is quite quiet, it seems that he should be better than Ace, by the way, who is he! ”

Karp grabbed Luffy and said, “Oh, this kid is my grandson, Luffy, you will live here in the future, say hello to them!” ”


“Stinky little devil, what kind of attitude are you!”

At this time, a child pushed a cow more than ten times larger than his own body and walked over, and Da Dan looked at today’s food and said with some excitement: “Oh, Ace!” Guys, Ace brought the food back. ”

“Is he Ace?” Luffy muttered.

“Oh, Ace, you’re back!” Capra walked up to Luffy.

“Old man, why are you here!”

“By the way, Luffy, he is Ace, three years older than you, you will get along well with him in the future.” Karp looked at the bison behind Ace, his eyes were slightly happy, it seemed that Ace had grown up a little.

“Get along, hey, old man, you don’t mean you want me and him!” Ace looked at Luffy with a slightly disdainful tone.

Luffy listened to Ace’s tone, and felt a little unhappy, it is indeed Luffy’s eldest brother in the original work, but it is not like this!

Ace looked at Luffy without speaking, and was even more disdainful in his heart, spat at Luffy, Luffy waved his palm, directly slapped the spit away, and suddenly was a little angry, and said coldly: “Bastard, since you dare to spit on me, it seems that there is no way to coexist peacefully!” ”

Karp smiled and said, “Okay, Luffy, Ace, anyway, you will get along well from today onwards, then, Dadan, they will please you.” ”

“What a joke! Since it was decided that one Ace alone was enough for me, and now there will be one more. Da Dan said dissatisfied.

Karp’s eyes were cold, and he said, “How many crimes you have committed, I can’t count, if…”

“Don’t worry! Mr. Karp, just leave Luffy to us. ”

“Well, that’s right, then please. Ace, Luffy, you guys have to get along, hahaha. With that, Karp left without thinking.

Luffy knew that from now on, he would have to rely on himself, but that was fine, it was a complete forest, and they were just providing you with a place to live, and you had to be self-sufficient in food and the like.

After Karp left, Ace threw the bison to Da Dan and said lightly: “Hurry up and cook!” Dadan, I’m hungry. ”

“Ace, you kid, you don’t have any manners.”

Luffy was slightly speechless, and secretly said: Isn’t it! When he was a child, Ace’s personality was so cold! It seems that sure enough, I haven’t eaten the burnt fruit yet, and it’s normal to have a cold personality.

“Hey, Luffy, hurry up and let me in, I’m going to arrange tomorrow’s work for you now.” Da Dan said unpleasantly.

“Cut, the mountain thief is really annoying.” Luffy whispered.

The next day, after Luffy got up, he touched his hungry stomach and secretly said: Abominable thief, a bowl of rice and a glass of water a day and arranging so much work, what an idiot, who would do it!

“Ah! It’s morning! It’s better to go out and find something to eat, after all, the source of strength of rubber fruits is meat, and I can’t even use my strength just to eat a little white rice. Luffy said lightly, walking out the door without thinking.

At this time, Ace also walked out, and Luffy asked, “Ace! Where are you going! ”

Luffy was a little dumbfounded, looking at Ace who completely ignored him, what is this! Even if you don’t eat the roasted fruit, it won’t be so cold!

Ignored by Ace, Luffy was a little angry in his heart, yesterday too, he spat on himself for no reason, really a bully!

He stepped forward and grabbed Ace’s shoulder and asked a little coldly: “Hey, Ace, why don’t you ignore people!” ”

Suddenly, all of a sudden, Ace directly grabbed Luffy’s arm, and threw Luffy out with an over-the-shoulder fall, and Luffy in the air, with his palm on the ground, stabilized his body with a few backflips.

A little angrily said: “Bastard, what are you doing!” “Luffy, who had ignored it early in the morning, was not in a good mood, plus this guy spat on himself yesterday, and Da Dan was still hungry, but the mood was super unhappy.

Ace looked at Luffy, who had landed in a perfect way, and a slight flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down and wanted to move forward.

Luffy, who was ignored again, immediately became angry, watching Ace walk up and reach out to directly block Ace’s way.

“Hey, what are you doing! Ace Luffy, Luffy, hurry up and work. Da Dan looked at the two people outside the door and yelled.

At this time, Ace looked at Luffy, the iron bar in his hand slipped and hit Luffy, Luffy had long been on guard against Ace, because I don’t know what’s going on, Ace’s personality is completely different from the anime he watched, Ace in the anime, but a very bloody feeling, may also be because of eating the fruit, now Ace, is cold enough.

Luffy lowered his body, dodged Ace’s iron bar, and was also annoyed by Ace’s behavior, punched Ace’s face, Ace watched Luffy dodge his attack, you know, just now he was a sneak attack, since this kid can still dodge, his eyes are full of surprise, but the movement is not slow, and the other hand immediately blocked Luffy’s fist.

Luffy didn’t give Ace extra a chance either, it seemed better to teach this guy a lesson first.

At the same time, a kick came out, and the two came and went for more than a dozen rounds, and they all retreated backwards.

Ace no longer dared to underestimate Luffy at this time, the attack just now, Luffy’s punching speed is so fast, even he only has passive defense, Ace asked himself, among his peers, Ace is also quite strong, at present, all he knows, only Saab’s guy can fight with himself, but Saab’s age is about the same age as himself, this kid, obviously three years younger than himself, since he is so strong.

“This, since Luffy is not weaker than Ace, since Karp has sent a little monster.” Da Dan looked at the fight between the two just now and complained.

Luffy looked at Ace’s surprised expression, and his heart was immediately filled with satisfaction: “It’s really worthy of Ace!” That’s awesome! I heard my grandfather say before I came, saying that your strength is not weaker than mine, it seems to be true! You’re amazing! ”

As soon as Ace heard it, he gritted his teeth, ‘not weaker than you’ Hearing this, Ace felt unhappy in his heart, but he didn’t argue with Luffy, snorted coldly and turned away.

“Hey, Ace.”

“How, is something wrong?” Ace turned and asked.

“Hehe, it seems that Ace, you finally recognize me, and now you finally want to talk to me!” Luffy was slightly excited, after all, Ace was also his brother in the original work, and he didn’t want to have a relationship with Ace too stiff.

As soon as Ace heard this, his face immediately became unhappy, and he turned around and ran.

“Hey, Ace.” Luffy looked at Ace immediately with some frustration and said, “It won’t be me to chase you!” I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet? ”

Luffy was a little speechless, but he still chased after him and went out with Ace, at least much more comfortable than staying with this group of thieves! That’s it, you can also find some food by the way.

Ace looked at Luffy who was chasing behind him, and secretly said: “It’s hateful!” This guy is so fast! Hmph, but don’t want to catch up with me.

Thinking about it, Ace climbed up the hillside, faced a large tree on the hillside, kicked it off, and the tree rolled down directly.

Luffy looked at the trees rolling down, his body jumped, his arms stretched out and directly grabbed the trees on the side, and his body was pulled over.

Ace was surprised: “This is, just the arm was extended.” ”

Luffy looked at Ace’s surprised eyes and smiled confidently, “How is it!” Ace, this is the ability of rubber fruit, I am the rubber man who ate the rubber fruit. ”

“Devil Fruit? What a hassle. With that, Ace turned around and continued running.

Luffy also continued to follow closely, no matter what route Ace took, or dropped the boulder or waterway, Luffy followed as always, “Ace, don’t waste your effort, you can’t get rid of me.” ”

“It’s hateful, it’s really entangled, if it goes on like this, sooner or later he will follow.” Ace looked at Luffy, who couldn’t shake off at the back, and said a little anxiously.

At this time, Luffy suddenly saw the deer on the side and suggested: “Hey, Ace, don’t run, there are deer here, how about I invite you to eat meat!” ”

“Cut, idiot.” Ace paused slightly, then resumed running.

“Bastard, what an attitude! It’s really hot face to stick to the cold ass, I’m really a slut! Forget it, now fill your stomach and say, tomorrow you must look good. Looking at the departing Ace, Luffy cursed violently.

Looking at the deer over there, Luffy flicked his arm slightly and roared, “Okay, today’s breakfast is yours, flexible and flexible, rubber gun.” ”

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