Luffy was slightly surprised, “It turns out that the leader of the rebel army is your acquaintance!” It is worthy of being a princess, and the relationship is really extensive! ”

“Please, Luffy, I just have to go and tell Kosha what happened, ask him to stop the war, so that there will be no sacrificed people, and then go and bring down Klockdar, and the matter will be over.” Vivi begged.

“In fact, as long as you defeat Klockdar, only to solve Klockdar as soon as possible is the fastest way, I’m afraid your way will not work.” Luffy said lightly: “And my purpose at the beginning was Klockdar, just find it directly and knock him down.” ”

Vivi clenched her teeth and said, “Then, Luffy, please go and defeat Klockdar, and when I get to Alabastan, I will go to Kosha myself and ask him to stop the war.” ”

At this moment, everyone will be anxious, and Nami immediately said: “No, Vivi, if you leave us, the group of guys from Baroque Walker will definitely find you immediately, although your mood is understandable, you don’t want anything like you to be hurt, but if the longer the time drags on, then the more people will be injured and killed.” ”

At this time, Locke came over and said: “Moreover, even if you go to the rebel army, it is useless, the war still cannot be stopped, the Kousha you mentioned, although he is the leader of the rebel army, but the rebel army is a group of rabble, the reason why Kosha is the leader is because he led the army, now the battle between the rebel army and the king’s army has basically entered a white heat, both sides hate each other, and will not stop the war because of such a simple sentence.” ”

“However, even if the speed of the war can be stopped as much as possible, the number of sacrifices will be less.” Vivi retorted loudly.

Locke sneered, “Sure enough! The princess of a country is always too naïve, even if it is, it is absolutely impossible to stop the war, but the more people will die, maybe it is not someone else who will really destroy the country, but you don’t have to say it! ”

“What are you talking about! Locke. Nami said unpleasantly, usually on the boat she was very dissatisfied with Locke, this guy always felt a little too gloomy, he really couldn’t stand it.

Shangis yelled at Locke, “What are you talking about! Xiao Weiwei is bent on protecting her country, is it wrong for Xiao Weiwei to do this? ”

Locke stroked his glasses and said: “The idea is naturally good, but it’s too naïve, I can’t stand it, Crokdar is a pirate known as a strategist, although I don’t know what his purpose is to seize Alabastan, but if he wants the king’s army and the rebel army to fight, and does not want to stop the war, there are absolutely undercover agents on both sides, so that the war cannot be reconciled, that is, even if you go to find Kosha, you can’t get the war, Maybe you will be assassinated by a lurking undercover agent, and what will be the reaction if this news reaches the King’s Army! ”

As soon as everyone heard this, they could understand why Locke said that, and Locke continued: “I am saying something unkind to you!” If you come to us immediately, you will surely die. Now no one is coming to hunt us down, I’m afraid that the members of Baroque Walker are all gathered in Alabastan, because they are ready to watch with our pirate group, I think the woman before should have told Klockdar about the captain, Klockdal probably also understood that it is pointless to send killers, so all the members of Baroque Walker gathered in Alabastan and the next thing is the real battle. ”

Luffy said with a slight surprise: “Listen to what you say, we will have to face the entire Baroque Walker next, I don’t know how many of them there are!” Vivi, you should know something, right? ”

At this time, Vivi introduced: “Well, in fact, Baroque Walker is also very simple inside, first of all, the top Crockdahl, that is, Mr0, directly obeys his orders with a total of twelve people and one animal, each of them has a duo of female agents, first Mr1 and Miss two fingers, then Mr2 has no partner, it is a person, then Mr3 and Miss Golden Week who were knocked down by Luffy in the small garden, followed by Mr4 and Miss Merry Christmas, Mr5 and Miss Valentine’s Day, they are high-level agents, and each of them is also a Devil Fruit ability, and their strength is quite amazing. ”

“After that, there are the intermediate agents, just like me and Ikalem, the intermediate agents will raise funds in the great waterway, and there are two hundred hundreds of hundreds of millions of elders under the senior agents, and the subordinates of the pioneering agents, 1,800 million elders, this is the criminal group, Baroque Walker.” Vivi introduced.

“Two hundred plus one thousand eight, since there are two thousand people?” Usopp roared excitedly.

Luffy said disdainfully: “To put it bluntly, all of them are just some minions, the combat effectiveness is almost zero, if they are all gathered together, it is only a matter of minutes and seconds to destroy them.” ”

“That’s just you.” Usopp looked at Luffy, who said so lightly, and said complainingly: “We are not monsters like you, that is two thousand people!” ”

“Are there two thousand? It’s exciting! Solon said with a look of eagerness.

Locke said lightly: “Two thousand people is only a basic number, Krockdar is the seven martial seas, he is the most difficult target, and the number is not necessarily two thousand, it is best for us to directly confront Klockdal is the best, if you run to contact the rebel army or the kingdom army, you will be slightly manipulated by Klockdal, so that we have to be forced to fight with the kingdom army and the rebel army, so as to consume our combat power.” ”

“The worst plan is that although Klockdar is a pirate, he is always one of the seven martial seas, belongs to the side of the government, and has the right to mobilize the navy, if he is mobilizing the navy, we, as pirates, will have to fight the navy.”

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