(I know you’re going to get angry, let’s get down to business in the next chapter)

As soon as Locke’s words were spoken, everyone fell into deep thought, and Solon said lightly: “It seems that things are really not so easy to solve!” Sure enough, Qiwu Hai is not easy to deal with! ”

“That is, His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas, the king of the three major forces of the Great Seaway, if he really has no skills, he would have been killed by others a long time ago.” Luffy said flatly: “But forget it, it’s useless even if you are in a hurry now, no matter how many people he comes, just solve them all, even if you can mobilize the navy, it shouldn’t be too much, or don’t think things so badly!” ”

Shangis listened and said, “It’s too early to say this, we haven’t even seen Klockdar now, by the way, Vivi, do you know where the Crockdars are?” ”

“Rainland, where there is a huge casino, it was opened by Klockdal.” Wei Wei said lightly.

Luffy said lightly: “Don’t make things so serious, in fact, it’s very simple, as long as you kill Klockdar, the Kingdom Army and the rebel army will naturally stop, and the navy will not help Klockdar, it’s as simple as that.” ”

Locke asked lightly: “So, Captain, how many chances do you have of victory!” ”

“I haven’t seen Klockdar again, I know! But definitely not losing to him, I will win, there is no need to worry. Luffy said confidently.

At this time, Nami suddenly said: “Be careful everyone, there is a cloud of smoke ahead, I’m afraid there is an undersea volcano.” ”

“Undersea volcano?” Choiba asked suspiciously, he didn’t know this about living on Winter Island.

“There are more volcanoes on the ocean floor than on land, and over time, they become an island every few thousand years.” Nami explained.

“It’s really Miss Nami, I know a lot!” Shangis said idiotly.

Luffy chuckled, “Don’t care what submarine volcanoes are not volcanoes, just go over.” ”

After passing that layer of smoke, on the hook that was originally thrown somewhere, since there was a person hanging, Luffy looked at the guy suspiciously and said, “Who is this guy!” Did you fall up? ”

Usopp and Qioba on the side shook their heads and said, “This should not be a fish!” It’s always human! ”

With a ‘poof’, the man accidentally fell into the water and yelled: “Help! The slave family is a dry duck, save me! ”

Luffy pulled him up and said, “Hey, who the hell are you!” ”

“Thank you for saving the slave family, the slave family is called von Kray, by the way, because the slave family is a Devil Fruit ability, if it were not for you, it would be dead.” Von Kray thanked him with heavy makeup: “By the way, can you give me a bowl of hot soup!” ”

“Nope.” Solon and Usopp yelled.

At this time, von Kray stood up and said, “By the way, in order to thank you for saving the slave family, before my ship comes to pick me up, let me show you my Devil Fruit ability!” ”

Luffy was slightly interested, “Devil Fruit ability, what is your ability!” “

“Want to know? Then the slave family will show you! Saying that, he touched Luffy’s face and brought the heavily made shemale face closer.

Luffy immediately felt disgusted, punched von Kray out, and yelled, “Don’t give me that face so close.” Disgusting kills me. ”

“Oh, sorry, sorry.” At this time, von Kray’s voice on the ground suddenly changed to Luffy’s voice, stood up and said.

Looking at Von Kray in front of him, everyone was surprised, this had been completely replaced by Luffy’s company, von Kray touched his face with his hand to return to its original appearance, and said: “Slave family, I have the ability to eat the imitation fruit, as long as I touch it with my right hand, I can imitate the appearance of any of you.” Saying that, von Kray walked in front of Nami and the others, and touched them.

Continued: “Look! As long as you touch it with your right hand, no matter who it is, you can imitate it, and even your body can do it. ”

Nami on the side punched von Kray who was imitating herself and yelled, “Bastard, hurry up and stop this boring thing for me.” ”

“Oh, what a powerful ability!” Luffy said with some excitement.

The Solon people on the side also began to have some interest, but after seeing the ability, they felt that it didn’t matter, and said: “Cut, it’s a very interesting ability, but for combat effectiveness, there should be no way to imitate the strength of others!” ”

“Indeed it is.” Von Kray said with some loss: “But what! If it is used to deceive people, it is indeed a very good ability, do you still want to see it? ”

“Yes! Hurry up and put on a show! Usopp and Choiba shouted.

“Alright! Then the slave family is letting you see the so-called memory ability! With that said, von Kray began to perform.

Luffy said a little excitedly, “Your ability really sounds good!” How is it! Do you want to join my pirates? ”

“You don’t want any weirdos to invite!” Solon immediately roared as he listened.

“Is it? Since you invited me to join, although I also want to join you, but the actual situation does not allow, oh, sorry, my partners seem to have already come, now I want to say goodbye to you. Von Kray jumped straight to the side of the boat and went up.

“Don’t! Xiao Feng, join us! Usopp and Choiba begged.

“I’m sorry, there is a banquet in the world, if there is a chance, we will definitely meet there.” Saying that, he jumped directly onto the opposite boat.

Luffy looked at Usopp and Qioba, the corners of his mouth twitching a little, “What kind of dialogue is this!” ”

“Little ones, let’s go! Travel to Alabastan. ”

“Yes, Mr2, Lord von Kray.”

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