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“Ding, the host creates a weapon at the level of a big fast knife, rewarding Bailey 50,000 and points 5,000.”

“Phew: Clock out of work…”

After a morning of building, Chen Xing came to the bathroom and prepared to take a shower. In the afternoon, I will accompany the girls to the auction hall.

The coating of the Black Pearl will be another day, and it will not be completed until tomorrow. Listening to the coating craftsman, there was a large auction today, and ~ Devil Fruit also appeared

Several girls had never seen the auction, so they shouted for Chen Xing to take them. Johnny and Joseph stayed to watch the ship.

After Chen Xing promised that he would soon be able to find a powerful fruit for them, the two were as excited as if they had been stimulated.

“Bru Bru Bru ..”

Just then, the telephone worm in the hall rang. Chen Xing picked up the phone worm, and the phone worm changed its appearance, wearing a pair of glasses and pouting red lips.

“Phone bug… It’s also a really weird thing. ”

“Hey, Kalifa?” Chen Xing recognized at a glance that it was Kalifa’s appearance.

“My lord, I have found it… He was right next to me. ”

“Found it so quickly? Give him the phone. Listening to Kalifa’s words, Chen Xing’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Even if Kalifa used to be an intelligence agent of CP9… How could it be so easy to find that person. Dorag, the leader of the revolutionary army!

In the original work, the revolutionary army is regarded as the biggest threat by the world government, and the leader of the revolutionary army, Dorag, is also known as the most vicious criminal.

Unlike pirates, pirates generally do not take the initiative to trouble the navy and the world government, but the purpose of the revolutionary army is indeed to overthrow the world government.

It is said that the two are mortal rivals, but even a behemoth like the world government has never been able to find the headquarters of the revolutionary army, let alone Dorag himself. How Kalifa did it.

In the original book, it was still a lucky one of Blackbeard’s subordinates to find the island of white earth, Baldigo. It also destroyed the headquarters of the revolutionary army, although it has already replaced its headquarters. But the incident still made Blackbeard popular in the newspapers.

“Impossible… Using the Memory Fruit with my strength, even the immortals can’t save it. ”

“Yes… In search of Kalifa of the Revolutionary Army… And how could it not be noticed by the revolutionary army … They are most good at lurking. ”

At this time, a majestic voice came from the phone worm: “Hello, Mr. Chen Xing.” I’m Monchi D. Dorag. I found Miss Carifa. ”

“Hello, since you have received Kalifa, please help me protect her.”

“Of course. So what is the purpose of Mr. Chen Xing asking Miss Carifa to find us, if Mr. Chen Xing is willing to join us, we will all welcome it. ”

Dorag spoke very directly, not at all like the navy, but also blindly polite, inquiring about this and that.

The sixteen-year-old Great Sword Hao can also use the Great Sword. Any force that joins will be a guest, and who is not welcome?

Moreover, Chen Xing was accompanied by two self-fulfilling abilities, both of which were super fruits that had not appeared in more than a hundred years, which was definitely a super combat force.

If they could join their revolutionary army, their plans would have gone much smoother. Although the newspaper said that Chen Xing had a very good relationship with the navy, he knew that it was the sea.

Their revolutionary army also has partners in the top of the navy, naturally knows the movements of the sea … The only thing missing is intelligence on the part of the world government.

The world government simply can’t penetrate into it, because their subordinates are all cultivated from an early age. Now that Kalifa has found them and moved out Chen Xing’s name, it is completely pie in the sky for them.

“You change places, there are some things that only we can know.”

In a secret room, listening to the voice of the telephone worm, Dorag’s expression became serious, and he said to Kalifa: “Miss Carifa, wait for me for a while.” ”

After that, Dorag disappeared into the secret room, but in the closed secret room, there was a breeze blowing.

“Mr. Chen Xing, it’s okay, I wonder how you persuaded the agents of P9 to work for you?” After half a ring, Dorag’s voice continued.

“My ability can manipulate memories, copy memories, save memories, and modify memories at will. It’s very simple for me, CP9’s special I can convince no. ”

Chen Xing said lightly, laughing secretly in his heart.

The ability to remember the fruit, for Dorag… Very important, maybe soon he will let himself do him a favor … Help him copy and save a memory.

“Is it actually the ability to manipulate memory, a rare superhuman line… Mr. Chen Xing… If you can, can you do me a favor, I know that Mr. Chen Xing needs rare metals, and our revolutionary army will pay for it. ”

········ Ask for flowers…

Sure enough, just after talking about the ability of the memory fruit, Dorag was moved.

If Chen Xing could copy the memory, then they would be able to carry out that plan completely recklessly, preserve a high-level combat power, and get closer and closer to the imprisoned man.

“No problem… You say…”

Afterwards, Dorag said what he wanted Chen Xing to help, and Chen Xing also said that it was a small matter.

Of course, it’s a trifle, all I want is for you to let me do this favor.

“Mr. Chen Xing, can you tell me where you are now? He will pass later. ”

“Chambordi is leaving, if you want to find me, as soon as possible.”


……….. 0

Listening to Dorag’s short answer, Chen Xing nodded and continued: “The next thing is the issue of intelligence, Kalifa will tell you the movements of the world government, and we can share intelligence.” ”

“Then I had a few more subordinates in CP9… I hope you can help them… As long as this thing succeeds, our intelligence network will be even bigger … You can ask Kalifa for details, and Kalifa will be in charge of the liaison between the two of us in the future. ”

“I recognize your philosophy and hope you can really do it. The day when I really need to show up, I will show up. ”

After discussing some details with Dorag, Chen Xing hung up the phone worm. “Whew…”

The actions of the world government against the revolutionary army, Chen Xing will of course let Kalifa tell Dorag all, as long as it has no effect on himself, the information can be shared. And with the help of the revolutionary army, Luqi they should sit higher and higher.

Late at night, a tall man wearing a huge cloak came to the Black Pearl. Also with a large box.

Half an hour later, Chen Xing handed him a shining glass box with a long strip of tape and changing pictures on it.

After he left, Chen Xing opened the large wooden box in front of him. It was full of rare metals, and it wasn’t ore. Chen Xing mentioned that there were at least 10,000 catties. If you want to smelt it out with ore, you have to say that you have to take 560,000 catties of raw ore.

“Groove, so many? The revolutionary army is also rich…”

“Or… And only I treat rare metals as treasures? ”

(Ask for flowers, manda and)_

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